In my starter package, I have Chicken and Wild Rice Soup and Chicken Noodle soup. Neithert one is labeled as "Fast" soup. Are these the fasts soups I keep reading about? In one post I read
What is a Medifast snack?
The Medifast Fast Soups and Multi-grain Crackers are considered snacks. They provide the option of an extra treat, but they should not be used in place of a regular supplement such as the shakes. Fast Soups can be used once or twice a day, while Crackers should be limited to one serving per day.
Somewhere else in the forum I read that the soups do count as a replacement. I've been using the Chicken Noodle soup to get through cravings or while preparing food for the rest of the family to take an edge off my hunger, but I don't count it as a meal. Should I? Anyone who can clear me up once and for all, I'd really appreciate it!! Thanks!!