Stomach growling...

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Stomach growling...

Postby larahb68 » March 19th, 2007, 8:50 am

Good, bad, or indifferent?

Just wondering if anyone knows the significance of belly talk. Does it mean anything? Like should I let my stomach growl? Or does that mean I should be having a supp? Or am I navelgazing too much? :oops:

Thanks for any insight. Just looking for tips to help bump me out of my stall...


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Postby Mike » March 19th, 2007, 9:44 am

How long are you going between meals? If its more than 3 hours, it may (just maybe, not a given) your tummy saying it needs something. Especially if you are being really active.
Are you experiencing any discomfort with it?
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Postby larahb68 » March 19th, 2007, 9:59 am

no discomfort, and not terribly active. just was talking with one of my docs i work with and he's actually pushing me to start doing more activity. you have to know these guys. one is a marathoner, the other is an avid hockey fiends and they are both in their 50s so they are all about "go get 'em!" 8)

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Postby bdg » March 19th, 2007, 4:54 pm

Let the activity start in a couple of weeks for you. As for the growling stomach, if you aren't having discomfort, you might just need some water. Thats the time I typically drink another 16.9 oz bottle. It typically holds me over til my next actual meal time. Good luck to you and keep on shaking!
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Postby larahb68 » March 19th, 2007, 5:00 pm

that's a good idea! I have found that tea is helpful then, too... and I'm learning to really love tea!! :water:

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Postby Sojourner » March 19th, 2007, 6:05 pm

larahb68 wrote:you have to know these guys. one is a marathoner, the other is an avid hockey fiends and they are both in their 50s so they are all about "go get 'em!" 8)

I hear ya', Lara. My 53-year-old BIL is a long-distance runner (marathons, 50- and 100-mile races!). Last year he pulled a hamstring and was in the processing of rehab'ing it, but entered a 100-mile race anyway 'cause he thought it would be okay. In the mountains of Vermont. :roll: He was distraught when he couldn't finish the race and had to stop at the 87 mile point. :shock: Duuude. I get tired just driving that far!! I mean, c'mon! I used to be a total jock, but that sort of person seems to be an altogether different type of species...

As far as the noisy stomach goes ~ is it growling hungry-like or just making gurgling noises? I remember reading somewhere (the Quick Start Guide maybe?) that taking an antacid would help with gurgling noises. Perhaps someone more informed on this will pop up to confirm that, but I distinctly remember reading that somewhere...

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby larahb68 » March 19th, 2007, 6:31 pm

yeah, i should have slapped a tums in my gums to see if that would have helped, but I didn't have any handy. i'll have to try that next time around..

Those crazy killer athletes are somethin' else. The one doc's whole family is like that. Our family, we're lucky if we drop in for dinner or a surprise family visit, but they all showed up at the New York marathon one year and surprised one of the daughters and ran it together! :scratch:

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Postby bikipatra » March 19th, 2007, 7:15 pm

larahb68 wrote:no discomfort, and not terribly active. just was talking with one of my docs i work with and he's actually pushing me to start doing more activity. you have to know these guys. one is a marathoner, the other is an avid hockey fiends and they are both in their 50s so they are all about "go get 'em!" 8)

My husband is 61 and we almost got a divorce last week because he insisted on running in the Hong Kong Marathon! Geritol Crazy is what I call it!
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Postby larahb68 » March 19th, 2007, 7:38 pm


can you even think it?!? okay, so I did a HALF marathon in 2004 and thought that i was queen of the world for a mere 13.5!

i love it: geritol crazy! :nana:

gonna have to whip that one out tomorrow if i catch any scutch from the bums at work! Biki, is that why you were in China? Why did he chose that particular marathon?

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Postby bikipatra » March 19th, 2007, 10:25 pm

larahb68 wrote:

gonna have to whip that one out tomorrow if i catch any scutch from the bums at work! Biki, is that why you were in China? Why did he chose that particular marathon?

That's not the only reason but I think it was more of one than he let on in the beginning. Sneaky devil...
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