Something is wrong can't get back on program

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Something is wrong can't get back on program

Postby tink » July 14th, 2005, 11:28 am

Well I have really gone and done it this time. I have been without power since Dennis (we got it on late last night) so I have been off schedule and off kilter with all this going on. I also got a call Saturday from my friend whose son was in a very bad car accident a few weeks back (many of you remember this) and he passed away. I just was in shock and he was 13 only 2 years older than my son. I don't know for some reason it has done a number on me and I started eating (sooo emotional) and can't stop. I am not even making good decisions and you guys know I have only had one slip so far and rebounded that very day. This was at the hospital with my friend and her son ... anyway I haven't felt worthy of posting the last couple of days and I haven't wanted to come on and act like I was doing so great. I am not doing great and I hate to admit that more than anything I have just lost control. I don't even want the food I am eating and it doesn't make me feel better just worse and worse. I aplogize for rambling but I am struggling and need help.
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Postby MomsTherapy » July 14th, 2005, 11:46 am

First, take a deep breath. :wallwall:

Now, DO NOT feel bad for what is going on. You have had some really tough stuff to deal with right now. We are all emotional eaters on some level and there is no wonder you have had a hard time. Start fresh.

Your first step - showing that you WANT to continue with this - is that you have come here and posted your problems. That means that you really want to do this!!! And you DON'T want to QUIT!

We are all going to stumble - Some people on here have gone off MF for a week or more but you just have to jump back in - NO PROBLEM - start fresh tomorrow. Get through those first few days! Eat right for your family so YOU will be there for them. Write down why you are changing your lifestyle - why you ARE losing weight. Be strong and come back here often so we can keep you pumped up! YOU CAN DO THIS! :D

Leah (Lee-uh):D aka MomsTherapy

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Postby martha » July 14th, 2005, 12:06 pm


Sweetie let me start by saying how terribly sorry I am for your lost and your friends lost.. It nust be a horrible thing to outlive your children.. I truely will be praying for the family as well as you.. To lose a life of a family member or a dear friend is a horrible thing but when it is a 13 year old and every time you look at your child at almost the same age it is worse.. I understand how this would effect you ..
Now I am so sorry you are without power from Dennis.. I was thankful it missed us but hate it had to hit anywhere else.. and really hate it affected any of my friends.. Maybe till the funeral you should consider waiting to go fully on MF again(just my thoughts) I would hate to see you stop again and beat yourself up are in a stressful situation and need to be with your friend for now.. THEN-- you just need to reconsider why you wanted to lose the weight again.. write it down and get all your ducks in a row and begin fresh.. you are doing to good to give up and I will not let you.. we are here for you no matter what and please don't feel like you have to hide from us when something goes wrong.. that's what we are here for--support--It's a friend thing :D you can talk to me anytime you need.. this is not a struggle you need to make alone.. we care..Martha
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Postby tink » July 14th, 2005, 12:18 pm

See I feel better already! I knew I would. I have just been wild with grief for my friend Mitzy and her loss. I mean it almost is like my child I was there at Trip's (her son that passed away) birth and for every major event in his 13 years. I know the struggles she had with infertility and how happy she was after 4 years of trying to finally carry a baby to term. It is just devasting all the way around. I feel physically sick as well as mentally I mean the junk I have been eating makes me feel tired, sluggish and blah. I believe that tonight I will have a shake and a jello. If nothing else to try to rid myself of this bloated nasty feeling. Martha I have thought about going off MF until after the funeral and honestly if I didn't feel so bad physically I probably would but I need to feel good again and get some energy back. I don't know it is a tough call really. I think that I will just drink lots of water a good bit of this 4 pound gain is water and that nasty evil sodium that is poured in the "unhealthy" foods. I am hoping if I can just pull myself out of this low and just get one day being compliant then the next day then the next I will be okay. I don't want to give up and I won't give up. I know I have come too far to through it all away. I also know you guys will take that stick away from me and not allow me to continue to beat myself up!
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Postby martha » July 14th, 2005, 1:04 pm


IT was just a suggestion but I hoped you would say NO WAY!! and you did :D pack some SF candies in your car and purse and don't be afraid to pop one in your mouth when you are tempted.. Alot of food usually accompanies funerals..
GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!! I am so proud of you.. just can't even imagine the pain you and your friend are going through.. I just said on another thread that we are accountable for our actions and when we cheat it is only hurting us..and our pocket books :D I am glad the food is making you feel BLAH(sorry but I am) .. PROUD--PROUD--PROUD!!!!!!!!! you can do this and I know if I were to get off program I would live in fear of never restarting again.. BUT NOT YOU!!! you will do great ..I will continue to pray for all of you..Martha
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Postby tink » July 14th, 2005, 1:23 pm

Martha - Welll now aren't you the tricky one! :mrgreen: You should be a therapist because as soon as I saw what you wrote I was like :dunno: ohh no I don't need to stop! I know you are there rooting me on like so many others here in this forum. I just love you guys so much! It is very emotional because I know you understand like say maybe even my DH wouldn't never having a weight issue. Yes, the food making me feel so bad is a good thing although I hate feeling like this. I am glad I am miserable and ready to get back to what I know will make me feel better. I am now armed with my shaker and when I get home I will make a big glass of water and do some journaling to help sort these feelings out. I am planning on doing some serious shaking!

