Hi Everyone,
Thanks again for the warm welcome!!! My coworkers went out drinking tonight, but I came home to reorganize my pantry and guess what?!!!
My Medifast boxes were on the living room floor. Hubby probably thought it was Home Shopping so he did not tell me I got packages.
So saturday will be my first day!!! (special day and great day to start!)
So you have a face for the name, I am including "Before" Shots. I will have DH take some of me in my skivvies, side view etc and I will post when I am at the 1 month mark. I weighed in tonight at 267.2.
In the meantime, I will as Unca to post 3 pics:
1: October 2001 - approx 275#
2. May 2006 - approx 269#
3. May 1999 - can't remember what I weighed
The first (I am in a suit) is at my company's conference that we put on. That pic was about 1 month after Sept 11th. I am guessing I was at about 275.
The second pic - don't know what got into me going all sleeveless- is me in Barbados on my honeymoon last year - I am at 269 on that trip.
I went sleveless for a hot second and put a gauze shirt back on after pic was taken. I include it so you can see me - in the suit I am all covered up. Even though in the Barbados pic I weigh less than the 1st pic - I look bigger to myself and most people. I can only attribute it to continuing loss of muscle tone. BUT all that is going to change!!!! WOHOO!!
Pic 3 is me at a concert in Texas - I felt really pretty that night. My hair had begun falling out (it used to be thick and longer) and I was so happy I got it to behave and look like I had combed it. LOL
Thanks in advance for your support and for answering all my crazy questions to come!!