Still On the Fence ....

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Still On the Fence ....

Postby mini me » March 28th, 2006, 8:28 pm

Still procrastinating over this program. Seems I've tried everything and nothing works (or I don't work at it). I'm a single mom and the cost of the program is what's putting me on the fence. I've read so many positive things on this site, but how do I know that this is the program for me? How did you guys know?
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Postby falisamarie » March 28th, 2006, 8:33 pm

I too was worried over the price but when I sat down and figured up what I spent on groceries, fast food, conveinent stores, etc etc I decided that I could afford it and now I know that I can't afford NOT to do it. I have tried every diet out there and I am walking proof that this program really really works!

Good luck with your decision. If you decide to try it you won't regret it I promise!

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Postby sidrah » March 28th, 2006, 8:55 pm

:) Ditto what Lisa said! :)
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Postby dede4wd » March 28th, 2006, 9:15 pm

I was also worried about the price. But then, I used to spend $49 on a bottle of pills from the drug store! I figured it out to $2 per meal x5=$10 a day. Plus some salad and some chicken. I was spending way more than that on my latte, my snacks etc. I finally decided that my health was becoming an issue and that I could not afford NOT to do it! I am actually SAVING money now because I ate out most of my meals. Fast food doesn't mean cheap food!

I can tell you that I committed myself after trying EVERY diet (you guys forgot the cabbage diet and the grapefruit diet). I could do ANYTHING for a few days, then I fell off the wagon, then I got dragged over the wagon, then the wagon backed over me.

Then I got up, dusted myself off and started doing research. I wanted to lose measurable weight in a good amount of time. I wanted to improve my depolorable nutrition, I wanted to make myself healthier, and I wanted to learn how I should be eating (and how I should have been eating my whole life). I committed to doing medifast for one month, no deviations, no cheating no excuses. That month ended today, and do you know what I got out of it? 26.4 pounds gone forever, improved mood (no sugar crashes), my hair isn't falling out anymore, and I'm happy! Can you afford it? That's up to you.

Think you might not be able to stay on? That's what we're here for. This is seriously the only plan (and forum) where you feel like you're running around with your own personal cheerleading squad not only rooting for you, but pointing yourself in the right direction! Also, you can start out with the two week starter pack. You get a good variety of foods to try and can truly "see" if you can do it! I won't lie to you...the first 3 or 4 days SUCK while your body gets used to this, but I've been flying high ever since!!!

We sound a little cultish on this board, but we're just excited. I've NEVER stuck to anything in my life. I've never gotten results so amazing that I am INSPIRED to stay on the plan.

Good luck with whatever you choose, I hope this long-winded summary helps!

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Postby DogMa » March 28th, 2006, 9:40 pm

Maybe I'm the exception, but I tried all those diets and STUCK to them. They used to work just fine, but eventually I think I'd done so much damage that nothing worked anymore. I was desperate to give it one more try, and after three doctors suggested Medifast (and I dismissed the advice every time), I finally decided to order.

I thought it was expensive at first, until I (like everyone else) realized just how much I spent on food and snacks - and wasted food, like veggies that went bad in my fridge because I didn't eat them. Not to mention the other costs of being overweight, emotional and physical.

I decided to order a month's worth of food and give it a try. It worked, so I thought I'd order another month and see if I kept losing. And now here I am, almost 10 months later, STILL losing (slowly, always very slowly, but losing nonetheless). I also feel amazing, haven't been sick since I started, and have more energy than I ever thought I would. I also have more free time, because I spend so much less time cooking and planning meals (since you're a mom, that one won't really apply to you so much).

It sounds like money is tight, so I understand your concern. You don't say how much you have to lose. If it's just a few pounds, you're probably better off with something less expensive and less drastic. But if it's more, then your health is worth it. Losing the weight and being healthier and happier and more energetic will be GREAT for your kids, as will giving them a mom with better self-esteem. What a great role model you'll be when they see you do this for yourself.

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Postby Arklahoma » March 28th, 2006, 10:57 pm

MiniMe ... Sounds like you're a very intelligent, logical person and I applaud you for researching many different types of weight loss methods. Not all weight reduction plans are created equal and not every plan is for everyone. I certainly don't presume to know your financial situation so I can't tell you to do it or not do it, but I can tell you that for me this was a big decision. The cost was a huge factor. In fact, today my husband and I were chatting about this plan and he was commenting on how he's never seen me with this much control before and I agreed with him. For me, this plan is working wonders and I shared with my husband (when he mentioned how expensive it was) that I would easily give up cable tv, land line phone, netflix dvd rentals, etc. if it were necessary for me to be able to stay on the plan. We don't have children but I am the only one that works b/c he's a full time student and I'm a part-time student. We are easily spending over $15,000 per year for school, so we are huge penny pinchers, for now.

If you can afford it, I would recommend giving it a try. Please feel free to ask any other questions that you can think of.
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Postby sheila » March 28th, 2006, 11:54 pm

Just do it!!That is what i keep telling my hubby. i think i have convinced him. i have been on it since feb. 2nd and lost 28 lbs, i love it!!and i know you will too!
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Postby Unca_Tim » March 29th, 2006, 9:27 am

Hi MM and welcome to the forum,

We're glad you found us and are contemplating the program. Everyone here's given you great advice and insight on how they view the plan.

I'd just like to add, after a few weeks, when your friends, family and co-workers start noticing your results, there's always the option to become a TSFL health advisor to help with the cost of the products. Heck, it could even become a full-time career, if you want.

Not a bad "job" at all, helping others get healthy.

Whatever you do, alll the best to you.
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Postby Arklahoma » March 29th, 2006, 9:47 am

Unca ... What type of cost reductions are we talking here? Don't want to hijack this thread so you can PM me if you want.
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Postby mini me » March 29th, 2006, 10:44 am

Thank you everyone for all the great responses -- what a cool bunch of people! You've all made some really good points, particulary about how much $ I actually spend eating lunch in the cafeteria at work and my morning coffee -- definitely equates to more in a month than the cost of medifast. So ... I'm in. I'm placing my order this evening and looking forward to getting to know each of you through these boards. One quick question ... what's up with the shakes? Are they water based or milk based? Thanks!
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Postby Pashta » March 29th, 2006, 10:58 am

If you go to the official medifast website, in the tools & community section there is a download section. It has a pdf file of all the nutrition information (calories, fat etc) of everything. I didn't look at it all but maybe it has the ingredients there too.

I do believe most is soy-based though. I thought it would taste yucky but believe it or not, it doesn't! Tastes decent enough to me, no problem following the program with the nice choices they have. :)
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Postby Bonnie » March 29th, 2006, 12:03 pm

Mini Me

You made the right choice!!!!

Start now by cleaning out your cupboards and getting rid of all the food that may be a temptation for you. I gave away boxes of food to some people I knew that needed the food. Then stock up on lean and green foods.

When you get your products read the "Quick Start Book" so that you understand the basics of the program.

Set a date to start and let us all know how your first day went.

We will be here to help you!!!!
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Postby Drama Queen » March 29th, 2006, 2:11 pm

Welcome Mini Me,

So glad to see that you have made the decision to jump on the MediFast band wagon!!! Let us know when your order arrives and keep us posted on your progress. We are all here to Cheer you on to success!!!

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Postby Unca_Tim » March 29th, 2006, 2:20 pm

You got a PM....
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