Thank you all - you are the best!
Vicky, Thank you especially for your kind words and your insightfulness. I agree that I need some "me" time and you are right that it isn't possible right now. I don't see my girls enough as it is; so I feel really guilty taking any of my so called free time away from them. I have in the morning when I drive them to school (about 30 minutes to our church's Christian school) and IF I make it home on time, about 30 minutes to get them showers, brush teeth, do family devotion, prayer and kisses. I miss that part of the day a lot it seems. So if I get home and they are already in bed - I miss alot. So Saturday and Sunday is my only time with them - and Sunday is church day so we are busy on that day.
So you are right - me time isn't in the equation; but I don't mean to sound like I am complaining. I love my family and I feel so good that I have been able to provide for them (through the Grace of the Lord). And I also agree that we sometimes need earthly help from time to time to help us through the difficult moments of our lives. I get my strength from the Lord but I sometimes need a hug or a listening ear.
What a wonderful thing to know that we can come here and people actually care about us - and we don't even know each other! There is a connection here that is like no other one I've ever seen. I thank God every day for being able to "meet" you people and only pray that I can be of comfort to one of you all at some point in our journey.
This is a new day and I am going to take this day and not worry about yesterday or tomorrow. I WILL NOT BEAT MYSELF UP if I don't lose anything this week....well.....I'll ty
Have an Blessed Day everyone!