Hi Trish, Elizabeth and Cyn!
I am back home and so happy and grateful to God. Our interview went well and we got the contract. My husband is so understated he just kissed me and went back to being stone faced. We went out to lunch with my business partner and he and my husband ordered everything oily they could think of! I got some fish in parchment to go. I am starving. The interview was short but the waiting time was painful. I could not eat, drink or pee during that time. So when we got out pf the interview my ready to drinks were left in the car and were boiling hot.

I did NOT feel like a bar - so I have not eaten since 7am and it is now 11:30 - drinking water and will then go and make my shake and then later my L&G with fish and steamed spinach. Mmmmm
Yeah, I dont like the ready to drinks - I prefer the powder too! The RTDs (well the vanilla) are too sweet for me.
I see I am going to be buying a lot of fish too. I am really scared of meat and fish - so I am trying to get organic this and organic that (i had said dad - bah ha ha organic dad). I got free range eggs and what not. Got some wild salmon too. Will cook that this weekend. I tried turkey yesterday and I dont like it. I am going to have to season the meat overnight and let the spices soak in. It was too bland yesterday adding the spices as I cooked (turkey burger). How do you guys make turkey taste good.
Don't worry Elizabeth my scale is not budging either. It is only down .7 ounces since Sunday.

But that is how it was last week then Friday night it registered a big drop then sat morn another drop. I don't know why. But if we stick to it it will work!!
Anyway ladies, thanks for the well wishes. I feel so blessed right now. Hope you are all doing well!!
Kendra, hope you are doing all right!!