cyn wrote:Nat~I know exactly what you mean about cooking for the family. Somedays I am just not in the mood and cannot face the smell or sight of forbidden food. I just tell them its fend for yourself night. I have also called out for pizza and then took a nice walk while they indulge so I dont have to deal with the temptation. Most of the time I just try to cook something that is L&G friendly and then if I do decided to eat it is OK for me. Besides it wouldnt hurt my family to change their eating habits too.
I have a doctors appointment today and I normally hate going and I despise stepping on the scales but today I actually want to see the scales to see if they are close to what mine read and to see the doctors face when he says my weight is down! Normally, I step on the scales and the nurse slides the bar and then has to move another weight to the 200 and then slides it some more and then some more and it seems to take forever and finally she gets it level and announces my weight to everyone within the entire clinic and everyone stops working and turns and looks at me and the nurse has that shocked look on her face--Ok so it isnt really that bad but it sure feels like it to meAnd then listening to the doctor talk to me about all the dangers of being obese. Ugh!! So today I can say save your breath and be proud that I am doing something about it.
Happy Moday gang!! Time to go back to work and start the week. Shake it up and have a great day!!
cyn wrote:!! I got my new videos so I am off to Walk Away the Pounds
Emmasmom wrote:cyn, are the Walk Away the Pounds videos good...saw those in the store and thought i might give it a try. Of course, I do have a treadmill in my bedroom...maybe I should just get off my bum and walk away the pounds on the treadmill...HUM!
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