Starting next week, weight loss stalled on Atkins

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Starting next week, weight loss stalled on Atkins

Postby horselady » March 30th, 2005, 10:11 am

Hello all,

I am a 35 year old mother of 3 in TN. I started the Atkins diet in January and lost 11 pounds, but have been stalled for a month. I now weigh 174 at 5'3" and want to get down to about 115 or 120.

Just wondering if anyone else who tried Atkins has had success with the Medifast. I do well with a low-carb lifestyle, but just have not been able to lose more weight even though I am exercising and following Atkins correctly.

Female, married, 3 kids, 35 years old

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started 3/31/05
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Postby raederle » March 30th, 2005, 10:36 am

Hi Horselady! (I love horses, too... if only I could fit one in the 6 x 8 patch of grass behind my tonwhouse! :) )

I betcha lots of folks here have done Atkins (and many other diets) like me, so I'll just say that for my part, I got stuck on Atkins after losing about 25 pounds a few years ago. I tried going back to it, and to South Beach and other similar knock-offs, but wasn't successful. I also then tried low-fat and crazy exercise, but that got me nowhere but tired! MF was what finally got rid of my last 20 pounds. It basically works by both limiting calories and by controlling the ratio of protein and carbs in the foods you eat so that you are getting all your nutrients, don't suffer hunger, but consume few enough calories that your body is basically forced to release the flabbage. I have found MF easier to stick with than strict low-carb diets because I have seen fast results on MF (great motivator when the pounds start flyin' off!) and because I've felt good on it (I was pretty lethargic low-carbing even though they say that's not supposed to happen).

So, long story short-- I think MF is a terrific alternative when you've reached the end of your rope with ALL other diets, Atkins included. I hope you'll poke around here on the forum and see what others think, and see what successes they've had. Whatever you decide, good luck!


High weight = 180
Reached goal (125) 3/27/05
New goal: 130
I'll reach it again, one day at a time
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Postby dlr2424 » March 30th, 2005, 12:51 pm

Horselady...WELCOME...I sure hope you deciede to join us....everything Rae said I ditto...great advice...For me Medifast is a life saver...I have been on Atkins and other low carb..had same experience as you...We also have similar weight , height, and goal. All I can say is I LOVE MEDIFAST... :yes: hunger...little exercise....tons of support...I could keep going on & on but I think you get my wishes on your decision


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Stalled too

Postby armeewyf » April 5th, 2005, 8:20 pm

yes...I am in the same boat as you. After I had a baby in 2003 I did Atkins and lost 95 lbs in abt a year. The next 6 months I was pretty dilligent with it and quit weighing as I became a SLAVE TO THE SCALE! Well, when I went to the dr this past January I was mortified that in the time since I last weighed I only lost 6 lbs. No more low carb for me. The dr said my body thinks low carb is normal, to go off of it and try something else She did not recommend MF. She recommended LA Weight loss. I have done MF in the past (when it was strictly shakes-6 a day) and I know this works. Only liquid was too hard so I think this will be easier. I am starting tomorrow. PLanned to last week and had a death in the family, then a sick baby, then a sick me (we all caught the stomach flu). I wanted to give myself today to be sure I can take in regular food ok without getting sick. Good Luck! Lets hope this gets us out of our Atkins slump!
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Postby bikipatra » April 5th, 2005, 8:38 pm

I am sorry for all your recent hardship! Welcome aboard! I just started this past month. I look forward to getting to know you. :lol:
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