No, not really starving....just hungry all the time! For the first time in a long while I've actually felt hungry! It started on Thursday. Usually I have to remind myself to eat every 3 hours because I just don't feel hungry. Well...on Thursday I noticed myself checking the clock to see if 3 hours had gone by because my stomach was growling and I felt soooo hungry. I finally said to heck with the 3 hours and decided to eat even if it had only been 2 or 2 1/2 hrs! I also started having some snacks (pickles, SF jello, MF crackers), to ward off the hunger pangs, which I had not done in a long time. Oddly enough, Saturday morning I weighed 4 lbs. less than I did Friday morning!
Has anyone else had this sudden hunger and corresponding sudden weight loss? I'm not sure about the reason, but I'm telling myself that my metabolism has finally revved up and has started burning some calories! Whatever the reason, I just hope it keeps happening!!