Stick to the program!!!

Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

Stick to the program!!!

Postby explorthis » December 9th, 2003, 5:32 pm

Howdy.. Gotta again toss in a few cents here… (I am going to get a slap or 5 for this) I read with enthusiasm your posts, and take them in as support. We gotta remember here: We did not become overweight (I call it FAT) overnight. It took us many years, not even realizing what we did (well we realized it, but chose to continue on the UP scale) I know from personal experience that Medifast works. All the smallish quotes below are from this board. Remember…

Tim quoted this well:

Part of your problem is only having 4 meals. You MUST have a minimum of 5 meals on the full plan. That's probably why you're having a hard time. You have to remember that Medifast has been designed and clinically proven for years, and not to vary from the plan.

We need to be cautious in adding and subtracting items, foods, and additions to the shakes. They are not a cup of Starbucks Mocha Frapacino with 15 dollops of whipped cream. Nor are they a Big Mac, or a ¼ pounder and large fry. These are pre-measured meals for us, which we must partake religiously. I have deviated a few times, and always find myself in trouble after. I know we MUST take our shakes and take them as designed. Be cautious in adding, subtracting, substituting.

Drink them. The weight will come off. It will not come off magically overnight. I have been on the program RELIGIOUSLY for over 3 months with rocket ship success. I have made a mistake or 2, but not calculated mistakes.

Drink and loose as the program is designed.

I actually am a very picky eater when it comes to "real" food I'm not picky when it comes to deserts so now ya know what got me were I am today!

Honestly it was easy to just fast completely my body just couldn’t take it.

I gave in on the sixth day. I needed something to chew.

I could imagine not having solid food to eat everyday

I use chicken, fish, shellfish, canned tuna or chicken, lean beef cut - really anything that's lean. The trick is only having that small portion of 4-5 oz.

I have the bagged salad with an artichoke heart, cucumber and dried herbs with a dressing that is a mix of non-fat with regular.

For the shakes, I really doctor them up. With vanilla in the blender I add a tsp of cocoa (pure cocoa, not hot-chocolate mix),

SAID I LIKED THE SHAKES.I have found myself not liking them now ...what do I do..You all said something about syrup where do I get it and does it really make them taste better?

Just add a little peppermint flavoring to the chocolate shakes

Dutch chocolate added a drop of vanilla.

Some of these suggestions are OK, but remember, its a short stint in the overall scheme of our lives to religiously drink and loose this weight once and for all!!!

Medifast works.. Lets all loose together, It’s not going to happen overnight, I know this for a fact.

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Thanks for telling it like it is.

Postby Maggie » December 9th, 2003, 9:43 pm

Hi Mike, I've only been around for a couple of weeks but in that time and with going back to read the past messages, I feel like I have learned a little bit about each person.

I appreciate your candidness and your ability to tell it like it is. You are an inspriration to me. One of those above quotes was mine. I had every intention of following the full plan like you. I have wasted enough of my life being dragged down by this heavy load. I want it off and the sooner the better. But I realize that everyones circumstances are different. I find that I am better satisfied if I have a salad with my evening packet. I applaud you for having the dicipline to maintain a strict full program, but I wasn't able to do that. Once we start to add to and change and substitute, it is very easy to convince ourselves that we know as much as the nutritionist who formulated the Medifast program.

I have been waiting for my new order of supplements to arrive. Up until now, I had not had an opportunity to have one of the supplement bars. Yesterday while at the grocery, I found myself going through the protein bars and power bars, checking the nutrition labels. I thought if I could find one close to the composition of Medifast then I would get just one to hold me over until mine arrived. I even had "a few" in my cart. But then I put them back. I realized that I do this on every weight loss plan that I begin, and it leads to my ultimate abandonment of the plan. I have already seen better results in one week than I accomplished in a month on other plans. By the way, my new order arrived today. I had such a problem deciding which flavor bar to have that I cut 3 bars in thirds. I ate 1/3 of each of the 3 bars which equaled one bar. They were all good. And they satisfied my need to chew.

So I agree. Medifast works if you follow the plan as it was intended.
Thanks for your advice. Maggie
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Re: Thanks for telling it like it is.

Postby explorthis » December 10th, 2003, 7:57 am

Maggie wrote:One of those above quotes was mine.

I had every intention of following the full plan like you. I have wasted enough of my life being dragged down by this heavy load.

I want it off and the sooner the better.

I find that I am better satisfied if I have a salad with my evening packet. I applaud you for having the dicipline to maintain a strict full program, but I wasn't able to do that. Once we start to add to and change and substitute, it is very easy to convince ourselves that we know as much as the nutritionist who formulated the Medifast program.

Maggie, thanks for reading my post. First I want to give you an A+++ for deciding to stick with this program, and for all your effort. You say you read posts, and have learned a little about each person. Let me tell you a little more about me.

1. Closet Eater.
2. Cheater/eater, CHEATER, CHEATER, CHEATER.
3. Always Hungry. (so I thought)
4. Eat as much as possible withourt being seen.
5. Eat almost a meal, or a full meal before sitting down with family or friends for a normal meal.
6. Substantially overweight almost my entire life. (long as I can remember)
7. ALWAYS consious of being "DIFFERENT"
8. Different = FAT
9. Make eccuses for eating.

