by Lauren » January 15th, 2008, 6:45 am
Good morning, gang! Thank you SO much for all the kind words and well wishes, and thanks to Nancy for giving the update! Don't worry, I haven't been avoiding the forum because of not doing well, but rather, just that I couldn't seem to find a comfortable position to get into any kind of lengthy typing dialogues with my laptop. But as I improve greatly each day, I am able to make this work!
So, things are going well on the recovery front. Each day has come with a marked improvement, and I am up and about, doing some work and chatting with friends and family (both in person and on the phone). It's certainly not a "comfortable" experience, there is pain in the incisions, obviously, but to be fair, the greatest discomfort comes from the ports, which I believe Grayson talked about a bit. I won't go into detail for those squeamish readers, but let's just say it's not so much fun. On the other hand, I have a really high pain tolerance, so what I call discomfort others may consider pretty agonizing.
With all that said, as Nancy mentioned, even with bandages and stitches and scars and pain, it's ALREADY worth it! I already have the shape that I've been working so hard to achieve, and I am really pleased. Yay!
Thank you again for all the wonderful posts, your love and support is so awesome, and I totally appreciate it!
Hope you're all doing awesome, and for all you re-starters out there: MAKE IT HAPPEN! Life beyond goal is good.
Really, really good.