Starting Medifast Next Week!

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Starting Medifast Next Week!

Postby Nickinva » May 18th, 2005, 12:35 pm

Hey guys, i thought i would drop a message here saying hi. Im 18 -- about 6"1' and 220ish. My weight has been at a stand still for a while, and i dont eat too badly. Other diets get tiresome and show very little results -- The main thing i like about medifast is the structure.

I find it much easier to just eat a shake 6 times and never touch food... though i do work at a pizza place... Anyways Im sure i can do it. I have the support of my friends, co-workers, family, and (for that midclass shake) peers.

Im starting next Monday or Tuesday, depending on when i get my shipment. I got 288 Dutch Chocolate shakes for a little less than $400 with free shipping, and i think that will be enough. I realize Im relatively young to try this diet and that it does have negative aspects... But i figure once im at a comfortable weight (thinking 190ish, but i have a large frame as it is) I wont mind exercising more in public places. As it is now my only exercise is a mile for two for school each day, and lifting a ninety pound weight endlessly.

Anyways Ill try not to lurk too much, and appreciate any support/advice. I know that this is my only shipment, and that i wont be continuing after the 288 shakes are gone, so im not sure what the best regiment would be for me.

-A 5+1 plan and eat a small salad+5oz of chicken for the lean and green with plenty of product to ween myself of the diet (supplement for breakfast and mid day snack?) *i would like to distance myself from food though :/*
-B 5/6 shake a day fast for a month and a half with little to no medifast after that
-C 5 shake a day fast and be able to go on for a full 2 months

*edit* I will be under a doctor's care with checkups every week or two

Thanks alot!
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Postby DonicaB » May 18th, 2005, 2:19 pm

Hi Nick~~ you are are probably the youngest person on here. But that's OK we won't hold that against you. ;)

It's good that you want to get control of your weight while you are young. I wish I would have had the sense to stay healthy during my younger years. I'm not old, just much older than you. HA!

You will have to decide which plan works best for you. Personally I mix it up a little. Some days I do the 5 & 1 and other days I just do all medifast meal replacements. You only order the dutch chocolate shakes? You, my young friend, are missing out. Many of the other supplements are very good and having a variety helps to keep the plan from being boring.

Be sure and read the information on transitioning and maintenance. Nancy, our fearless leader, will be able to give you much better advice than I can. You will probably be continuing some shakes even after you reach goal. I think that will be vital to staying at goal.

It is good to ask else do we learn? So come here as often as you need and I think you will find that the folks here are very supportive and encouraging. :stroll:

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Postby Nancy » May 18th, 2005, 3:24 pm

Hi, Nick and welcome ~

I remember emailing with you a while back while you were searching for a weight loss program.

The 5 and 1 is the way to go for you, step up the protein a few more ounces to 7-8, depending upon what your doctor says. Follow the Transition Guide once you reach your goal weight - at your height, 190 pounds would be the top end of the weight range for you in terms of a healthy BMI. ;)

Drink plenty of water, Nick. :water:
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Postby dlr2424 » May 18th, 2005, 3:53 pm

Nick..... :wavie: ....welcome................looking forward to sharing the journey with you........ :yes: are young.............but congratulations to you for caring enough about yourself to take control........ :yeah: this now......get it done.................FOR LIFE!!!!!!

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Postby LilMsTexas » May 18th, 2005, 5:22 pm

Hey Nick..........I was 19 years old when I did Medifast the first time. It was all shakes back then and no food at all. It's really tough to do that and not necessary. Do the 5&1 plan if you can. Also, consider ordering some of the bars or oatmeal to supplement with the drinks. You will get tired of just drinking shakes I'm afraid. Plus,having the bars when you're in a crunch for time, or in a social situation is very beneficial!!!! I don't want to see you throw 400 dollars away because you set yourself up for too strict of a regime. You can CERTAINLY do this!! But I reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly encourage you to talk with a health advisor on the phone......not just in email.......and discuss your personal goals and needs and plans. I reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy encourage you do that. Check with any of us any time. We're here to help. And we're ALSO here to encourage you to CALL A HEALTH ADVISOR please. I feel very strongly about this for you and your success.

congratulations on taking control of your health while you're still young enough to truly reap the benefits of being fit!!
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Postby 24KaratGold » May 18th, 2005, 6:16 pm

Welcome Nick!

You just acquired a couple of dozen "moms." :twisted:

Seriously, congrats on making the decision to do it. Sure wish MF had been around when I was 18! Given your age and your gender, I suspect if you are compliant on the program you will lose a lot of weight fast. Good luck to you.

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Postby Nickinva » May 18th, 2005, 10:22 pm

Thanks guys! I appreciate all your attention and support.

Thanks for the advice Donica -- a bar would br pretty handy to eat in class, rather than fumbling over the water fountain shaking like a madman during the break... I was going to get a medifast 70 pack with several flavors, but how could i resist so many packets w/ free shipping for 1.39 a packet! Come to think of it though... the oatmeal sounds pretty good!

Sorry i never really got back to you Nancy, honestly i wasnt positive till i started browsing the before and after pictures. Lets just say seeing Agent_Superfly's transformation was probably the decisive moment i chose this diet (too bad she only posted once)... Ill take some pictures of myself, first i should probably read the sticky thread about them though. I think you guys will agree i shouldnt lose too much weight. Errr that came out wrong... What i mean is that i have a pretty large frame. Meh, I dunno - maybe thats just what i perceive of myself... Ill let you guys decide :D

I cant really catagorize my eating habits in any way other than being a social eater. Im pretty confident in myself not to eat anything that im not allowed to -- just that i need to do my best not to miss any supplements. Living in a resort/summer/beach town all year round is quite a reality check (or should i say surreality ;) ) and should keep me pretty motivated.

