Sticking to the MF plan with children

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Sticking to the MF plan with children

Postby Heatherflmommy » October 18th, 2007, 1:11 pm

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to introduce myself and ask a quick question. After five kids and my thyroid giving out on me I have packed on an additional 40lb's of stubborn weight :x So, here I am trying the MF program. I am very very excited to be here, I just really hope I have the stregnth and will power to do this! My problem is I am a definite emotional eater, so if I'm stressed I eat. Ofcourse there is never stress in a household of children ages 20,15,13,2, & 1!!! However, I have made it through the first three days and have dropped three lb's. So, that has helped when feeding everyone else to just keep with the program. Even though it is soooo HARD!!! So, here's the question what do other mommies - daddies do to distract themselves to not eat when everyone else is? Also, with my busy schedule of taking care of little ones and homeschooling the middle two - how do you find time to excercise? At the moment I am taking the younger two out for two mile walks everyday. I just don't feel like that is real excercise. Any suggestions in that area?

Thanks everyone & looking fwd to supporting each other :D
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Postby rodeomom » October 18th, 2007, 1:25 pm

Well, on the first 2-3 weeks of MF we are advised NOT to excercise any more that what we already do because of our bodies getting used to the lower calorie intake.

As far as keeping away from the food, I will take a walk or check out this board. Reading the posts here is very helpful for me when I get the munchies or hungeries. Since I get to see how everyone else may have struggled or is struggling I know I am not alone and I get through it.

As it is often said - we can do anything for 2-3 hours. Now that you are through your first 3 days you should notice that this will get much easier. Since you will have reached Ketosis you will not feel the hungeries as much. Also, remember those 3 pounds you already lost and in ONLY 3 DAYS!!!. If that isn't motivation to stick with the plan - I don't know what is.
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Postby jskm » October 18th, 2007, 1:27 pm

I am brand new to this and just on day three. I have to walk away and be in another room while my husband and son are eating. Like the pp, checking this board is a good distraction.
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Postby Mike » October 18th, 2007, 2:36 pm

I would go with what was already suggested. Keep yourself busy, and walking does count as exercise. Just don't overdo things (first 3 weeks don't start anything new).

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Postby Ginabobina1969 » October 18th, 2007, 5:28 pm

Welcome!! :)

I would suggest getting a pedometer...with all those kids and how busy you are I could almost bet the amount of walking you ALREADY do, daily would "count" as :lol:

As, far as struggling with when the family is eating my suggestion is to plan your own lean and green meal for the same time OR eat the lean and green before you cook dinner for everyone else. I know from experience that can be tough but perhaps every other day cook double the amount of your the next night you just have to reheat your portion. I keep lowfat cottage cheese in the fridge as well as boiled eggs...that way if I find myself famished and don't have the time to stop and fix my meal I can plop that on a plate and eat while cooking dinner for everyone else..NOT recommended but in a pinch it does the trick.

There is a whole list of meatless option on the TSFL site.

Your doin great!

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Postby aquarianskye » October 19th, 2007, 8:42 am

I totally have to agree with what is already posted. I personally save 1/2 my lean and green for dinner at the table when everyone else is eating. We still do family dinners in my house. I have one of my mf meals shortly before preparing dinner for the rest of my clan (right around snack time for kids getting out of school). And then when I am making their actual food I chew gum. Keeps me from nibbling what I'm making.

I have one baby that stays home with me now (almost 17 months) and I have 1/2 of my lean and green at lunchtime when I sit her in her highchair to eat. That way I'm not tempted to eat from her plate. When she snacks mid-morning I'm eating one of my meals. I have really had to work and 'tweak' my meals so I'm basically eating when she does. I give my kids a small snack or 'dessert' (for them it's fruit or frozen yogurt usually) before they go to bed. I have my mf hot chocolate at that time. They have actually started asking for that before bed so I bought them the instant hot choc from the store.

It really does take some planning but if you have your kids on a schedule, which I would imagine you do for homeschooling, you just need to plan your meals around when you feed them.

As far as the walking goes, YES MAAM it totally counts as exercise. And two miles a day is AWESOME! Like rodeo said, they tell you not to exercise the first three weeks if you weren't already exercising before. And I agree with Gina...get yourself a pedometer. I bet with the little ones at home you're doing way more than two miles a day. Walmart sells some pedometers for like $5. It tells how many steps you take a day and how many miles. Nothing fancy.

Make sure you try more than just the shakes too. I usually have my bar in the afternoon when kids are having after school snack. I'll eat a pudding or soup mid morning with baby's snack. I know for some people they like the convenience of the shakes. For me, I enjoy the 'realness' of the other foods. I know it's a mental thing but it helps me stay on plan. Pudding has become a treat in my house!

Hope this helps and I wasn't too windy with it all! I'm sure you're doing great!
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Postby siglamb962 » October 19th, 2007, 7:39 pm

I will do the lean and green at home, or I can eat some oatmeal or soup with them. I cook for them and all, but honestly, after the first week or so it never bothers me anymore. You will just get used to it. Keep plugging along!
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