by Lauren » July 26th, 2006, 9:29 am
Okay, I was going to hold out on saying anthing in this post, because I am not normally a fan of giving the horror story side, but please just be careful with the whole sclerotherapy thing. Sclerotherapy is the procedure of injecting saline or some other substance (other things have been used as well, a sclerosing agent) into a spider vein.
I had a spider vein for years that always bothered me, right on my calf. It wasn't bad or even very noticable to anyone else, but it bothered me, what can I say? :-) Well, I decided 2 Februaries ago that I was treating myself to sclerotherapy with my favorite dermatologist. I have always been fortunate about not having problem skin on my face or neck or back, but my body has always been a dermatological nightmare. I grew up with hives, then got a series of other fairly traumatic skin conditions, some of which I still have to this I have a trusted dermatologist - he's brilliant, Harvard educated, and always at the forefront of new technologies and procedures.
Anyway, I went in for the simple procedure, he did a quick injection, barely any pain (tiny sting), and I went home. No prob. Later I got the big blood blisters that someone mentioned above, so I called hiim, he said that rarely happens but it is a potential side effect, and not to worry. So, I didn't. Well, crazy of all craziness, for some reason this blister turned into an insane wound, and I am talking wound like an ulcer, a big gaping hole in my leg, and I proceeded to have months of appointments of cutting out tissue that kept dying and restitching the area, over and over. It has now been a year and a half, and I still have a 2 inch scar AND some crazy weird dark bruise around the whole thing that will not go away or get lighter.
My point is not to scare anyone away, because my mom and many friends of mine have had it, and it's really not a big issue. But, you should go into every procedure, even the simplest, knowing that bad reactions can occur. Basically, I had a really bad reaction to the injection, and then evidently was allergic to the internal stitches required, etc etc. I absolutely have a situation way worse than what I went in there to improve.
So before everyone runs to their doctors, just weigh your options, do your research, and determine how bothered you are by something. Always consider the possible "what ifs" when deciding.
Okay, I am done my Public Service Announcement! :-)