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My story so far

Postby NikkiZ » September 24th, 2005, 1:59 pm

Hello everyone. I have been on Medifast for 2 1/2 weeks. I have already lost 10.6 lbs! :D I live in Houston Texas. As I am sure most of you have seen on the news we have just made it through hurricane Rita by the skin of our teeth! (I live on the west side of town and amazingly did not get ANY damage or flooding!) We tried to evacuate on Thursday, but had to turn around or get stranded because we were dangerously low on gas. Anyways, due to the extreme situation I have had to put my Medifasting on hold. Our city is on complete shut-down right now and we have to conserve water. I am pretty upset that I cannot continue my Medifasting right now, but I would rather have enough water for myself and my family. Please keep us and the whole south gulf coast region in your prayers!!! I will post more later, and hopefully will be back to MF in about 4 or 5 days. Thank you all in advance!!
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Postby Lisa Renee » September 24th, 2005, 3:37 pm

It only takes 6-8 oz of water for each MF and some even require less. You could only use 4 oz if you wanted and still be fine to mix each packet. I would think you would need at least 20oz of water or liquid to survive each day anyway. You could even use diet soda to mix your packets, it doesn't have to be water. Vanilla and root beer are excellent! I guess I am confused as to what you are saying. I would think that having medifast on hand would be to your advantage right now because of the hurricane situation, not a disadvantage. Maybe I am missing something. I wish you the best no matter what you do and remember we are here for support!
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Good Luck

Postby Toxsiq » September 24th, 2005, 4:18 pm

If my family was being evacuated from my home I think dieting would have to get shifted down the list of priority.

The easiest foods to keep in those situations are always less than "health food" but sometimes diets just don't matter. In the grander scheme of things I believe if you can cheer up your family with a good snack when everything is collapsing around them, have the snack. When life regulates, diet again.

Unless you're going through it I think it's hard to say what's easy and what's not. I hope your home stays safe and life get's back to normal very soon.

xoxo Tox

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Postby Guest » September 24th, 2005, 7:15 pm

Thank you. Yes, I realize each packet only requires 4-8 oz. of water, but I have a family to think of, and our mayor has told us to conserve our water because we might be in short supply. We also have a gas shortage right now so if we were to run out of anything (ie. water) we would have no way of getting it besides waiting for FEMA. I am very anxious to get back to MF, but as for right now I have chosen to save my water supply.
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Postby Lisa Renee » September 25th, 2005, 9:36 pm

Please don't take offense to my previous comments. Let me explain. In your post you mentioned water conservation as one of the reasons why you were going to take a break from Medifast and that you couldn't wait to get back on with your diet. Had you said that you had decided to go off of medifast because you felt this was a hard time to be dieting right now, then I would not have posted anything other than my well wishes! I was only addressing your concerns for having enough liquid to continue with your diet. I thought you were thinking there wasn't anyway you could do it, and I was trying to offer a way that you could. You would require at least 20 oz of some sort of liquid a day to survive, so in that example, you would have enough to do your medifast. I didn't mean to belittle your circumstances at all. I too have been in less than favorable circumstances before and I understand the stress and how easy it is to eat less quality foods. Heck, that's sort of how I got to this weight to begin In your circumstance, I was thinking of your packets as emergency food--complete meals, like the ones they handed out at the shelters to huricane victims (MREs). You know, the ones that don't taste great but are complete dehydrated meals? They hardly take up any space and can last for years. So I was thinking that medifast being a complete meal that is also dehydrated--that it would be a great way for you to have a complete meal with ease. That was my only thought, but I surely understand why you would feel the need to eat other foods at this point. I am so sorry for your troubles and I pray that you are able to provide for your family and that you make it through this ok. I didn't know there was that much damage in Houston. I live north from that area. I had heard there was power out here and there but every where I read they said the stores were open for business etc., and that there weren't any magor problems. I didn't know there was actually a shortage of groceries and water. This is the first I had heard of that. I have 2 friends who live in Houston so I am going to give them a call first thing in the morning and make sure they are ok. Again, I hope you all are safe and doing well! Nitey nite~!
God Bless.
Last edited by Lisa Renee on September 26th, 2005, 12:30 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby martha » September 25th, 2005, 11:01 pm


