Starting 6/21/05

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Postby Diet Diva » June 21st, 2005, 9:26 am

Hi Sablebaby,

Welcome and way to go. You are off to a great start with all the prep you've done to get ready for this mfast journey. You won't regret it. It is soooo worth it.
You mentioned your fear of giving up food, and I totally understand. During my first several weeks and maybe even a couple of months, I had a tough time. I found myself thinking about food, more than ever. It seemed as though having such a controlled program really brought up some serious food challenges for me. I didn't shy away from always wanting or thinking about regular food, but I used it as a time to challenge myself and look at why I ended up so heavy in the first place. I used the time to do some journaling and reflect on how food had become such an unhealthy part of my life, or rather how I had made unhealthy choices and used food in a negative way. I refer to my first 2 months of medifast as my "detox" time. It allowed me to cleanse my system, and I finally started to appreciate food in a healthy way. For me it was all about getting my life, my eating, and relationship with food under control. Medifast definitely has done that for me. For me I couldn't have started a moment too soon!

Whew! Didn't really mean to write a book here and plug up valuable forum space. Hope you all don't mind.

Take care and best of luck.

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Postby Nancy » June 21st, 2005, 10:26 am

Heather ~

Congrats on your first day! If you allow your drink to settle for about 10 minutes before slurping, the flavors develop more and then give it another shake in your shaker jar or stir with a straw and it will taste better, less chalky!
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Postby Sablebaby » June 21st, 2005, 11:37 am

Thanks for the idea, Nancy! It took me an hour to drink my shake this morning because I was reading the board. And I did notice the flavor get better and better as the time passed. It became quit yummy! :D

I just had the PB bar and that was really good. :-P

You know who was following the UPS man yesterday? Aunt Flo! I knew she was just around the corner and I think she was watching for the UPS truck! :twisted: Oh well, my appetite should be under control with her in town. But my tummy hurts. :(

thanks again...
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Postby oregonrose » June 21st, 2005, 2:11 pm

Hi Heather! You have come to the right place. The people here are wonderful. You have so much to be proud of just making the committment to put out the money and making the decision. Just stay right here and we will all pull you along to slimness. You will have so much energy in Vegas you will be amazed. Getting thru the first few dasys are the hardest-- But we will be here to help. no symptom is too odd and no question is dumb. This forum has helped me soo much and I totally depend upon my shaker buddies for support and to lend my support, too. another bonus to not eating carbs is that I'm not as hot as I would be otherwise. in Arizona that will be handy! hang in there, nancy
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starting 6/22/05 too!

Postby oceanbabe » June 21st, 2005, 6:48 pm

Just saw your post. I too am starting tomorrow. Purchased MF 5/1 plan several weeks ago and really haven't got up the gumption to start. I am 250 and want to loose 60-80 pounds. Have struggled with weight all my life. I need to do this for my health and to be more active with my family. I get discouraged easily so I thought communicating with people would help keep me on track. Good luck!

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Postby Sablebaby » June 21st, 2005, 6:56 pm

Oceanbabe! Welcome!

I actually started today instead. I received my products a day early and decided I wanted to start losing ASAP! I'm so glad I did! I am liking this program very much so far. I feel as though I'm eating plenty and even too much a couple of times. :D Never would have thought that!

You can do this, too! Just start and see how you like it. You never know until you try! I have a long way to go, too, but I will take this one day a time and will remember all those who have done this before me. I KNOW it can be successful. It's just up to me.

Please let me know how you are doing. I love to chat with others about the same program. Good luck! :-P
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Postby Nancy » June 21st, 2005, 7:55 pm

Best wishes for your success, Newbies!

We want you to catch the vision for yourselves!

Medifast works - the program cannot fail you - the only way to fail is to fail to follow the program.

Successful losers do not skip meals, eat all 5 Medifast meals ON TIME, drink more than 8 glasses of water, do not exercise until the 4th week, weigh and measure their Lean and Green Meal.

Come on, you can be a loser, too!

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Re: starting 6/22/05 too!

Postby 24KaratGold » June 21st, 2005, 7:59 pm

oceanbabe wrote:Hi!
Just saw your post. I too am starting tomorrow. Purchased MF 5/1 plan several weeks ago and really haven't got up the gumption to start. I am 250 and want to loose 60-80 pounds. Have struggled with weight all my life. I need to do this for my health and to be more active with my family. I get discouraged easily so I thought communicating with people would help keep me on track. Good luck!

Go for it! You've got all that money tied up in the products, you might as well not waste it! You can do ANYthing for a month, right? And this is SO worth it!

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