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starting 032704

Postby lori » March 25th, 2004, 8:34 am

i have been reading these post or the last cople of weeks and decided to place an order and do the fast. i am really scared and hope i can do it. i am 35 yrs old and had my 3rd child 111802. i weigh 225 and that is more that when i was pregnant. i lost quite a bit of weight before i got pregnant with my 3rd child and i felt wonderful. i have tried for the past 1 1/2 yr to get back on a diet but no luck and just getting heavier. i went to the dr 3 weeks ago to inquire about anti-depresseants and started taking effexor. my dr suggested this diet so i have thought is over and am giving it a try. i am so depressed about my weight that it is really starting to cause problems wtih my family. like yelling at my kids, loosing my patience, not being intimate with my husband so i really need to do this. i hope i have as much luck as every one seems to on this forum.
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Postby Carrie » March 25th, 2004, 8:45 am

Hi Lori,
Welcome to our little support group. You will find that everything you're going through/thinking/feeling we're experiencing too, and having company in our 'misery' can be a big relief.

Give this a fair chance, and stick with us..... we do our best to motivate each other.

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Postby Jeanette » March 25th, 2004, 8:51 am

Welcome Lori! Medifast works--I am living proof!
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Re: starting 032704

Postby explorthis » March 25th, 2004, 9:04 am

lori wrote:i have tried for the past 1 1/2 yr to get back on a diet but no luck and just getting heavier.

my dr suggested this diet so i have thought is over and am giving it a try.

like yelling at my kids, loosing my patience,

i hope i have as much luck as every one seems to on this forum

Lori - Welcome.

First - There is no luck. You either are on the boat, or you are not. Take it from a former fat guy. This is the last stop. It will do miraculous wonders for you AND your family. As Carrie says, you have to give it the opportunity to work. It needs you, and YOU need it.

Second - Make the commitment the minute you start this to make US your whipping post. No longer take out any aggressions or feelings of being overweight on your family. They are your most valuable possession, and you cannot get them back. We are here, we understand, we are in the EXACT same place as you – WE UNDERSTAND!

No trying – MAKE IT WORK – We will help!

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Postby Starloser63 » March 25th, 2004, 9:05 am

Welcome to the group Lori,

We are all here doing the same thing. Trying to get this weight off so we can be happier slimmer selves, with more mobility!

Keep reading and posting! Glad your doc is behind you on this plan. It sure helps.

Through Christ all things all possible.
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Postby Jims Chick » March 25th, 2004, 9:15 am

Hi Lori :wave:

Glad to have you in the group!!
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Postby Alison » March 25th, 2004, 9:22 am

I just wanted to say hello. I am a newbie as well; just started yesterday. I know how you feel-like your weight controls everything in your life. I'm right there with you as are most all of us here- I would guess. I made it through yesterday and feel great that I got that far. Take it one day at a time. One step at a time. Sounds cliche but I think it's true. We'll help each other. I too am sick of hurting my husband and friends with being embarassed and uncomfortable with my weight. I really believe you can do this!!! I took some 'before' pictures today and man did I feel depressed that I really look like that but after a few minutes I became really excited that I wasn't going to continue to look like that. Actually it made me feel that I am on the road to some pretty damn good lookn' picts!! Hang in there.
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Re: Hey

Postby explorthis » March 25th, 2004, 9:38 am

Alison wrote:I took some 'before' pictures today and man did I feel depressed that I really look like that but after a few minutes

Actually it made me feel that I am on the road to some pretty damn good lookn' picts

Alison - go to the Studio part of the site. I love to boast. (does it show?) Look at my photos. I was also one that was ALWAYS behind the camera, on purpose - taking the pics, so there were so few of me. Now look, look at my latest ones, the one's where My daughter "got into my pants with me" !!! Tell me Medifast does not work!!!

I love boasting, I love Medifast, you will also!

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Mike re:picts

Postby Alison » March 25th, 2004, 10:33 am

Now that's what I'm talking 'bout!! Fantastic absolutely fantastic!!!

BTW, thanks for the mixing advice, my shakes are definately smoooooother!
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Postby lori » March 25th, 2004, 3:39 pm

thanks to everyone for the encouragement, i know i will need it!! i will reply monday which will be my 3rd day. good luck to everyone over the weekend.
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Postby shineface » March 25th, 2004, 4:51 pm

Lori ---

Welcome -- this is the only time you will ever have to lose weight again. The MF plan is everything it says and more --- this forum is what puts me over the top on the plan ---my numbers are proof positive. This is the place you can come for information, conversation, to question, to vent, to cry, to laugh, to celebrate and sometimes just to get things off your mind. WE all understand each other because in so many ways we are each other - maybe in different stages, BUT we all understand the pain of being FAT and needing to change our behaviors and re-train if we don't want to re-gain!

Come, read and post, keep shaking and slurping and drinking tons of water ---- it works... MF works if you commit and embrace this plan to your head and heart and treat yourself as well as you would treat a dear friend.

WE WILL do this together!!! :stroll:
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Postby Landylue » March 26th, 2004, 4:58 pm

Lori, you know, sometimes it takes us falling to our absolute lowest point emotionally before we are able to gather the determination to make a major change in our lifestyle. It rather sounds like you're there. So were all of us when we started this program.

If you work the program, the weight WILL come off. It will.

We're all right here for you. Go for it!

And keep in touch!

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Postby susan » March 26th, 2004, 6:17 pm

welcome Lori,
this does work and pretty soon you will say this is the best thing I ever did.
I am not a quiter I will hang in there tillI get to goal with the good lords help
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