Starting MF tomorrow. Have events every weekend. Help

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Starting MF tomorrow. Have events every weekend. Help

Postby mama of 2 » August 29th, 2005, 6:25 pm

Just got my MF in today. I want to get started right away.
The sooner I start the faster I can get the weight off. A 100 lbs worth.
My problem is every weekend there is always parties or events going on.
This weekend It's out of state at my in-laws.

I kept holding off on the MF because something was going on. I need to start NOW . My life isn't going to change. I have a big family and there is always something going on.

This is all new to me. Please help me.
Any tips?
Last edited by mama of 2 on August 31st, 2005, 4:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby fatfree » August 29th, 2005, 7:14 pm

WELCOME Mama of 2!! Glad to have you!

My only tip would be STAY ON THE PROGRAM!!!!
I have slipped up so I know how hard it is to get re-started agian! :shock:
But also know if you do have a slip up you can come to the forum and get lots of help and support :buddies:
Also drink lots of water.......Its important! :water:

I am not much help with the ticker, as you might have noticed I am having technical difficulties with mine at the moment :question:
Someone will come on shortly and give you advice on how to do it!!

You made the right decision when you chose Medifast, It is working for me and I know it will work for you too :toast:

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Postby fatfree » August 29th, 2005, 7:17 pm

Hey!! I see your ticker is working!! cool!

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Postby mama of 2 » August 29th, 2005, 8:34 pm

Hi Fatfree

Thank you for your support.

I played around and got the weight loss ruler to work. :whoohoo:
I have know idea how I did it. (lol)

Have a good night.
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Postby jentuke » August 30th, 2005, 8:23 am

Hi mama of 2!

Congratulations on getting started. Once you make the decision to do the medifast program, stick to it with your heart and soul (and stomach). You'll see results, and the results will help to drive you forward. Keep remembering that this portion of the program is temporary. It is teaching you how and when to eat. You'll figure out what your body needs. There will always be some event - someone moving, someone arriving, a birthday, a potluck...

What is the response/advice? PLAN, PLAN, and PLAN some more. It takes some extra time, but figure out where you are going to be and when. Know exactly what supplement you'll be eating at each 3 hour mark. I try not to add the bars to my daily supplements, but always have them on hand. If I'm ever stuck without the supplement I had planned, I always have a bar, so I can eat - they're my emergency rations. Not eating on time is your worst enemy, it will make you lose your resolve.

Know that when you have reached your goal, you can then take your healthy eating habits and join in all the fun and games and "events" that never end. Find strength in what you are doing and the people here. Take pride in the fact that you are taking control!

Wishing you happy weeks of less and less of you!

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Postby Guest » August 30th, 2005, 2:42 pm

Hi Jen

Thank you.
You and fatfree help me out a lot.
I did soups today they are filling.
If I bring some soup with me I'll be full all the time.
I leave Thursday and come back Sunday.
With the support I have received from the 2 of you I know I can do it.
Again thank you both.
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Postby mama of 2 » August 30th, 2005, 2:59 pm

Hi Jen

Thank you.
You and fatfree help me out a lot.
I did soups today they are filling.
If I bring some soup with me I'll be full all the time.
I leave Thursday and come back Sunday.
With the support I have received from the 2 of you I know I can do it.
Again thank you both.
We can do it.
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hi ya

Postby Daisey » August 30th, 2005, 8:02 pm

Hey Girl,

Welcome to MF!!! I am glad you are taking care of your health and loosing weight. :dance:

For me, the first three days were the toughest :tongue: I almost quit so many times!!! However, I vented my emotions on here and received some great advice. I am happy to say that I got through it!

One thing I had to do my first week was not be around food and other people eating food--it was a huge trigger. I even told my mom that I couldn't go out for dinner with her and the family for her birthday dinner. I explained to my mom that I was trying loose weight and that if I was out with everybody, chances were that i wouldn't be able to stay on mf. My mom understood and supported me.

I am not saying don't go with your family this weekend, I am just saying that for me it was so darn important to get through the first week that I had to put myself and my needs first.

