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Someone's made a huge mistake!!!

Postby DogMa » January 23rd, 2006, 4:13 pm

The jeans makers have obviously made a mistake. I tried on the equivalent of size 8 jeans today (they were Wrangler Aura jeans, which are sized larger, so a size 8 is labeled a size 6) ... and they fit!!

I'm stunned. And in serious need of counseling, since to me I look almost the same as I did 40 pounds ago.

And by the way, does anyone know what a good goal size is for an hourglassy but small-framed 5-foot-2 woman? I'd rather have a goal size than a goal weight.

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Postby Ashes » January 23rd, 2006, 4:35 pm

:yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:


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Postby falisamarie » January 23rd, 2006, 4:58 pm

Way to go Robin :whoohoo:

I can't wait till I start noticelably shrinking into those smaller sizes!!!

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Postby Gwenski » January 23rd, 2006, 5:07 pm

Robin they so are not messing with you -- it just feels that way! Hee hee!! Way to get into those tiny tiny jeans!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Check out the BMI calculator on the home page, it will give you some basic guidelines. You can probably Google an age/height/weight chart or call your doctor for input.

Make a goal range and then see how you feel when you get to that and what you and your body wants to do. Cheesy as it sounds, the answer is really within you.

Awesome job on the pants!!!

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Postby Dayna » January 23rd, 2006, 5:31 pm

Woweewow! Congrats to you! That had to feel SOOOO good. :thumbig:

Wave hello to the "regular" size clothing section for me, and tell it I'll be seeing it soon!

- Dayna
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Postby stelar » January 23rd, 2006, 7:50 pm

:thumbig: SIZE 6!! Holy Cow I can't even imagine it! :bighug: That is awesome! Enjoy those cute little pants!

Shake it girlfriend!
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Postby DogMa » January 23rd, 2006, 11:02 pm

Thanks, you guys. And Stelar and Dayna, you'll be here before you know it! I still remember when I started and it seemed like I'd never get to single digits. And when I had lost 20 pounds and no one even noticed a difference (then I hit 30 pounds and EVERYone noticed). Now I'm starting to get people asking if I'm almost done and warning me not to get too skinny (I'm nowhere CLOSE to skinny yet; I'm built really small).

I can't believe I'm not just in the regular sizes, but I can even buy stuff in the petite section. What a kick! (And all while I have people drooling at work over my cocoa every night.)

I have to say, though, I almost lost it with a co-worker who marveled at how quickly I lose when I buckle down and said she wished it was so easy for her because "all you do is decide to lose weight and you do." I said yeah, I just decide to lose weight. And spend months on a very regimented diet, and work out six or seven days a week. While she eats chips and salsa every day and has french fries a couple of times a week. Sigh.

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Postby Guest » January 24th, 2006, 6:55 am


First of all, you rock! Congrats on the jeans thing - that is too cool. I have no idea an appropriate size for you, since I am 5'9 and not built small. But I would follow Gwenski's recommendation of just stopping when you feel good and comfortable, and whatever size that is, so be it.

Now, regarding your totally insane and equally non-insightful coworker: knocking your efforts is the only way she can feel less bad about herself. If she admitted (to herself) that you worked really hard on this diet, and that's why you're successful, then she'd have to be willing to try it to. But instead, she plays the victim, moans that everyone else has it so easy, and woe is me, how come I can't lose weight...blah blah blah. Let her say and think whatever she wants - everyone knows how hard you worked, and even if they don't, they sure as heck know how good you look! :-)

Anyway, enjoy your new wonderful SMALL jeans!

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Postby Lauren » January 24th, 2006, 6:57 am

Ooops, forgot to log in - above long-winded commentary by yours truly!

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Postby DogMa » January 24th, 2006, 9:43 am

Ha. Thanks, Lauren. The funny thing is, she's THIN. She wants to lose maybe 10 pounds (I don't even see THAT, but she says her clothes hide a lot). I was nice about it, but I DID point out that I'm doing "nothing" to lose weight except sticking very closely to a strict diet and exercising regularly. The next night she went out for fast food. Sigh. Whatever.

Those weight charts are so broad. I've looked at 'em and still can't tell. Although I did discover myvm dot com (my virtual model dot com). You can register free at a variety of sites, then put in your height and weight and stuff and they create a little model of you (and then you can "try on" different clothes - kind of cool). It seemed pretty accurate - the "me" at my current weight was just as lumpy as I am!!

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Postby Lauren » January 24th, 2006, 10:02 am

Ha! Wow, I misread that one, huh, DogMa! :-)

It's funny that you called yourself lumpy - I have been feeling jiggly. Wanna switch?

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Postby Soon2bFitSonja » February 2nd, 2006, 6:19 pm

You go DogMa. That is truely wonderful. You should be so proud.

A good size is a size that makes you feel comfortable with yourself. I am also 5'2' and I'll take that size 8 any day of the week.


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Postby Blondie » February 3rd, 2006, 8:33 am

Congratulations Dogma! Way to go.... :D. I bet your feeling terrific now!
I can't wait to get to at least a size 10!
Can I ask you something? Did you say you excerise 6-7 times a week?
Are you doing that while on the Medifast? I thought we weren't supposed to exercise on this program or our body goes into starvation.... :?
Unless I just read things wrong...I'm glad you mentioned it...I really hate to excerise anyway at this point in the game.... :exercise: I mean moving around a little bit won't hurt me, but what exercise are we talking about... :|
Again, congrats and keep up the great are an inspiration... :bravo:
How much have you lost and in how long? With or without exercise? Are you full fasting or doing 5-1?
I know a lot of questions...sorry :hmmm:

Blondie :)
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Postby DogMa » February 3rd, 2006, 6:07 pm

Ask away, Blondie.

You're supposed to cut back on exercise in the beginning and then later add it in slowly. I used to work out before Medifast. Unfortunately, every time I try to add it back in, I stop losing (even if I add an extra shake every day). So I WAS working out six days a week (gentle workouts - Walk Away the Pounds DVDs), but I just gave it up again. That's the one thing I don't like with this - but it's not the program, it's just me and my stupid body that will take any excuse to hang onto fat. Some folks here exercise, some don't. I know Nancy says she didn't do a bit of exercise until AFTER she'd lost the weight, and I think as much as it kills me, I may have to resign myself to doing the same (not that I enjoy working out so much, but there's a ton of heart disease in my family and I don't like the idea of basically ignoring that for months).

As for the rest, I'm on the 5-1 plan. I'm an extremely slow loser (in fact, the last time I tried Weight Watchers, I GAINED instead of lost, while following the program to the letter). So it's been about seven months for me, including a couple of short breaks (when I moved halfway across the country, or was flying all over interviewing for jobs, etc.; just a couple of days off each time).

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