Still all good in maintenanceland...

All that hard work and now what? Let's talk about how to keep those pounds off...

Postby nickieluv » November 6th, 2008, 11:26 am

Thanks for the butt-kicking, Lauren - sometimes I need a good old-fashioned beating and I'm glad you're here to oblige!! ;)
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Postby Lauren » November 24th, 2008, 12:55 pm

Hey, all!

This is a fantastic anniversary month for me, as I started Medifast on November 10th, 2005, and I am here, now, three years later, still having lost the 165 pounds, plus a few more for good measure, approaching Thanksgiving again.

Talk about being able to give thanks, huh? I am thankful every day for the gift that this was, that my life has changed in ways too numerous to list and too profound to describe. I am thankful that I had my "lightbulb" moment and that Medifast was available to me at just that right moment. I am thankful for the support I received both from MFers and from family and friends. And I am most thankful that I was and continue to be able to see that a better life is possible and attainable, and it was just for me to reach out and take.

We all deserve to be happy. Just make the decision that you want it, that you're tired of being the victim, that you can control your destiny in this one, great way. And do it. Just do it.

Happy Thanksgiving,

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Postby Tawanda » November 25th, 2008, 3:18 pm

Happy Thanksgiving Lauren! Also, congratulations on having such great commitment to maintaining your impressive weight loss. My thanks for always being willing to share what you learnt while losing the weight and maintaining the loss. You are an important part of this forum.
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Postby Lauren » November 26th, 2008, 7:05 am

Morning, Miss T.!! You are such a doll for that post, thank you for the note, and thanks right back at you for sharing all your stories as well! Hearing (um, reading) how you care for your family in such a selfless way while still continuing to press on in sustaining your own health and wellness (and sanity) has been truly inspiring, and I know so many of us benefit from your conversations here.

Happy holidays to you as well, Miss T.!


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Postby Lauren » December 12th, 2008, 12:53 pm

So, I'm at the airport awaiting my return flight from a business trip in LA, and I have to mention something interesting. I always struggle the most with my food demons, just an ongoing desire to nibble, when I travel. I always pack an absurd amount of veggies and mf meals and stuff to make sure I don't wander into a Hudson News and buy crap off the shelves. Anyway, this time is different somehow, because I visited a bunch of colleagues and clients who hadn't seen me since I lost the weight, and they were so kind in their accolades and enthusiasm for my weight loss. All the questions that I had fielded for quite some time, how did I do it, what do I eat, what kind of exercise, etc. all came back, and it's been awhile since I had that full throttle experience. I just have to admit, as pathetic as it may seem, that it was much needed (which I didn't realize) affirmation, and it re-energized me. I can't explain it, but while I'd like to say that my own satisfaction and wellness is enough to keep me going, the outside "cheering" absolutely matters. It invigorates me and steels me for the future. I think I am mentioning this for me, but also for anyone out there who may feel like they're losing their drive, to chat with loved ones and let them know that you need their cheerleading,even when the process seems long and talking about your successes may get "old," it really truly helps. And while I hadn't fallen off the wagon or anything prior, and I've continued to maintain my loss, it just reaffirmed that the ongoing effort is worthwhile and to keep on rocking.

Hope you're all feeling great, be well!

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Postby Lauren » January 28th, 2009, 8:26 am

Morning! Snowy and slushy out here in NYC...good times! Ha. Just wanted to check in and say hello, and let any of the "returnees" know that I'm here if you need anything. I don't post super regularly, but I absolutely try to check in as often as possible.

Everybody - keep your eye on the prize! This really DOES change your life. Does it fix everything? Of course not. But it does make any of the other struggles seem less daunting. EVERYTHING seems less daunting. And that is worth all the effort.

Keep on keepin' on!

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Postby katesmom » January 28th, 2009, 8:54 am

Thanks Lauren for any advice that you can give us........

I have about the same amount to lose as you did...Any tricks that helped you? What inspired you the most?

I am motivated and determined.......:)
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Postby Lauren » January 29th, 2009, 7:21 am

Morning, Katesmom!