First let me say that I am so glad you are okay and safe.. I totally understand where you are coming from about the water as I live less than 30 miles from the Gulf Coast of Ms and we had hurricane Katrina hit us last month.. we had 130 mph winds hit us here at my house.. I thought it would be easy to stay on program but between the 16 people in our house and them only handing out 2 cases of water a day(some days 2 gallons) I decided to give my share to the babies.. MF had to wait..unfortunately it was still waiting 2 weeks later.. It is hard to restart ..I will pray for you and your family and we will be here when you are ready to rejoin us and restart your journey to your goal.. take care of yourself and your prayers are with you..Martha
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Postby NikkiZ » September 26th, 2005, 7:56 pm

Thank you all for your support! Strawberry: I have not taken any offense to your words, actually it made me realize something about myself emotionally. :idea: I find it very easy to justify my actions sometimes when i know that they might not be the best for me. Yes, the whole situation was stressful. Yes, I was thinking in survival mode and about my family. BUT you are absolutely right that MF would probably have been easier and better for me to use in this situation. I just wanted a reason to eat "real" food- for comfort. :oops: I guess I have never really accepted that I do have emotional reasons for my weight gain. (I can't REALLY be that overweight! I'm not a foodie! etc, etc,etc!) Anyways, I did restart today. So, thank you Strawberry! Something good has come from this.
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Postby Lisa Renee » September 26th, 2005, 9:04 pm

Oh Nikkiz, I want you to know that you are absolutely no different than a lot of us here. I have done the same things for as long as I can remember back. I have justified anything and everything just so I could wait until the beginning of a new week to start a new diet. Hey--Monday would be the best day to start and I had all my reasons lined up. Then I would do my new diet for about 1-2 days, go off and decide that I would start the next Monday. I gained probably 100 pounds waiting for my "Monday" to come. I would overeat every Saturday and Sunday because Monday was always coming and I wanted to make sure I tasted all the good stuff before I went on a diet. LITERALLY I overate every Saturday and Sunday for 7 years and gained 100 pounds because "Monday" was never something I realized I in fact had control over. One time I even asked my husband if he really thought I was overweight. He didn't want to talk about it at first but I begged him to really tell me what he thought. With tears in his eyes, he told me the truth and pleaded with me to do something about this because he didn't want me to die young. He had been carrying this for so long and when he finally let it all out, you know what I did? I used this as even another excuse to feel sorry for myself. I thought "I can't believe he said I was "morbidly obese"!!! I know I asked him to tell me the truth, but I can't believe he actually did! I am going to comfort myself now. I bet no other woman has ever heard her husband say this...I am so offended. Poor me. " Looking back I think, poor him! He finally told me after I begged him, then I let him have it! Then I medicated myself into thinking I wasn't really as bad as he made it out to sound. When I finally realized who was in control, I realized that I was the one in charge. I am far from where I need to be but for the first time in my life I realize that no body and no thing made me gain the weight. I did. I controlled it then and I control it now. I decide where this goes and I can't fool myself anymore. "Monday" was a fairytale. A myth. The Sasquach of dieting for me. The real Monday finally came when I decided that it was my choice, no one else's. And you know what, it wasn't even a Monday, it was a Tuesday that was the magic day...LOL My perception of what was ideal had kept me imprisoned in a cycle of failure.

In closing, please know that I am here for you ANYTIME. You can email me, PM me, anything you want because you and I think a lot along the same lines when it comes to justification. I totally believe that you are going through a stressful time, so I will pray for you and your family. I wish you the best with your restart and you have blown one obstacle right out of your way---Your own mind. Good luck and please keep us updated???
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Postby dlr2424 » September 27th, 2005, 11:03 am

Lisa...... :hug: ....thanks for that reply....... :yeah: was awesome....... :roll: .....I could so relate..........

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Postby Lisa Renee » September 27th, 2005, 10:26 pm

You welcome, and I get a lot from your support here too you know. I saw your pictures the other day and I am so jealous of your new hot little bod! You are so petite! Your family is handsome too. :hug:
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