Spring Cleaning

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Spring Cleaning

Postby LAwoman » March 22nd, 2006, 8:14 am

Well, what can I say but I'm back for some spring cleaning. :oops:

I just don't know what it is because I had so much success with MF last year and I FELT SO GOOD, mentally and physically. Yet this time around I go for 5 days, or 5 weeks, go off MF and don't get back on-plan towards my goal. - Clearly, I still have to work on eating healthy and moderately when not using MF, but right now I need and want to lose the weight.

As difficult as it is, I love that I have this forum for support and accountability, although being accountable to me is the most important. ;)

So here I am again to reach goal. I know getting back on plan and working towards goal is better than "giving up", but truth be told, it sure is frustrating and sometimes daunting. Okay, so that truth being told, I'm back to reach goal.

BTW-I have seen some amazing losses and tons of support since the beginning of the year. Way to go everyone, keep up the great work.
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Postby dede4wd » March 22nd, 2006, 8:33 am


Welcome back to shakin! There's a whole group of us who have gone off MF and have found our way back. We're calling ourselves old newbies (not that we're old! Tee hee!) I'm so glad you found your way back. I was off for a year, but I did learn a lot when I was off. I ate many more times a day and made better choices, but I wasn't losing. I gained back 10 lbs in a year. I came back and pledged 100% compliance to the program until I reach my goal weight.

Accountability is also the most important thing I get out of the boards. I have my ticker here, I have my photos posted in the studio. I'm takiing complete charge of my health and am so glad I have both cheerleaders and a kick in the pants on this forum. Support is different (better) coming from people who are in the "same boat" as me than people who just say "hey, you're doing great!"

So anyway, Glad you're back, just wanted to introduce myself and say welcome!

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Postby scrabbler7 » March 22nd, 2006, 4:02 pm

Hey there LAWoman!

Welcome back -- I remember you from last year. I was here then as well and lost my way a bit :x ... but am back again. As DeDe said -- you are among friends, as there are quite a few of us "returnees" in attendance at the moment.

We're smarter and more determined this time so I know we will get it done! :yeah:
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