Still Here!

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Still Here!

Postby explorthis » October 27th, 2003, 8:29 am

Mike is still here, mostly lurking, watching, gathering support, more than posting. I go through phases post some, watch some. Today marks day 49 for me. I have yet to even put a shred of lettuce on my tongue (unless you count sugar free breath mints). I am way past the hard part, now just waiting for the remainder of the weight to fall of. My biggest problem is the exercise. I am not only FAT (less fat than I was) but extremely lazy (I am not looking for exercise info) I am not a frequent "weigher" so my guess is somewhere @ 50 ish# lost. I do feel like a new person, and loving the progress. I refuse to cheat, except for the fact that my wife had a package of lifesavers breath mints, and she was reading the ingredients to me, no sugar, and no calories, so within 2 days, I ate the remaining 8 of these in the package... Call this cheating if you will. I have the "Keto-stix" where I infrequently monitor my Ketosis level, and it is still (has remained the same) in the "40" range - moderate.

I occasionally fall into a "hurry up" mode, wanting the weight to fall off faster, but again I know it is a long process. It has taken me 42 years to get like this, and it will not come off overnight. I plan on (at the rate of loss I have experienced) having lost close to 80# by Thanksgiving.

Will post more as I get closer......

Keep it up--- it works!!

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Postby Unca_Tim » October 27th, 2003, 7:38 pm

Hey Mikey,
Lurking allowed. You had us worried...:)
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Postby Ellen » October 30th, 2003, 8:39 pm

"I plan on (at the rate of loss I have experienced) having lost close to 80# by Thanksgiving."

Mike, You Rule!

I find you so inspiring. I hope that I can stick this out with the same single mindedness that you've shown.

Keep up the great work and please keep posting! It really helps to see others that successfully follow the program and get great results.

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Postby Unca_Tim » October 31st, 2003, 8:59 am

Mike IS king and an inspiration to all of us....
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Postby explorthis » October 31st, 2003, 1:11 pm

Ahhhhh, inspiring? I never thought of myself in that way.

King? Yes, the king of BS! (though almost 50# less of BS than I used to be.

Thanks for the support you all give!! I will be a MEDIFAST supporter for ever.... Nothing has changed my life thus far (next to having kids) like Medifast has.........

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Be like the energizer bun bun

Postby Nancy » November 3rd, 2003, 8:18 pm

Yeah, Losers! I am so proud of all of you for not stopping and for being single-minded. That is exactly what it takes to be a loser and to maintain your goal weight.

We can keep on going and going and be energized, too by eating the right things for our body. We are a finely honed machine and we need premium fuel to keep it humming along. :drive:

There is no magic cure for people that have the proclivity to gain weight or for people that are obese. It is a life long battle.

Medifast makes it possible to reach your goal and to maintain your goal but it does take a commitment on your part to make it work. Eat your meals on time, drink plenty of water, stick with the plan. It is a prescription for life.

Yep, Medifast works. The weight loss portion of the program is only temporary. Maintenance is the BIGGEST and most IMPORTANT part of the program.

We want to keep our weight at appropriate levels. That's why we must be like the Energizer bunny - we must keep on going and going - choosing to eat appropriate amounts, eating at regular intervals, drinking adequate amounts of water and to make consistently good and right food choices. Medifast is forgiving andit is freeing but it is a plan – a life long plan.

For me, it makes life possible. It makes life with food possible and makes me feel and look fabulous! I have my life back. There are some things that I plan on never eating again. I don’t need to eat them. I’ve gotten along just fine for fifteen months without them and I know that I can continue the rest of my life without having them. :no:

Medifast makes it possible to occasionally have goodies but I don’t visit Cold Stone Creamery every day! I love homemade pie and cookies but I do not eat them every day. If I did eat them every day, I’d zing right back up to 258 PLUS pounds. It’s a choice. A daily choice to eat that which is good for me and tastes good or to eat that which is not good for me.

I choose the good life and the good things because nothing tastes as good as thin feels. Life is good.
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
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