
Post your weight loss successes or failures here...:)


Postby SDavis » March 4th, 2004, 10:18 am

My stuff arrived in the mail this morning and i'm trying to decide if I should start today even though I had pancakes for breakfast or tommorrow. I need to read the book that came with it.
i have already been so encourage by all the support and I know I am going to need it!
I thought that I would start with a little list so here goes...
Things I won't miss about being fat!
1. Tight Pants!
2. Always being embarresed
3. Stepping away from the mirror to brush my teeth so I would not have to see my self.
4. Being terrified of the scale!
5. Feeling like I have let my husband and family down.
6. Being afraid that I was passing on bad eating habits etc... to my kids!
7. Only having 2 pairs of pants that kinda fit.

Things I am looking forward to in my soon to be thin body!
1. Wearing all the clothes in my closet that I have bought thinking that anyday I would be able to lose this weight!
2. Going to the beach and not wanting to hide!
3. Feeling good about myself!
4.Thinking/worrying about other things that my fat ALL THE TIME.

I guess that I could go on and on but I guess I will keep trying to reread this to remind myself when I feel like giving up.

By the way,
What are everybody's favorite products! Which shakes are the best (I guess I will find out soon enough:)

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Re: Starting

Postby explorthis » March 4th, 2004, 10:31 am

SDavis wrote:decide if I should start today even though I had pancakes for breakfast or tommorrow.

What are everybody's favorite products! Which shakes are the best (I guess I will find out soon enough

Sarah... WELCOME! (great name by the way - my sis is Sara -h)

If it were me, I would start NOW. If you don't, you will eat other items in place of Medifast? Start now, this means 1 day closer to your goal.

I am glad you have read testimonies here, and are here for support. Bar-none this is the place to be.

As for shake flavor, from the lazy man taste/method of tear-pour-shake-gulp I liked the Dutch Chocolate best, and after about a month on the program, this is all I re-ordered. I am real lazy and prefer to slurp and be done. I was not one to add/mix/upgrade/make taste different etc. I just wanted to get it in, get the weight off. Most of the <gag> other flavors did nada to my pallete.....

Shake on, become a Medifast Goddess today!!!

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Postby Jeanette » March 4th, 2004, 11:22 am

Welcome Sarah!

Mike is right--start today!

If not now....when??
Jeanette :star:
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Postby TamiL » March 4th, 2004, 11:51 am

Hi Sarah...Mike is right usual!!! he is our MEDIFAST SUCESS STORY!! read all his posts from day 1...thats what I did..and it really helped BELEIVE THAT THIS IS THE PLACE TO BE!!!

Start today...get one step closer to where you want to be. Dont put off for another day what you CAN DO TODAY!! start it now...the hardest is the in anything!! just read your list that you made...and think that by starting NOW your closer to your goal!! we have all done that..."I want one more PIG OUT day" thing..but you know what? by doing that..youll be left hungrier and with a few extra pounds to loose....START SHAKIN!!!

the LEAN CUISINE page on this forum give you all sorts of ideas on how to mix the shakes!! I LOVE the RTD Chocholate shakes...I dont go nuts with the different flavors of the shakes...I stick with Vanilla and Choc...sometimes Ill have a orange or straweberry..but I find that the fruity shakes are somewhat "chalky" and just arent as good! TO EACH HIS OWN!!
my FAVORITE shake is the VANILLA TAMI SPECIAL..its delicious...

I packet of Vanilla Medifast
8 oz of cold water
5 ice cubes
a dash of pumpkin pie spice (no sugar)
a dash of nutmeg
a dash of apple pie spice (no sugar)
a splash of diet cream soda
a dash of vanilla extract ( or butter rum Divinchi sugar free syrup)

blend it up..and you have a delicious treat!! I have this just about every helps with wanting something sweet!!

Have fun with the shakes..mix and match!! just shake your way to sucess!!
we are all here routing for ya!

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Mikes Reciepe!

Postby explorthis » March 4th, 2004, 11:59 am

TamiL wrote:my FAVORITE shake is the VANILLA TAMI SPECIAL..its delicious

Darn it, I forgot to post my own special easy to prepare reciepe:

I call it "Mike's Medi-scoobie"

1 packet of Medifast
1 shaker cup
1 lid
water (available from any tap, or front yard hose)

pour it
water it
screw it (the lid)
shake it
gulp it
done it


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Postby TamiL » March 4th, 2004, 12:07 pm

Oh always make me laugh!! that was great!! lol!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Postby Carrie » March 4th, 2004, 12:34 pm


Ok Look Mike.

Don't make me laugh like that when I'm drinking so much water ...... I might have an accident! Actually ........ when I'm this full of water I might have an accident anyway. You think MF is going to come out with their own brand of Depends?

I have to say that the RTD shakes are A-ok with me, but I definitely like to jazz up the soups, they need a little work. A little upgrade is the difference between 'They expect me to eat this *%#$@' and 'Hey that was good!'

Shake ya later,
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Postby explorthis » March 4th, 2004, 2:43 pm

Carrie wrote:You think MF is going to come out with their own brand of Depends?

Hmmm, interesting thought....


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Postby elle4nelly » March 5th, 2004, 12:33 pm

You guys are a bunch of nuts!!!!!!!1 I can't even live without you all! And Mike??? Atila the Thin Hun....You just rock as usual!
I really missed you all while I was in thw Hospital...I look forward to reading post and to all your witts!



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Postby explorthis » March 5th, 2004, 12:46 pm

elle4nelly wrote:The Thinville train conductor

Nelly-oh-conductor... I am glad your back, and with us.....

Keep leading the Thinville train, we are all on board!

As for losing my "witts" I lost some un-needed tonnage, but my cup still runneth o're with witts.. I just have to watch the calorie content of them, and not add "too many spices"

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Postby shineface » March 5th, 2004, 7:01 pm

YOU GUYS CRACK ME UP ---- the depends really might become necessary!!!!

The sooner you start the sooner you start - losing the pounds and going through those first few adjustment days...

Flavor shake, spice up soup, zip up oatmeal ---- it all works... today I used the MEDI-MIKE METHOD because I was in the car most of the day - that does work too.

All good stuff -- to lose this much weight while having this much fun --- I'd eat the powder with a spoon while chasing it with water shots!!!!

You guys are awesome!!!

WE WILL do this together!!! :stroll:
Pam -"I AM the ME in MEdifast"
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