Starting again, question on Crystal Light

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Starting again, question on Crystal Light

Postby AnnaKat » January 5th, 2006, 8:32 am

I originally started Medifast Feb. 2005 and lost 45 lbs in just a few months, it was wonderful. But, I stopped and to my own fault I gained half of it back. I didn't eat right, so I blame myself. But I've started again as of yesterday with all the motivation I can muster. This forum offers so much help and support and I really am glad I found it.

I do have a question... am I allowed to drink Crystal light? Sometimes I need something other than just plain water. Or what other liquids can I consume?


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Crystal Light

Postby Jan » January 5th, 2006, 11:47 am

Hi Anna,
Crystal is just fine. There are lots of flavors too --
Don't worry ---" my message for this week " -- I've repeated it many times :D is that life is a learning experience. We learn from our errors. Soooo this time you will know what to do and we'll help you keep the pounds gone forever. As for support and encouragement -- you've found the right place. The forum members will help you every step of the way to thindom. You'll make it!!
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Postby AnnaKat » January 5th, 2006, 11:58 am

Thank you Jan for the response, I appreciate it. It's these words of encouragement that will keep us all going :D

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Postby Nancy » January 5th, 2006, 7:01 pm

AnnaKat ~

There are a lot of posts woven throughout the MakeMeThinner Medifast Support Forum that list what you may have for snacks and whatnot so be sure to use the search button clicky located ^ there and also at the top of each web room.

Rebound weight is :x killer, isn't it?

When a person is on a weight loss program for any length of time, their metabolism is lowered and it is necessary to gradually reintroduce foods to your daily food intake and to increase your :weightlift: exercise to compensate for the additional calories or re-bound weight gain will occur.

] :x I hate that, don’t you?

The longer one is on a weight loss regime, the transition stage must be slow and only very g-r-a-d-u-a-l-l-y should one add more calories. It takes a while for our metabolism to increase and to burn off the food.

Many people think that once they reach their ideal weight that woo hoo! :boing: DIEting is over! :bib: Bring on the buffet!

That’s the mentality of DIEters. DIEts don't work.

Mentally we go on and off of them but don't think about them as being the way we will live. It becomes a thing we do for a certain length of time. Then when the time is up, we go bak to our former foody ways, regain our weight and find ourselves in a major quagmire. Stuck in our flabbiness.

This is not a DIEt.

This is a lifestyle meal plan that includes several phases or stages. The weight loss phase with low fat, low calorie BALANCED macronutrients in portion controlled amounts are eaten 6 times a day, then there is the transition stage where packets are eliminated and regular low calorie/low fat foods are added back at two-three hour intervals and then there is the weight management stage where consistent exercise, consistent low fat healthy meals are eaten and weight is regularly monitored. Success is likely when people are accountable to others during all three stages of weight management.

lost 45 lbs in just a few months, it was wonderful

Hoping to see less of you around here come springtime! You will feel wonderful again!
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Postby sidrah » January 5th, 2006, 9:43 pm

Hi AnnaKat,
Love reading people's experiences. SO, this is another testament to the program and you know that and hopped back on. Good for you. I stop in often and you are right, there are so many good words to follow. Look forward to reading your successes. :D
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Postby AnnaKat » January 6th, 2006, 10:51 am

Thanks Nancy, I needed to hear that. I know what you are saying and for some reason I don't/didn't follow it. I was in denial that I was addicted to food and it hit me last night, day 2 of the program, how BADLY I needed a pizza and some beer. I was in a funk of a mood and needed the food and alcohol to soothe me. And I realized I was in trouble. I was able to fend of that craving and went home to my chicken and broccoli and water. But it kinda scared me, how easily I could fail again. The craving I'm sure will go away the longer I stay on this plan, but it's just so hard. I am going to print of your reply and keep it close, to remind me to stick with it. The re-bound weight is flabbier than the weight I first lost. I feel fatter now than I did before I even started! Oh what am I doing to my body?
You are such an inspiration, thank you.


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Postby Nancy » January 6th, 2006, 1:34 pm

AnnaKat ~

You WILL make it.

Hunny, you are in the first stages of the program.

The funk you speak of really gripped me, too.

Heck, I lived in a deep funk for years.
I weighed more than you do and had been living LARGE for a very long time.

When our world revolves around food - eating when we are happy and sad, when life is good or bad, social gatherings, etc. and we make a change in that arena, it takes time to adjust.

I went thru a time of being angry.
It is sort of like going thru the stages of grief following the death of someone you love.

I realized at one point that food was the center of my universe.
I used to think about what I would prepare for supper, what I would bake and take to the office, what kind of pie I would serve for Sunday supper, where I wanted to go for dinner Friday evening, etc.

Food was my world.

When I got to the point where I felt like my life wasn't worth living any more, when I was fed up with my fatness and made the decision to go for the last attempt of losing the lard, I was cheesed.

Cheesed at myself for allowing my weight to get so far out of hand.

Cheesed at my doctor for not being able to give me some kind of a safe pill that would take away my insatiable appetite.

Cheesed at my friends that could eat anything they wanted and not gain weight.

Cheesed at the clothing industry for not having decent-looking clothes for chubby girls.

Cheesed that the call of the cupboards was louder than I could stand and that I was weak-willed, a donkey-hearted food sneaker and….well, I was just cheesed about everything.

Some of that cheesiness carried over for a month or two during my weight loss journey, too. It took a while to fade away.

As my weight went down and my health improved, so did my mental attitude about myself.

Give yourself some time to come to terms with some of this.

Read. Think.
Write out your feelings.
Go for walks. Think it out. Talk it out.

Clean out your closets.

Never EVER buy larger clothing.
As soon as it gets baggy, dump it.

Never EVER buy larger clothing.

Mike, Sylvia, AnnaKat, and others, as you gained, didja buy larger clothes or put on larger things from your closet?

Get rid of ALL baggies and Never EVER buy larger sizes.

If your pants get tight and all you have are your jammies, then most likely you will not allow yourself to have those extra beers or French fries, or….

Make a list of why you wanna lose weight.

Make a list of the advantages of being overweight.

Make a list of the advantages of being at an optimal weight.

Read your lists daily.
Making choices about what you eat will get easier and there will be fewer funk days.
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