Hi, Blondie ~
Unfortunately dear Simmshe struggled with sticking thru to the end of her journey; life issues were raging for her. I still hold out firm hope for her – what a terrific person she is! Don’t know what happened to Honey.
Now let me just encourage you in and the readers to come who may come across your post…weight loss using Medifast products and the TSFL 5 and 1 program is rapid and safe. There is not a significant difference in the rate of weight loss for people on the 5 and 1 and those who are on the complete meal replacement program under the supervision of their doctor. There is actually the advantage for people on the 5 and 1 Program – transition is smoother and it is easier socially to accommodate the Lean and Green meal.
I can readily understand your comment about being out of control with food. I was, too. Many of us are. Once I made the decision to go for a healthier weight, I wanted my excess flabber off immediately. I was most anxious to get the deed done.
We sometimes suggest that people use the complete program for 5 days or up to 10 days to make the break from a food-centered life and they soon become adjusted to the routine of eating smaller meals every three hours and then switch to the 5 and 1 Program. Typically it takes just a few days to get to the fat-burning state where hunger is in control and the cravings disappear.
(Well for the most part the cravings are in control unless you watch those commercials or the Food Network…)
Since you said
1. can't control my eating right now
maybe you ought to have your husband or someone hold your Chocolate Mint bars hostage and dole them out to you daily I am totally serious here. I had a bar incident myself the other day. My Auto Immune is raging, hives are taking over my face and inside my bod, my Prednisone dose is up. I found a stale box of S’mores and I did what their name says… I don’t even like them…I ignored all the things I know that are right to do and took a detour and I did not enjoy the journey and so now I have banished the bars from my presence. I cannot trust myself with a box of bars. I shall be barless for a while…