Thank you :stroll: :bighug:
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Postby LeeannNH » July 14th, 2005, 2:27 pm

hi tink

i remember reading about your friend's son a couple of weeks ago and i am so sorry to hear about his passing.

you are under a great deal of emotional stress and unfortunately we all know too well what it means to eat under those circumstances. i cannot imagine what you must be going through but i know what it is to eat and eat and feel worse and worse.

the positive in all of this is that you are here and writing about your trials.

i really hope you are able to find the strength to being mf again. you are worth it and i truly believe you are here because you want to succeed!

take care of yourself
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Postby ljm498 » July 14th, 2005, 2:52 pm

Oh Tink! :bighug: I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's son! That's just terrible. I will keep you and her family in my prayers. You really have a lot of emotional stuff to deal with. But I know you can get things together again! Take it one day at a time and before you know it your energy will be back and you won't feel so yucky from that food. I think it's great that you're coming here and keeping in touch with all of us. It really seems that you're on the right path to getting back on plan. You CAN and WILL do it, I know you will.

But, do take care of yourself.

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Postby want2Bthin » July 14th, 2005, 4:02 pm


My prayers go out to you & your friend & her family. I am very sorry that you are having to deal with this. Keep us posted on how things are going.

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Postby Guest » July 14th, 2005, 6:25 pm

I am new to this but I am with you 100% in prayer. My heart goes to you and your friend. You sound like a wonderful friend and I am sure she is so thankful to have you in her life. DON"T give up...:) you can do this just need to get through this very emotional grieving time. I am totally an emotional eater and I can honestly say food NEVER fills anything! I find that if I journal it does relieve that feeling of wanting to stuff everything down . Hang in there... you have lots of people praying for you. God Bless
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Postby fatBgone » July 14th, 2005, 9:27 pm

Oh Tink...I'm sooooo sorry about Trip. I will definitely keep you & Mitzi in my prayers so that both of you will have the strength to get through this horrible time. I also had read your previous post when he first went to the hospital & had just assumed that he pulled out of it. He sure did fight for a long time. Like Martha said earlier, I just can't imagine outliving my children & it's got to be hard when we watch it happen to someone close to us.

I can totally understand why these emotions would win the foodie war - but just know that it's only temporary! Don't beat yourself actually sounds like you're already starting to regain control - just by coming here. I love this forum....the support is totally awesome.

Well - take care of yourself & your friend - the best you can.....I pray for your comfort in knowing that he is with the Lord.
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Something is wrong

Postby Jan » July 14th, 2005, 9:37 pm

Hi Tink
Of course the situation has done a number on you. It is a most horrible thing!! A friend of mine had her son die with no know cause in April. It is very very difficult. He was only 22 years old . I'm going to tell you what another doctor friend told me with regard to another situation. The situation is bad enough for our friend. She needs us to be strong now -- all of us falling apart is not going to help her. She knows we care -- we are here for her. It is now time for us to take good care of ourselves so that we can be even more emotionally strong for her. If we fall apart and really feel yucky physically we do no good -- in fact we could make it worse. I thought about this alot. It is our human tendency to fall to pieces and resort back to old habits. But in times like these we need to be doubly certain we eat right. Our failures don't help our friend they just hurt us -and make us less able to help. I think it is easier if we really concentrate on the fact that we have to be healthy to help. It motivates us and drives us to be the very best we can be. It is the best of unselfish behavior. I hope this messsage was not too hard for you -- it did help me several years ago and I still think about it when things seem to go very wrong. I'll be praying for you and your friend.
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Postby Tk » July 14th, 2005, 10:22 pm

Oh Tink, I am so sorry for your friends loss!! I know, I'm there. It has been tough, but with God's help, we can get thru this. I will keep your friend Mitzie and her family in my prayers.

You can get thru this, you are strong. Be there for your friend as much as you can. That is what my Auntie remembers the most before the funeral, how our family was by her side when ever possible.

When you are ready, you can start MF again. There is no shame in taking time off. It will be waiting for you when you are ready. Keep us informed with your progress and the hurricane.
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Postby tink » July 15th, 2005, 6:02 am

Good Morning! :wave: Once again the strength of my friends come through with flying colors. I had a good night I did journal last night after the kiddies went to bed. I had a shake and it was so good to me. I also had a Jello and then some broth right at bed time which was very satisfying. :eat: I am making my oatmeal here at the office as I type and brought in 4 bottles of my favorite lemon flavored water. I talked to Mitzi and told her about all of you here passing on your prayers and she is very touched. I think my son is grateful that I have stopped kissing all over him at 11 he is like GROSS Mom. :tongue: I am in a better place yesterday but honestly if I hadn't come here and posted I am not sure I would be right now.

Big hugs out to all of you and thank you for your support! I am a fighter and I am not going to give up this time not with MF not with having you all here. I know I will make it this time .. I know it!

:bighug: :bighug: :bighug:
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Postby martha » July 15th, 2005, 6:56 am


Glad to hear you are somewhat better today.. I know all aobut the kissing 11 year old boy thing-- Yeap I've been there and after something like this it makes you want to kiss all the more..BUT boys always say "YUCK MOM" :mrgreen:
You are a super trooper in my eyes.. Don't overwork and we're here if you need us.. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!--Martha
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