All my life I have been overweight/FAT. I have embarked on as many diets as there were days on the calendar. Enough to decide, screw it, I am FAT, and am going to be FAT forever. I am married. She has accepted me as FAT, I am already FAT, whats the point now? Health? If I die, I die, there is no turning back now. I will never be single, so I never have to think about what it would be like if I were, and worrying about looking for new love as a FAT guy. Everybody at work, and my friends (for what they are worth - shallow or not - and they are shallow) already know me as the "BIG GUY" so why change now.

I did Optifast 22 years ago (read my prior posts) I lost 72# was on top of the world. Bigger attitude and "better-than-thou" personality than I apready have. (how is this possible?) After loosing, I gained the 72# back and another 50# to boot. Why? Cause I did not need the maintenance program, I was thin. The weight was gone, it was not coming back - oh was I wrong!!!

I am not trying to tell people what to do, or how to maintain or remain faithfully on the program, all I am trying to say, is IF I CAN DO IT, SO CAN YOU! Food meant everything to me. I had no self control. Why did I actually begin the program now? (3 months ago) Beats me, my Mom decided to start, and egged me on to try it also. Sheeeit, its another weight loss DIEt, why not... This one will fail, everyone else failed...

Guess what...

This one works - MEDIFAST WORKS - as you know. I never thought I would see the day, where I could shop in the normal guys clothing section. I never thought I would see the day where people would make such an issue about my weight LOSS. Never thought I would see the day where I was not out of breath, just walking to the bathroom. I was FAT... 100#++ overweight. I was what I was, and there was no option for change, this was life as I knew it.

Well guess what...

There is hope. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. If I can see it, then so can you, so can others. It is not hard. Hard? Me say not hard? Diet? Me? Can't believe I ever said it is not hard.

The results are AMAZING....

I want everyone to feel my joy, my secret excitemetnt of the new me. I want everyone to get the hundreds of comments about the weight being gone. (EGO BOOSTER an-a-half) I know these comments will subside over time, I know eventually the once FAT Mike will be forgotten, and the normal thin Mike will be a part of everyday life. For now I am swimming/basking in the comments, and secretly loving (almost orgasmic) the tons of comments I am receiving, and hundreds of questions I am feilding, now as the new "weight loss guy"

Stay with it. Be as true to yourself as possible. I am glad you are with me, as I am the others are with us. We cannot do it alone. We need support. This board is free. All of us are in the same boat. We are all loosing for the same goal - to feel great!!!

I will be an advocate for Medifast for the rest of my life. If just one person can feel what I feel, then it makes it that much more worthwhile!!!

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Postby Kimbob » December 10th, 2003, 11:31 am

Mike - you are an inspiration! I'm a newbie who's been lurking a little while. I have to say that you are one of the people who most motivated me to not only start the program but to join these boards.

I love that you tell it like it is. I love that you are painfully honest, whether advising others or talking about yourself. Without honesty, I know that I for one could continue to delude myself about my lifestyle, my appearance, my health, etc.

I hope to get to know you better as I continue on this program - and I hope I can count on the fact that when I need it I'll get that honest feedback and support that you give so well!

Thank you!

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Postby explorthis » December 11th, 2003, 2:28 pm

Kimbob wrote:I hope to get to know you better as I continue on this program - and I hope I can count on the fact that when I need it I'll get that honest feedback and support that you give so well!

Kimbob (is this southern, as in G'nite Johnboy?) Glad to be here... I like to meet new people, espically ones that are/were (soon to not be) in the same boat as I.

I look forward to support from you, and I will be glad to help if I can!!!

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Postby LUVZHUZKYZ » January 4th, 2004, 3:24 pm

Hi Mike
I read your post twice... and what an inspiration it is.
I know what those comments feel like, those wonderful words "wow, you look great" or " How did you do lose it"
I lost tons of weight years ago, only to gain it back. Well I am back!! and back to stay, this time for good
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Postby Nancy » January 8th, 2004, 3:21 pm

Yup, remember my saying, "NOTHING tastes as good as thin feels!"

We surely didn't get many compliments when we were at our starting weights, did we?

When I weighed 258 pounds NO one but my husband ever opened a door for me.

When I weighed 258 pounds, NO one ever paid attention to what I wore or complimented me about anything.

I love it when men tell me that they think I look HOT. Remember, I am 55 years old. :D

When I weighed 258 pounds I had to wear Granny Panties and Industrial strength bras. Now I wear leopard print string bikinis and leopard bras! Whodda ever known? Hee hee! :oops:

When I weighed 258 pounds, very few people ever gave me a hug.
Now when I speak at a Take Shape For Life Meeting, people come up to me, hug me, kiss me and tell me that I am their inspiration, their hero. Ahhh! I LOVE IT!

I'm never goin' back to that old Nancy Pettit. I am a NEW woman and I'm lovin' it! ;)
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
Nancy Pettit
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