Thanks, ladies! Just checkingin - boss lady let me work from home so I can stay with hubby.
I do believe in the power of prayer, so I appreciate any words or thoughts you "hurl heavenward."
Right now he is asleep. I feel mighty calm. I just finished my banana shake and I do not have the fidgets (as my neice calls it - when you are nervous and wanna nibble). In the hospital, I did eat some mms, after I finished a bar and soy crisps - it was all I could grab when I got the call - and I had nothing left and I was hungry. But by 4am I was so nervous and hungry again I ate a slice of cheddar cheese. I figured that would be better than going back near that vending machine. I had taken a bottle of water and a bottle of crystal light that I had made sunday morning. So I was hydrated. LOL
I am gving it my best. DH hugged me so hard at the hospital and said "please dont allow this to make you discouraged and go off your thing that you're doing. I want you to keep up the good work." Sigh - well geez when you put it like that.......
So I think this is a learning opportunity for me - how to hold on and not use the stress as an excuse to go down that slippery slope. In the past it would be over. I would have already ordered cuban food and asked my mom to make indian curry and roti/nan! Bah ha ha
PS I hit the 240s when I stepped on the scale...I think sirens cops and ambulances puts you into ketosis too.
I peed about 8 times since I got the call and while I was waiting for the taxi.
I was nervous.