Michelle, from one busy mom to another...I understand where you are coming from.
Although our situations are different, the end result is very similar. I stay at home all day with our 5 kids (all under 8yrs old) homeschooling the 2 oldest. I also work for my husband's businesses. I am able to work from home, but the work still has to get done. And I also have to fit in church activities and time with our families and friends. I spend the majority of my time just meeting their needs so that most days I really don't feel like I have time to just enjoy time with my kids. I want more time. I feel so indadequate. And, I feel like what I am doing is not getting done well; it can be very overwhelming some days.
My husband knows me better than I know myself. About a year or so ago, he started insisting that I take some "me" time, from time to time. He picks up on my "down on myself" times better than I do. At first, I resisted because I felt so selfish and even more guilty. It didn't do me any good, though, because he insisted even more. His theory is that if I don't take care of myself in all three areas (Physiscally, Emotionally and Spiritually) I will not be able to take care of anyone else or have as much to offer. Now (a year later) I know that just a little time can make a world of difference that affects how I see the everything around me, including myself. Sometimes, its just 30-45 min. But it gives me time to collect my thoughts and re-focus myself. He says that after I have had that time, I am not only more fun to be around, I am also more effecient and energetic, and not as hard on myself. I can see more clearly what I am doing well, and what needs to be improved. It's kind of like a mini vacation, sometimes once a week, others once a month, as needed!
To see your stats, you are doing very well, and you are to be congratulated for that!! I have to keep telling myself that the numbers on the scale are only 1 way to measure what is going on inside my body. Much the same way as standardized test results for kids in school measure what is going on in the classroom. We all know that there are many other ways to measure success. Most importantly, I am sticking to a "healthy eating" plan. This is the biggest change in me, and my success in this change
cannot be measured by the scale!
THIS is the major accomplishment!! It can only be measured by what I put in my mouth every hour of every day. I am consciously choosing to eat only what I am supposed to! Eventually the scale will reflect the choices I have made! Please don't be discouraged by the numbers - you
are doing it!!! Inside, your body is changing daily, becoming more healthy and clearing out the fat stored inside of it. Just as it sometimes takes others a while to notice the changes happening inside of us, so it is with our scales. They are only one tool that we can use to measure our success on this plan.
I don't know any of your particulars as far as your work schedule or what time your girls go to bed, or how much your husband is able to help with the girls, but see if there is
any time for yourself in your week, even if it is at lunch, or after the kids are in bed. It may help your frame of mind in a way that would be worth the "stretch" of adding it into an already very busy day.
I know that this was problably way too long, but I saw a bit of myself in your post and felt compelled to share. I hope you don't mind.