I was messing around with my blender, some medifast and some sugar free jello and i came up with this...It uses two packets of medifast for thickness but i don't eat all of it at once, only when i am really craving icecream or as a small snack if i am hungry:
2 packets strawberry creme medifast
20 packets splenda
One packet of Sugar free soarin strawberry lemonade kool-aid
(make sure it's not the kind with five calories)
3 cups sugar free jello
About a cup or so of water.
lots of ice
I put all the dry ingredients + the jello (and one fourth a cup of water) in the blender and blend very well. I begin adding ice. Add ice until it will not blend anymore without water. Add a small amount of water and start adding ice again. Do this until you are out of water. Then blend with as many more ice cubes as it takes to reach desired thicknes.
This should end up to be very thick and should be about 5+ cups in your blender.
I put 1 cup in however many small round ziploc tupperware containers as needed and I freeze them. (this is better for me for portion control than if i freeze it all together)
This is great for me because I am an icecream fanatic.
Altogether this totals about 210 calories for 5+ servings of icecram!!
If I had cheated and ate regular icecream I probably would have eaten 2-3 servings for a total of 700 calories.
(this also comes in handy when it's that time of the month and nothing but something super sweet will do)
So when you find that you have already had your five shakes that day but it is midnight and you are peeking in the fridge and celery or boullion just won't do. This recipe does have some more medifast in it but it's better than something else you might have grabbed! And if you can't control yourself and you eat a lot of it, it's not GOOD but it's OKAY!
(if its too hard when you take it out zap it for 10-20 seconds and mush it up!)
Try it with your orange delight and orange pineapple and corresponding jello and kool-aid flavors.
next I am going to see if i can figure out a recipe for the swiss mocha, dutch chocolate and french vanilla!
Let me know if this works out for you!
Happy snacking!