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Starting tomorrow

Postby star85 » December 30th, 2003, 6:47 pm

Hi everyone!
I have received a 1 month supply of the Medifast supplies. I have also been reading the different forums. Of all the Medifast sites I have visited, this is the only one that really seems legit and sincere. I have been thin all my life. Even after I had my twin sons, within 5 months I had lost all my baby weight and then some( everyone was telling me I looked like a skeleton). Once I went back to work( an extremely stressfull new job), taking care of my newborn twin sons and husband, my suddenly critically ill father( I'm a registered nurse), then my father, my very close longtime friend, and my cat all died within a couple of months of each other. Plus your every day little stressors. Well handling all of this, I don't smoke, I don't drink, and I don't do drugs, so I ATE. Constant sweets to give me energy to keep going, plus I didn't have much spare time to sit down and eat a decent meal anyway. I was totally neglecting myself to take care of everyone else. I ballooned over 2 yrs. from 133 lbs. to 229. I am now 224 lbs. I never new what it was like to be so over weight and it's terrible. Not only the way I look, but the way I feel. I want to look good again and I want to be healthy again to be able to keep up with my 2 growing boys. I've tried every other diet out there. I wasn't able to stick to any of them. I am praying that I can stick to this one. I currently have taken some time off from work to be able to work on myself for a while, so I think this would be a good time to start this program. I don't even want friends that I haven't seen in a long time to see me. I know they wouldn't even recognize me. I want to be able to go to all the social functions I'm invited to and be proud of myself again. Not embarrassed. I know with everyone's encouragement and good ideas on these message boards I can do it. I especially like MIKE'S messages. So MIKE keep me inspired to reach my goal (85 lbs.) Well that's my story in a nut shell. Thanks everyone.
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Postby Bseaton » December 30th, 2003, 9:10 pm

Nice to meet you. I will be starting on 1/1 and i cannot wait. Keep in touch and we will do this together.

Barry Seaton

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Postby Guest » December 31st, 2003, 8:19 am

Hi Barry. It's nice to meet you too. It was nice to see your reply. I've never been on a message board before this one, so I have to get used to the way this works. I'm computer savvy challanged. I only use them when I have to. I guess I'll be using the computer alot more now! Happy New year to all! Hope to hear from you again.

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Postby star85 » December 31st, 2003, 8:24 am

See what I mean about not being very experienced at this. I'm the "guest" from the above reply. I'll just have to keep practicing!
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Welcome Kelyn and Barry

Postby Maggie » December 31st, 2003, 11:32 am

Welcome to both of you. You have made the right decision to use Medifast. I am nearing the end of week # 5. I have lost a little over 30 lbs. I was at -29 last Friday so I know I have lost more now. Following the program just becomes a part of your routine. Once you get past the first 3 or 4 days and have a chance to choose which supplements you like and which you don't, it is smooth sailing. There will be times when you will be tempted to eat off program. Don't do it. You will only be hurting yourself. Make sure that you drink your shakes on schedule. If you start missing your mealtimes, you start to get hungry and you will be more prone to BLT's. (Bites, licks, and tastes.) I look forward to sharing this experience with both of you. This is a great forum when we all participate. Maggie
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Postby Jeanette » December 31st, 2003, 11:50 am

Welcome to all the New Years Babies!! :lol:

Medifast is a great program that WORKS if you work it!! Just think--in a few months you'll have a whole new you!!
Jeanette :star:
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Re: Welcome Kelyn and Barry

Postby explorthis » December 31st, 2003, 12:44 pm

Maggie wrote:Welcome to both of you. You have made the right decision to use Medifast. Following the program just becomes a part of your routine. Once you get past the first 3 or 4 days and have a chance to choose which supplements you like and which you don't, it is smooth sailing. There will be times when you will be tempted to eat off program. Don't do it. You will only be hurting yourself.

Great post...... I could not have said it better myself... With added thought to "part of the routine" this is sooooo true, you actually get comfortable w/o food, and because you are in ketosis, you forget you are NOT hungry, and you forget (or at least I do) to take the shakes. I sometimes look at the clock an hour + later and realize I am behind.....

Stay faithful, post all of your successes and failures, no matter what you think, we have ALL been there!!!

Good luck...

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Postby Donna501 » December 31st, 2003, 2:42 pm

Well Star85, I hear ya

I weighed 160 when I got pregnant with my twins. I had only gained 10lbs when I had them. (8weeks early). I could not gain weight to save my life when i was pregnant. Then the next thing I knew, presto I was 235lbs. I just dont know how that happen. I guess the fat fairy found me or something :lol: . I promise you can do this. I work at the police department and I know how the stress can be. You can do this. After a while you wont even remember mixing your shakes. You get so use to it. Trust me when you get done with this diet, u will be so use to pouring 8 oz of water, u dont even measure anymore!!! You will get through this.. You will be thin again!!!!!!
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Postby star85 » December 31st, 2003, 4:41 pm

Hey Donna,
Thanks for those words of encouragement, I really needed that! It's also nice to hear from someone that has been in a similar situation and can really empathize with my situation. How long have you been on the program and how much have you lost so far? I hope my sweet cravings don't get the best of me once I start. Keep in touch.

Thanks Again!
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