I don't know what it is this month, but I have from my 1/25 TSFL delivery:
* 2 Boxes Chicken & Wild Rice Soup (14 packets)
* 1 Box Minestrone (7 packets)
* 1 Box Chicken Noodle Soup (7 packets)
TOTAL: 28 packets
and I have not made ONE up yet since I have been back on. I am just not into the soups for some reason! Very strange since I have been before. I seem to be all about the sugar this month

I was wondering if anyone would be willing to trade them for:
* Dutch Chocolate 55 Shakes
* Any Bars
* Oatmeals - except for the French Vanilla Berry please - but I LOVE THE PEACH!

PM me if you are interested por favor...
Thank you!