If and when you go to your in-laws, what about calling them first and telling them that you will be just starting a diet and tell them that you might need their support. For example, you might stay back if everybody goes out to dinner, if they have candy and stuff sitting out, if they could please put it away just for the weekend. Hopefully they will want to support you. But even if they don't, you can still get through this weekend--one day at a time. Just tell yourself that you only have to get through mf today--and if it gets real rough, tell yourself that you only have to get through the next hours. Also, when having intesne cravings, it is good to do something with both your hands and mind for 20 minutes. For example, organize your closet. If you keep your mind busy, it will be distracted from your cravings, and if your hands are busy, your body will be distracted.

whatever you do, don't give up on yourself!!! You are worth it!

Welcome to a life of no longer obsessing about food.
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Postby mama of 2 » August 31st, 2005, 4:21 pm

Hi Daisey
Thank you.
We are taking our camper. Which is good, I can get away if needed. I was reading some of the post on here. There is 2 books people are writing about.
    1) Thin for Life
    2) Life Is Hard Food Is Easy.
Bought both of them yesturday. Going to take them with me. If things get bad, I'll go in the camper and read. When everyone is eating , I can eat Soup. So far soup is my favorite. We are leaving tomorrow (Thursday ) and coming home Sunday afternoon.
    I can do it.
    I can do it.
    I can do it.
Just like the train.
Just want to say Thank You to everyone for your support.

PS I should use the train for my weight ruler.
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Postby mytime » August 31st, 2005, 8:13 pm

Mof2 - you are doing GREAT!!! Just remember your extras - drink LOTS OF WATER and wait b/c when you get on the scale you won't believe your eyes and soon you won't believe you thighs !!!! :shock: :D :shock: SO HANG IN THERE - YOU BET YOU CAN DO THIS and we are here for ya Anytime !!! Mytime
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Postby Mommy2girls » August 31st, 2005, 9:20 pm

Welcome! You are SO right about not waiting and getting going. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!

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Postby Nancy » August 31st, 2005, 11:21 pm

Mama of 2 ~

Welcome to the Forum and welcome to the :bib: foody life!

Bingo! It is so hard to find a weekend or a weekday that is food-free! I'm glad that you recognize the fact that it is not good to put it off any longer. Today is the perfect day to get started on improving your health and your life.

Rather than focus on what you cannot eat or have, focus on what you CAN have and what you DO get to eat: healthy, nutritiously-balanced good tasting food. Enjoy the people and the conversations around the campfire.

Offer to clean up after meal time and when you do, use your imagination as you look at the food (those aren't grilled hot dogs, they're humongous blechy maggots...nope, not sticky sweet marshmallows but rather cottony cocoons that stick to the roof of your throat...not tater chips but horse toenail clippings...)

View this as necessary for your health. If people start giving you the :twisted: diet business tell them this is not a matter of vanity, this is a medical issue here and you must mind your health care practioner and get your cholesterol and BP into a decent range or your friends will be shopping for black suits and selecting floral arrangements :oops: ...that makes 'em think and stop hassling you.

You are off on a great start, Mama. The soups are great, aren't they? Take a 6 pack of diet pop, a jar of pickles and some celery with you...have fun! Don't let the skeeters carry you off! :buddies: :wave:
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Postby mama of 2 » September 1st, 2005, 7:28 am

Hi Nancy
Your discription of food was bad. Thank you. I needed that.

This weekend I'll think of all the food that way. And beleive me I won't want to eat it.

My Mother-in-law makes the best spaghetti. I thought I was going to have a problem with it. Now I will think of it as worms. lol :point:

I need a spell check.

Everyone has help me so much in the last couple of days.

Your the best.

Hope I can help others like you have helped me.
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Postby Nancy » September 1st, 2005, 7:37 am

Yup, those worms are really bad, Little Darlin' - you would not want them wiggling and squirming around down there!

I tell ya, I have to do things like that to help me avoid the call of the grub!

Have a great weekend, Kiddo. You will soon be helping others and I know that you will do a great job!

You can do it!

You can do it!

You can do it!

You can do it!

:coach: You can do it!
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Postby mama of 2 » September 1st, 2005, 10:21 am

Thank You everyone.
I'm leaving in a little while.
I copied everything everyone wrote. I'm bring them with me. So your all coming with me to New Hamshire. (Hope you like it.)
If I have a hard time. Which I don't think I'm going to.
I can reread everything. Don't want anything wiggling in my belly. ( lol )
Write to you all Sunday or Monday.

Have a great long weekend everyone.
We can do it.
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