I wanted to check in here to let you all know that I'm still around, and kicking! Welcome to all you newbies and semi-newbies

I'm still working two jobs (70 hours a week) and to say that it has been exhausting is an understatement--I'm running on sheer will (until I get my second wind in the evening while on my evening job--but before 3:00-4:00 p.m., I'm a walking, cranky shell

As for my MF plan, I ran into some trouble on Thanksgiving Day. I made a choice to eat a "little" regular food at my sister's house (not a good choice, I might add). This "day" of eating turned into six days of bingeing, ending only when I damn near rendered myself unconscious from ODing on sugar and carbs. NEVER, and I have a long, sordid history of some astounding binges (probably consuming 8,000-10,000 calories on my worse binge days in the past), have I felt so sick

There are several things that I can blame (at least partly) for allowing this to happen, pretty valid things, too--such as my brain, coming off of severe food restriction, driving me to eat (this mechanism resides in all of us); being severely sleep deprived, which has always been one of my biggest triggers (again, blame the brain--the brain sends crazy "eat" symptoms when we are fatigued in an attempt to get more energy); a pattern of self-abuse, etc. But of course, the operative word here is "choice." I was feeling vulnerable about my plan around the time I decided to take that first bite (because of my scale hawking, and resulting disappointment, and my growing fatigue)--this should have been (and was) a sign to not eat anything (even though I went into it thinking that I was in control).
Okay, I've rambled long enough! Just want to say that I'm back on track, which was super hard--the more you stop, the more likely you are to never get back on track. Everybody says this, but you don't understand it fully until you, unfortunately, experience this phenomenon yourself. I've learned first hand, that's why there will not be a next time. I'm pretty sure that I don't have another start in me, quite frankly, so it's the express route from here on out. Third time's a charm

Well, I have to prepare for a meeting now at work, but I will come back later to post around the board (granted we don't have a lot of work come in).
Take care everyone, talk to you soon
