Starting... in more than one way

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Starting... in more than one way

Postby ILikeToBeSirena » March 6th, 2006, 1:02 am

Hello everyone

I started my Medifast plan last Thursday... four days ago. The scale says I have lost 4 pounds already, but maybe the excess of food I was having before starting and actually having right now a little in my stomach makes a diference, anyway I am feeling pretty well.

I have gained about 27 or 28 ponds since my wedding day which was four months ago :( and even though I looked great I still needed to loose 12 or 13 pounds... so, now I guess I have to loose 40 pounds in total... well, actually 36 since I dropped off 4 already... hey! that's good! YEY!
I lost about 30 ponds during the first year and a half I was dating my now husband, I did a very low calorie diet sometimes with pills that are not really good for your health and some other times just commun sense and excersise... I reached a good decent weigh, I kept it for a year with some little changes some times, but it was ok.

The wedding was in Mexico, it was beautiful and I was very happy that day, we both were very happy. I gained about 3 or 4 pounds before the wedding because it was very stressfull but it was fine... I thought I could continue keeping loosing my weight here in US but on the contrary I gained some.

The stress of moving to another country and leaving my familie, friends, job, etc. joined to the fact of being just married, first living in a hotel and later living with my parents in low made me being out of control about food... it was comforting me, but now we are moving, my husband found a good job and we are going to really start a really life as a really married couple... that will help a lot.

It seems Medifast works very well and I am very excited and optimistic about it.

It seems I can find comfort in here better than in food. I want support from others and I want to support too.

Nice to be here :heart:
Last edited by ILikeToBeSirena on March 6th, 2006, 10:38 am, edited 4 times in total.
Start Day: March/6/06
Goal Day: June/18/06
8 lb lost. 32 lb to go. I will make it!

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Postby Marseilles » March 6th, 2006, 5:54 am

Welcome! I am sure you will have great success with medifast, simply follow the program as it is designed and you will see the extra pounds melt away! Congratulations to you and your husband with the new job and the move, things are going your way!
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Postby Trixie » March 6th, 2006, 6:59 am

Hi Sirena. Welcome to the forum and congratulations on finding a great weightloss plan that will help you drop your extra pounds.

I can somewhat relate to your move and turning to food for comfort. Last summer I moved 1000 miles from my home state and like you used food to help ease my stress. All the while what was comforting me was actually making me gain weight rapidly and only adding to my stress. I am finding success with this plan and already feel great even though I'm still several pounds from my goal.

Keep coming back to the forum. This is a tremendous support system. Even when you don't feel like posting every day it's still encouraging to come here and read of people's success and struggles. That helps me to not feel so alone in my new city.

Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.

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Postby smartipantz » March 6th, 2006, 7:16 am


You have come to the right place and have made a terrific choice. I have tried many diets (many of us on the forum have), however, those pesky pounds just keep showing up. I have found Medifast to be absolutely fantastic. I have been on the program for just under 8 weeks and amaze myself as to what I can say no to now. I love the structure of Medifast and like my husband always says "seems like you are always eating - I can't believe you are losing weight!" Of course, he tells me "eat away woman!", he loves the newer me!

Be true to the program because it works. The only obstacle you will have is food and your love for that demon food. It takes a bit of willpower in the beginning but you will find out eventually that those wonderful things that you miss, won't be missed anymore. I know it's hard to believe but it's true. I used to drink Diet Pepsi at least twice a day. Now, I'll drink one and I think it's too sweet and would much rather have my water weird as it sounds. Couple weeks ago I made brownies and cookies for the family.... nope didn't have one and didn't even lick the spoon. UNBELIEVABLE!

This forum is a godsend in those week moments. We are all traveling this journey with you. We sometimes fall down but the rest of us are here to pick the fallen one up. They do a fantastic job! They are also here to answer your wildest questions about Medifast.

Good luck on the program and visit/post often :)

Keep Shaking,

Restarted 9/29/08
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Postby Lizabette » March 6th, 2006, 8:12 am

Hi SIRENA :whistle:

It is really :cool: that you are getting started on the great MF weight plan, before it goes any farther!

You definetely have come to a good place to help you do it! :dance:
You have already shown that you can lose weight, and now you can lose it the healthful way. :bib:

Congratulations to you and your husband on your New Country... New Job... New Life and a New YOU! :whoohoo:

We welcome you with OPEN ARMS! :yes:


Lizabette :heart:
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Welcome Aboard!!!

Postby Ginabobina1969 » March 6th, 2006, 5:52 pm

Image Glad ya joined us!! I look forward to getting to know ya better.

Happy Shaking!

Previously...02/16/06 BMI-50 276/188
Restart....03/31/2008 -failed
Restart 03/26/09 280/267 Failed
Restart-Awaiting order. I cannot even bear to post my current weight...yet.
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Thanks :)

Postby ILikeToBeSirena » March 7th, 2006, 3:38 pm

I feel very wellcome :)
Start Day: March/6/06
Goal Day: June/18/06
8 lb lost. 32 lb to go. I will make it!

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Location: Georgia, soon in Pensylvania...

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