Still here and feeling great :)

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Still here and feeling great :)

Postby BonitaGirl » March 30th, 2004, 3:55 pm

I haven’t posted in a long time and I thought it was about time that I did. :) I read all the posts every day and am so very proud of you guys for the changes in your attitudes towards everything. I see the difference between when a newbie first posts and the despair in their voices and then after about 2 weeks on program. The posts have hope again and it is a wondrous thing to see. The support here is a great thing and it helps me all the time.

I have been doing a modified version of the modified diet (having 2-3 shakes and 2 small meals a day) for the past month and it has been working for me, I am losing slowly, which is okay with me. When I eat a “real” meal I am trying to be very conscious about my choices and making smart choices (well, except for last night) because I feel so much better than I have in years. The scale has slowly been going down, but most importantly is how my clothes are fitting and how I feel. I feel awesome!! I am so excited and it shows! I put on a pair of jeans (Levi 501s) that I haven’t been able to get up past my thighs for the past 3 years and they fit! My regular jeans fit right out of the dryer and after one wear are too baggy on me and I love it. My rings are loose on me and I put my watch back on and it is now too loose where it used to be too tight for me to wear. I am wearing a t-shirt tucked into my jeans today. Can you tell how happy I am?

I ran out of product last week and I wasn’t paying attention, so I had to go a week without my shakes. I did really well, but I do miss having my shakes. Last night I totally went off program and had a piece of pizza and 2 breadsticks from Pat & Oscars (along with some of my chicken salad). Tasted great, and I was pretty happy that I stopped at only the one piece of pizza compared to what I would have done 2 months ago. I would have had half the pizza! About 3 hours later when I was trying to get to sleep I thought I was going to be physically ill, I was so nauseous and had major heartburn. Had to take a bunch of Tums to try and calm my stomach down. This morning I woke up with that stupid carbo hangover feeling and it was so not worth it for one piece of pizza. I went downstairs and threw out the rest of the pizza and the breadsticks, I know I am not going to do that again! Ugh!! Blech!

Basically, my whole outlook on food has changed. I like feeling good and that is what having the shakes does for me, the weight and inch loss is a side benefit for me now. I have energy for the first time in years, I actually run up the one flight of stairs at work. I am not saying that I have been perfect, cause I am by no means as strong as all that, but if I do eat a candy bar I don’t beat myself up, I just make sure that I continue on with my chosen path of feeling better. When we go out to eat I find myself drooling over the salads and don’t want that big chicken meal or any of that heavy stuff anymore. I like feeling good. Now my next step is to start exercising..I am actually looking forward to it because my body feels healthy.

Well, I think I have rambled enough, I just wanted to share this feeling with you all.


Ps..Hi Mikey :) miss me?
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Postby TamiL » March 31st, 2004, 12:03 am

Glad to hear from you has been a while!! dont stress over eating the peice of pizza...I applaud you for eating only one slice...our old habits would have prompted us to eat much more than that!! so even though you woke up with a carbo hang over..and feeling lousy..imagine what it would have been like had you eaten more? its weird..but I dont think I will ever think the same about food again...its almost like its a poision...the BAD foods...a poision I never want to put into my body again and go into a coma...thats what I was living life was passing me by and all I could do to deal with is was consume more food! it was a vicious cycle...and I NEVER want to go back there!!

today is a new day bonita...yesterday is gone, so forgive and forget...make today a new start!!
welcome back to the forum!!

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Postby elle4nelly » March 31st, 2004, 11:22 am

Bonita Girl, welcome back!!

You have just helped me!! I can't have 5 medifast for medical reeasons and I was about to drop them to 3 only for 3 of the 7 days of the week and have 2 tiny meals unfortunately..non-green veggies and lean protein. But I wasn't sure the weight would come off thus I'd be waisting my money... But you said it works...I don't mind the slow weight loss ...thanks! Now I will implement 3 days on 3 shakes and 2 tiny lean meals and 4 days on full fast 4 shakes with protein only if I get hungry...Gotta keep playing with the shakes since my Coumadin therapy seems not to work with 28 shakes per week! BUT I'm glad to hear someone else is doing a lesser shake version and it's working.

Thanks Bonita Girl!!

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Postby Jims Chick » March 31st, 2004, 12:42 pm

Glad you're back Bonita Girl!!
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Postby shineface » March 31st, 2004, 2:43 pm

Hey BonitaGirl---

Glad to see you back posting and feeling good. Sometimes when people disappear I really feel a loss ---- you don't know what happened - if you're OK or not or what ?

Keep posting - everyone has something to contribute and we all need to hear whatever you have to say!

WE WILL do this together!!! :stroll:
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Postby Jeanette » March 31st, 2004, 2:48 pm

Hey BonitaGirl! Glad to see you are still with it! As long as you are satisfied with the results, I see no problem the way you are doing it!
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