Starting Medifast??

Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

Starting Medifast??

Postby momof9403 » April 12th, 2005, 6:31 am

I haven't yet ordered the products and am still checking it out. One of my biggest questions is how can you lose so much weight so quickly and it be SAFE!! I have been reading about people losing up to 15 lbs in one week :shock: How can that be safe :?:
Another is that I only need to lose about 20 lbs of "baby fat". So do people who are "larger" lose "faster" :?: Or does it matter :?: I really want to lose the weight quickly, but don't want to jeopardize my health.

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Postby scrabbler7 » April 12th, 2005, 10:52 am

Hi Jennifer - about the "15 pound in one week losses" - they are few and far between. I started this wanting to lose 43 pounds. I'm three months into the program (12 weeks) and have lost 30 pounds -- 10 pounds a month; or an average of 2.5 pounds a week. Those with over 100 pounds to lose will take it off a bit quicker in the beginning and may end up losing at a rate of 5 pounds per week average.

Nancy lost 128 pounds in 28 weeks - which is about 4.5 pounds a week. But she was on the full fast - which means no lean and green meal. Some people lose slightly quicker if they are on the full fast. Doing the full fast, though, should only be done under a doctor's supervision.

I've found the program to be very safe and effective. I researched the product before beginning and feel very comfortable with the safety of the product. As Rae said, if John Hopkin's uses it, that's good enough for me.

Hope this helps!
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Postby Mrsshrinkinglady » April 12th, 2005, 3:27 pm

I can honestly tell you that while on MF, my blood pressure has lowered,
my cholesterol levels are excellent and I was able to cut back on my level of Premarin that I take after having my hysterectomy.
I never feel better than when I am on MF and I have been on it for 25 weeks.
The average loss is between 2-3 pounds a week for women and indeed if you have more to lose, as I did you will lose much faster at first, but then
it will average around 3 pounds a week just as others do with less to lose.
You should read all the research and info that you can find about any diet before you start it and I would always recommend talking to your doctor about it as well.
My doctor is very pleased with the plan and my results on it.

Once you have done all your investigating into MF I am sure you will find it as many of us have to be very safe and effective.
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