I'm sorry!

Post your weight loss successes or failures here...:)

I'm sorry!

Postby Toxsiq » October 8th, 2005, 7:31 pm


I have totally neglected the MF board this week. I am sorry I missed so many posts.

I wasn't being ignorant and just not replying to you LadyHawke!!!!! Wow I've got a lot to catch up on....

I have done very well since Monday and I think I might make me goal for this week of losing 5 lbs. We put my grandpa in hospice yesterday, I found out I'm not going to graduate college, and I go tmy hair cut and the girl completely messed up and ended up cutting almost all the length of my hair to fix it. It's taken me over a year to grow my hair and she was careless so no i'm back to square one. I don't care about my hair, it's the principle, and the last thing I needed during such a hard week...

I found comfort in my medifast this week because no matter what else went wrong, i was grounded by my alarm going off for my next meal.

ahhhh.....oh well....tough week, but whatever, stuff happens....

I need to spend some time catching up... Ladyhawke thanks for the love bump ;) I'm doing well, just really busy.....how are you doing?

And everyone else, how're your days going?

xoxox Toxsiq

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Postby Nancy » October 13th, 2005, 3:25 pm

Tox ~

Just found this....argh! You poor thing!

We're sorry to hear about your Grandpa. We pray that his care and :hug: comfort needs are met and that your family will draw close to him and to one another. :rose: Hospice people are wonderful at caring for the one who is ill and supporting the entire family.

I :x hate it when someone botches up my hair...I had a Mr. Clean event myself this summer....it makes ya feel like a cocker spaniel or a French Poodle might feel when it gets its first fur cut and it walks short and hides under the bed for a few days...just the rotten haircut would put me over the edge but to find out that you don't have enough credits for graduation PLUS your Grandfather's illness is too much. You are looking at your situation with confidence because you know that your meals are under control even though the other circumstances are shaky.
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Postby Gwenski » October 14th, 2005, 3:17 pm


Way to stay the course through your storm. What an unbelievable time you are having.

Hospice is the best place with angels to assist your grandfather. Trust me on that one - you will never ever meet better people on earth othat that our Ms. Nancy Smarty Pants here.

Hey, another semester only seems like a gabillion $$'s and an eternity - especially when you thought you were done but it is doable and the hair -- why do they get all sorts of happy when they start hacking?!?!

The medifast kept you regulated and safe which is awesome. You and your family will be in my prayers and we are always here for you!!!

Peace and love.

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