Spring and New Beginnings

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Spring and New Beginnings

Postby jene115 » March 20th, 2005, 8:55 am

I've been gone from here for a few weeks due to some serious soul searching and changes I've been making. I upgraded to DSL for my computer, but my old computer is so slow now. I'm buying a new one in the next few weeks, going from a 20GB hard drive to an 80GB, so things should go more smoothly.

I bought a desk and file cabinet too which will arrive next week. I've been sitting on my butt in the living room with the computer and the TV and decided that was not conducive to good mental health and led to one of the 7 deadly sins - sloth. I feel 100% better now that I have my computer in the second bedroom, which serves as my office/exercise room.

I haven't been MFing, but I'm maintaining my weight. Still at 298. I didn't order my MF food this month, but will do so next month. I still have plenty to get me through until then. It's been an explosive few weeks, let me tell you. Work, life changes, old fiances, old friends from Virginia, just nuts!

I'm starting back MFing this Friday. I am off for Good Friday and I took Monday off to so I could have a peaceful successful MF start, and get the files moved into the file cabinet, get my desk set up and stuff I like doing and being 100% compliant on MF all the while. Four days to get out any withdrawal symptoms in the comfort of my own home, four days to be on my own time, do what I want to do and four glorious days to relax.

I've always been 100% committed to doing MF, I just had to start on my own terms and when I was truly ready. Moving my computer into this second room (it's been empty for over a year!) was the best thing I could have ever done. My friend gave me her old dining room table so I had somewhere to put it, but it's opened my mind up so much to have a place to compute, pay bills, etc., without the distraction of the mindless TV set.

I apologize for being AWOL for so long. Life just got super busy and I've been fixin' stuff.

I decided to change my ticker to an armadillo (or is that an anteater?) because here in Texas, I don't see too many live ones, so he's with me on my journey and I promise I won't kill him off :mrgreen: He'll be moving right along from the sad, fat heart to the thin happy one.
Last edited by jene115 on March 20th, 2005, 9:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby doglover » March 20th, 2005, 8:59 am

Welcome back Jene :hug: We're glad to see you back here. Good luck w/ the re-start on Fri. This gives you all week to really focus on your plan!
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Postby Unca_Tim » March 20th, 2005, 9:00 am

Hi Jene,
Sounds like you've got a great plan. You're setting yourself up for success. If we're not ready for something, we're not ready. I'd rather see someone plan ahead, and hold off for a while if they're not ready or able to commit 100% to the plan.

No need to apologize. We're glad to see you back.
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Postby 24KaratGold » March 20th, 2005, 10:00 am

I'm so pleased to see you back, Jene. Congratulations on getting things together in your head! And I like the symbolism of starting on Good Friday.

Old fiances? Oh dear....

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Postby kassilou » March 20th, 2005, 1:26 pm

Welcome back, Jene. Good luck getting going on your restart. :D
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Postby cthrn007 » March 20th, 2005, 2:25 pm

It's nice to see ya back Jene!! You are in our Mediprayers!!

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Re: Spring and New Beginnings

Postby Spunky » March 20th, 2005, 8:12 pm

Hey Jene, welcome back!

It sounds like you will get your office space all ready with the new computer. That will feel so great to have an office just for you with lightning speed DSL! Congratulations on your soul searching journey. Sometimes you have to put all the pieces together to make it all fit into exactly how you want it.

I am so proud of you Houston Lady. You sound like you are mentally ready to make that journey to thinville. We are here for you Jene.
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Postby monkeymom » March 21st, 2005, 10:51 am

I have been wondering about you Jene. I'm glad to see you are back and figuring out ways to make your journey less bumpy. Please keep us posted.
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Postby Nancy » March 22nd, 2005, 10:40 am

Jene ~

Spring is a time for new beginnings. The cool thing is, we all know how it feels to need to get our head and heart ready for a life change. If we are to be truly successful, we need to consider making life changes so that our weight loss will be permanent – none of us ever want to go through this weight loss process again and again. With the Take Shape For LIFE programs, this an be the LAST grueling weight loss program we ever have to truly face. When we do it the right way, we will reach a healthy weight; the challenge comes with learning the lessons along the way to make permanent choices for maintaining our weight and for dealing with the issues of life that used to find us using food as a heart salve.

Getting one’s house in order is a great way to begin. We want to see you improve your health, too so that you a live life fully and happily ever after!

Organizing a office takes time – we are in the same situation here at the MakeMeThinner Cottage – tossing out old files, books, papers and junque to make room for new; scraping old outdated monitors and equipment for the new sleeker models – madly reading the instruction manuals and trying to figure out how to use the modern new-fangled stuff!

Medifast is not a new product and Take Shape For Life is not a brand new unproven program but it does take some getting used to – it is different from the ‘others’ out there – preparation, understanding of the program, getting rid of former thoughts about other diets and their archaic dieting rules, are all necessary in beginning with a new outlook. Spring is here, let the new healthier you spring forth in your new beginning!
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Spring Cleaning

Postby LilMsTexas » March 22nd, 2005, 12:58 pm

Congratulations for doing the SPRING CLEANING in your head! That is the most important room in the house isn't it? I find myself rearranging my mind on a daily basis....and I will continue to until all the nasty bad cobwebs of unhealthy living have been swept out!! Can you just see little me sweeping away in my head?? hehe :roflmao:

Again...welcome back and I'm looking forward to knowing you.
HAPPY EASTER and enjoy that long weekend!!
Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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