I'm still here

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I'm still here

Postby jump4joy » June 6th, 2006, 8:44 am

Hi all,

Just wanted to check in with you and let you know I'm still here and still shakin'. :) My weight-stall has ended and I'm starting to lose again (I hope!) I'm now down 25.2 pounds with about 56 more lbs. to lose till I reach goal-weight. I'm in this for the long haul and settling into the Medi-groove.

With summer here and my dd's out of school, I've been sooooo busy! Working in my garden every day (exhausting, but rewarding work....trying to pace myself and not get dehydrated....but there's so much to be done!). I haven't had the time to post or read all the posts, but I do try to check in here every couple of days and see how you're all doing. Even if you don't hear from me as much, please know that I'm cheering for you and aware of the goings' on here.

Have a beautiful day and keep on keeping on. :wave: :heart:
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Postby Lizabette » June 6th, 2006, 5:33 pm

Image JOY!
I'm jumping with you.
Happy to hear you are doing so good.


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Postby Lulie » June 6th, 2006, 7:47 pm

Glad to see ya back! I've been wondering about you. And I am happy for you that you are back on the losing trail!

Keep us posted.
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Postby Diana » June 6th, 2006, 9:43 pm

Go get 'em, Joy!!!

Shakin', yes indeed I'm shakin'...
Here's to our mutual success! :buddies: --Diana
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Postby Jan » June 6th, 2006, 10:03 pm

Hi Joy,
I'm sooo happy to find you on the forum. You are doing great!!
Happy weed pulling.... I know that's what takes up lots of time for us as gardeners :D Now if I could just figure out for certain what is a weed and what is a plant I want to keep :? I know I've grown some beautiful weeds :oops: -- waiting for them to bloom to find out what they really are. :mrgreen: Hope to find you here again soon.
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Postby falisamarie » June 7th, 2006, 5:10 am

I was so glad to see this post.

I was wondering where you went. I know all to well about being busy and the kids being out of school.

Congrats on your great loss!

You are doing great

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Postby jump4joy » June 7th, 2006, 2:02 pm

Oh Thank You for your responses Lizabette, Lulie, Diana, Vicky, Jan, and Lisa! It means so much to me to be missed, or thought about, or to belong in this group. Since I've been overweight, I often feel "invisible" in our thin-concious society. It's nice to not feel invisible here. :heart:

I was plateauing for a few weeks (probably because I had some weekend slips.....nothing too overboard, but enough to knock myself out of ketosis a few times :( ). I've been really strict on-plan and my hard work is finally showing up on the scale...I lost another 1.8 pounds from yesterday which brings me down to 190! Oh, how I want to leave the 190's behind me forever! So I've lost 3 pounds since my weigh-day last friday, and still have two days to go. I try not to live (and die!) by what my scale says, but it IS really nice to see that number go down. :D

(Hey Lisa, we have about the same amount left to lose--You've done amazing on your weight-loss!) :D
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Postby dede4wd » June 8th, 2006, 6:41 am

Hi Joy!

I'm SO glad you're still with us! You're doing well and I'm glad you checked in! I'm a bit late...but I've had computer problems...

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Postby electra000 » June 8th, 2006, 7:37 am

Glad you're back DeDe ! Missed ya ! 8)
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Postby jump4joy » June 8th, 2006, 9:14 am

Thanks DeDe...I'm glad you're back! I remember that your laptop fell and the power cord was mucked-up or something. I know you were sorely missed.

I'm not going anywhere either, I'm stickin' with MF and this group till I reach goal and then maintenance....even if I don't post as often as life gets busy. I'll still be here and Medifastin'!
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