Being motivated and determined is EXACTLY how I did it, and how you will do it too! I know I didn't keep a journal, but I did post every day through my journey on this site, it was before the journals really had a life of their own. But I know from all my posts, start to finish, that I just never deviated from the process. That's how it worked for me. I am not saying this to claim to be perfect in life, or the perfect dieter, or the perfect was just that I literally walked through my weightloss program with blinders on to anything that was not part of my success. I ate 5&1 every day. No questions asked. No holiday issues. No birthday surprises. No sneaks or cheats. And I exercised, when I was ready. And then I was exercising regularly. Again, no questions asked, just eye on the prize.

I just did it. I didn't analyze it. I didn't groan about it. I didn't begrudge it. To be honest, I LOVED it! I cherished it. I went to bed happy and proud every night. Every single night during that entire weight loss period I felt that I was FINALLY treating myself the way that I deserved. Amazing how we treat ourselves like crap all the time, we start to think we don't deserve better. But we do. I did. I DO. So I never felt it was a compromise. It stopped requiring motivation or determination - it was life. A better life. The life I wanted.

So, Katesmom, I say you deserve it. Now you say it.

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Postby katesmom » January 29th, 2009, 8:49 am

Thanks Lauren.............

Yes ! I deserve it !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was reading what you wrote and really do feel different this time...I mean that I have my blinders on and feel better each day I'm here and there is No question about compliance..

I have had now, 2 days off (snow days) and it makes me happy because I can concentrate on my plan with no distractions...I want it so badly for a million and one reasons. So, can I do it?

Yes I can !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Postby Lauren » March 31st, 2009, 7:03 am

Just popping in to alleviate ANY CONCERNS here that I've dropped off, I have not! Still going strong and feeling great. Things are just infinitely busier at work (for everyone, I'm sure!), and I've just been nose to the grindstone.

But things are terrific on the food/eating/weight front. I've continued to maintain my loss, and actually, for several months now, am living at about 5 pounds less than my final goal. It's still comfortable to maintain, I don't feel like I have to work harder, and I feel good in this weight. But I'm also not married to it, meaning, I still weigh every single day, still write down my official weigh in every single Thursday (yep, I do!), but I just use it to monitor myself, keep me in check, not to get crazy. And the weight fluctuates, as it always has and always will. You can NOT get crazy over the number, as long as it still settles about where it should, do not be emotionally invested in it, it's just a unit of measurement.

Anyway, I am really psyched to see new blood around here, as they seem to be reinvigorating the boards, and that thrills me. I love all the "oldies" too, but we need some newbies to mix up the dynamic. Besides, the best way to learn for ourselves is to help teach others. I found myself at my strongest during MF when I had newbies coming to me for advice, as it forced me to lead by example. So, people, STEP UP TO THE PLATE! :-)


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Postby nickieluv » March 31st, 2009, 7:40 am

Lauren wrote: Besides, the best way to learn for ourselves is to help teach others. I found myself at my strongest during MF when I had newbies coming to me for advice, as it forced me to lead by example. So, people, STEP UP TO THE PLATE! :-)

I completely agree. Once I started answering questions and giving advice, telling people how great the program is, I remembered that excitement and why I wanted to do this for myself. God bless the newbies!
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Postby Lauren » April 20th, 2009, 8:49 am

Hi, gang! Just wanted to check in to say hello!

All is great in my world. Still maintaining, and exercising/running a lot! I have been doing less distance running recently, and more speed/interval running and cross-training. I think my body was bored and tired of the same old thing, so I had to mix it up and keep it interesting! The funny thing is that whenever you mix up your workout routine, the body tends to drop weight as a response, so suddenly I had dropped a couple more pounds (unintentionally) which was strange. I mean, really, folks, when EVER in our lives did we unintentionally lose weight? Haha.

As I have said many times before, don't be in a hurry to get to maintenance, it is much more difficult then when you have MF "blinders" on, as the food world becomes totally open to you again. It means that every meal is about making a smart choice, which can be tough! I found the weight-loss part of MF super easy because I didn't feel like I had to make any choices, but this continues to strengthen my resolve and every day that I get under my belt is another success! It's been over 2 years that I've maintained, and there is a rhythm to it that I've gotten used to, thank god!

The good news is that I STILL, after all this time, get the same joy each night when I put my head down on the pillow and I've had a "good" day, i.e. made healthy choices, exercised, etc. I still get the sense of pride, confidence, and overall satisfaction for having treated myself with the kindness and care that I deserve. It's THIS FEELING that sustains me, and it should never be ignored, as it's what will drive me into the future.

Keep on keepin' on, folks, it's worth it. I swear!

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