starting soon...

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starting soon...

Postby Katballou » September 19th, 2006, 10:06 am

Greetings everyone. This is my first post and I'm sure you'll be able to tell that! I have been looking at the medifast program for a few weeks now. A friend lost 15 pounds in a 5 week plan. I need to loose 20 and am very excited. My order should be in this week, yet I will start Oct 2. When vacation is over. Would rather wait than set up for failure. Anyway thought I'd get my feet wet in the forum introduce myself and say that from what I've already read, you will be a great inspiration for me. And I Thank You All. Kat :D
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Postby Unca_Tim » September 19th, 2006, 11:17 am

Hi Kat,

Looking forward to seeing your progress.
Welcome to the forum...:)

oh... and you'll need to register, so I can add you to the goal clubs.
There's also a few other features you can't see, unless you're registered.
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Thank You!

Postby Katballou » September 19th, 2006, 12:40 pm

Thank you I will do that. Kat
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Postby alohacate » September 19th, 2006, 2:33 pm

Aloha & Welcome, sounds like you are off to a great start! You can do this & we can do this together!
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Postby hulagirlfromhawaii » September 19th, 2006, 2:39 pm

Aloha, Kat!! You'll lose that 20 in no time!! :wave:

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Postby Guest » September 19th, 2006, 3:29 pm

Thank You both very much! This board is going to be soooo much help, I can tell already. I know this is a silly question, but could I get some opinions on a time frame for a 20 pound loss? If I don't waver from the plan? Just curious if 5 to 6 weeks is at all reasonable. Thanks again,
Bless you :) ...Kat
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Postby alohacate » September 19th, 2006, 3:45 pm

Gosh, what a great question. I'm not sure what the answer is, I think everyone's loss is based on height, weight, weight to lose, etc. I lost 20 the first month - yet I was obese with 100 pounds to lose. In less than three months I am almost half way to my goal. This stuff works!!
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Postby kmr » September 19th, 2006, 4:24 pm

Welcome to the forum! :mrgreen:
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Postby Guest » September 19th, 2006, 5:11 pm

Thanks I know it was a hard question. Just that I want to start some mini goals and the final. And thought if others could share their journey, it would be helpful. So again thank you alohacate and all. Looking forward to getting started! Kat
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Keep it up

Postby pandasmom » September 19th, 2006, 5:11 pm

Hello I wanted to say welcome and good going. You can do it. I have been on this since april and have lost 70 lbs. IT is so possble and you will feel great..
Write any one any time they are all great support here I love it.
Take care and good luck.
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Postby Elke » September 19th, 2006, 5:21 pm

Hi Kat, welcome to the group. I think most of us here had more than 20 lbs to loose so that will be a hard question to answer. My guess would be about 5 to 7 weeks maybe. I know most people loose like 5 to 7 lbs in the first week then maybe 2 to 4 bls each week after...results NOT typical of course. :)
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Postby Arklahoma » September 19th, 2006, 8:36 pm

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