One goal of mine is to lose a lil weight before graduation *3 weeks after i plan on starting* My main goal, however, is to be a new person when i move to Boston for college. Im having a little teeth work done, the dieting, and maybe a spray on tan - because i am WAY too Irish to get one any other way :mrgreen:

Like i said before im still not sure if i want to go full in and do a 6-7 shake a day plan and perhaps maintain my current muscle mass - then plunge into a very healthy diet from the start OR do a mixed fast/5-1 plan and have shakes left over to ween myself off into a nice diet with a healthy liquid lunch/post dinner treat (magic bullet + 4 icecubes in my "ketoslim" wannabe medifast is sooo good).

And to note - I couldnt think of you guys as moms... More like lovely aun... big sisters :rose:
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Postby Unca_Tim » May 18th, 2005, 10:44 pm

Hi Nick and welcome,
Just a thought reading over your posts.

Did you get the 70 or 55?

You may have to add a couple shakes if you got the 55, to up your protein and nutrient levels. Especially as you sound like a fair size guy. The key to all of this will be to work on finding a healthy diet that you can use the rest of your life once you get those unwanted pounds off. Regular eating habits of healthy, portion controlled meals and good ole H2O will be the key to having a healthy, happy life. The less processed food, the better...

It's great to see you taking your diet serious. We need to spread the word for ALL young people to follow your example.

Keep in touch,
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Postby bk » May 18th, 2005, 10:45 pm

Welcome, Nick! You're very smart to get control over your relationship with food before coming up here to Boston where the Irish are well known for their indulging!!! ;) Going off to college is hard, but learning about yourself makes it a lot easier!

I'm hoping that Dean will jump in here soon on goal weights for men. You'll definitely want to maintain that muscle mass!

For any of the Medifast plans, it's recommended that you transition back into food, so you will want to have extra shakes to do that.

Good luck!
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Postby Nickinva » May 19th, 2005, 6:22 am

Im on the medifast 55 -- I was planning on making up for it with a multivitamin of some sort... But seeing as I dont really know too much about what Ill be lacking Im basically at the mercy of the health store lady. They dont get commission -- right?

Also the water will be no sweat -- especially with some tint crushed ice from the magic bullet. It will be a nice contrast to drink like a horse and eat like a rabbit :mrgreen:
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Postby bk » May 19th, 2005, 6:36 am

Nick - a multivitamin will NOT make up for a lack of protein, and if the health store lady told you otherwise you should RUN far away.
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Postby Nancy » May 19th, 2005, 7:26 am

Medifast products when used in accordance to the Take Shape Programs are muscle sparing at all levels.

The products are designed to be balanced and people that eat all five of the Medifast meal replacements plus follow the protocol for the Lean and Green, will get the food they need for a healthy meal plan.

Some physicians recommend that their patients take a daily multiple vitamin – check with your doctor for your particular needs, Nick.

If you ordered Medifast 55, it will give you 55 grams of protein if you drink 5 shakes a day.

We recommend that men and active females use the Medifast 70 formulation with slightly more calories – 10 calories more per packet - so if you use 5 packets of the 70 formulation, you’d have 50 calories more per day than the 5 packets of Medifast 55 and 15 grams more of protein per day.

Since you ordered the Medifast 55 rather than the 70 shakes, you may want to consider having 1 more shake packet per day to give you additional protein and calories.

Check with your Health Advisor if you have any questions.
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Postby Nickinva » May 19th, 2005, 6:14 pm

I think that im going to do a 6 supplement a day spread. Ive decided the best schedule for my current lifestyle will be:

7am Before i leave for school
10:36-45 Break between 2nd/3rd
1pm As I get home
4pm Just before work
7pm At work
10pm Hopefully ill get this one in if i can guzzle it down ^_^

Im going to *try* to trade for some bars so i can make it 10:00am even... i would try to get up and drink it at 6am, that way i could drink my second shake during my 9'o clock break, but i dont get home till 12:30... Thats a walk i dont want to take without any energy.

Looking at all the dietary info, I see that ill be losing 1g of protein if i got any bars, are there any other sources of strictly protein? I can only be hopeful ill get that 6th one in every night... Ill try.

My train of thought is that i have enough for a 6 shake diet from this Monday till the 4th of July. Then i have 36 extra shakes to ween myself off on with a healthy breakfast and post dinner treat. What do you think? Ill have a salad or chicken breast (i heard chik-fil-a grilled chicken sandwiches sans the sandwich are perfect) and a healthy dinner. After i get my metabolism out of "if give me food I wont lose it" mode ill be fine to eat like i want. Not to say that ill be downing pints of icecream, but ill be able to eat a nice grandmother made dinner icon_mrgreen.gif

Also, there seem to be quite a few Bostinians here -- Anyone know of any cool jobs up there that will be hiring over the summer? Im not going to school until next year, so i want either one full time job or two part time fun jobs.
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Postby LilMsTexas » May 19th, 2005, 6:21 pm

Check out the S'Mores bars and the Oatmeal raisin. YUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!! Those two bars are also more to actually bite into and chew around. Oh I want another bar lol
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Postby Nancy » May 19th, 2005, 8:13 pm

Nick ~

Your schedule looks really good - you can always eat your meals a little bit closer together if you need to in order to fit them all in over the course of your day. If you need to eat every two hours, that's all right or every 2.5 hours then do so!
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