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Postby Sojourner » April 6th, 2008, 12:24 am

Maisy wrote:Even funnier is that I checked three times to make sure I was not saying poop and have a Fruedian slip moment! I am laughing with ya.

I'm laughing with ya, too! As are my slippers...


How perfect are these slippers for me?? I love them!
Your toes go into the red sock part of the slipper, so when
you move them around, you get a slip of the tongue. :lol: :roll: :lol:

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby Maisy » April 6th, 2008, 5:49 am

Yeah I can see it now...Patron and photography. You send us the pics and we are like WAHT IS THIS? Well, thats the tree ya'll were standing by, but like I weaved, it's a nice tree. Oh and remember, this one is of OC , she lost her shoes, see thats her toe nail color.
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Postby lifelovinaries » April 6th, 2008, 5:56 am

maisy, we were on the same page... i tried posting and it disappeared but it went something like this...

Sounds kinda like laugh, point, laugh, shoot, laugh, take a picture of the sky because you fell on the ground laughing (assisted by senor patron, of course). That's ok, we didn't need a permanent record of THAT moment in our lives anyway...we are gonna keep the pics "kid friendly" :roflmao:

ok, now with THAT said, maisy, she missed the pic of you skinny dippin, also missed the pic of you in handcuffs, pic of us gathering the bail money...missed, she only got the pic of us happily back on the beach the next morning, looking beautiful as ever!

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Postby Lauren » April 7th, 2008, 6:22 am

Ladies, I haven't read far enough back to have any idea what kind of trip you all are planning, but I can't imagine any trip that includes Sojo and a bottle of tequila that wouldn't rock!

And I'll expect those photos to be posted in the forum!

Soj, I miss you, sexy mama!

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Postby DogMa » April 7th, 2008, 1:30 pm

Out*With*The*Old wrote:You'll get to goal this year! This is the year for sooooooo many of us!! Im only 20 pounds away - - but I now find myself wondering if I should set goal lower but I'm nto going to mess with it! I am going to get to goal and then add work outs and not go to real maintenance until my body looks like I kinda like diet purgatory for a Robin, hmm, where is Robin these days???

I was wondering why my ears felt so hot ... I'm here, just taking a bit of a hiatus when the site was so slow.

And Sojo, sounds like you're doing so well!! Congrats on the 9's - of course, this was a week or two ago and they probably fit you just fine now.

Reached goal in August 2006
Added BodyBugg in May 2009
New ticker: 136.6/123.2/130
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Postby Sojourner » April 8th, 2008, 9:19 am

Lauren wrote:Ladies, I haven't read far enough back to have any idea what kind of trip you all are planning, but I can't imagine any trip that includes Sojo and a bottle of tequila that wouldn't rock!

And I'll expect those photos to be posted in the forum!

Soj, I miss you, sexy mama!


:hug:I miss you too, Luscious Lauren!!

OMG, that sounds like a porn star name!! :hide:
Luscious Lauren Loves Long-time... heeheehee

Y'know, I have to say that you were right on the money
about me and a bottle of tequila rocking. At least for me!

So, yeah ~ there's talk of a Savannah excursion this summer sometime.
You should SO join us! Duuuuuude. That would really rock! Georgia is
totally close to you, right?? :D Well, if it's close enough for me to come
from Cali, it's close enough for you to drop down a state or two (or six)!

Ciao, LL!! :shades:

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby Sojourner » April 8th, 2008, 9:28 am

DogMa wrote:And Sojo, sounds like you're doing so well!! Congrats on the 9's - of course, this was a week or two ago and they probably fit you just fine now.

Thanks, Rob!

It has been a little over a week, but they do not fit "just fine" yet.
Actually, they feel great, but because of the "junior" cut, they're snug
down to my fat knees. (Even when I was really thin, I had fat knees. :uhuh:)
So, until they don't hug quite so much, they'll stay in the drawer. It shouldn't
be too much longer. :D

Hasta, chica!


Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby Sojourner » April 9th, 2008, 5:27 pm


I'm just sayin'...

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby Maisy » April 10th, 2008, 3:39 am

I am in a singing mood this morning....

lalalallalalalaalala I walked in and the band just started
the singer couldn't care a tune in a bucket
Was on a mission to drown her memory but
I thought no way with all this rukus

But after one round with Jose Cuervo
I caught my boots tapping along with the beat
And After two rounds with Jose Cuervo
The band was sounding pretty darn good to me

Then some stranger asked me to dance
and i reviled to her my two left feet
Said "Don't get me wrong, im glad you asked,
But tonight's about beating an old memory

Then after Three rounds with Jose Cuervo
I let her lead me out on the floor
And after Four rounds with Jose Cuervo
I was showing off moves never seen before

Well, round five or round six
I forgot what I came to forget
After Round seven, Or was it eight?
I bought a round for the whole dang place

And after nine rounds with Jose Cuervo
They were counting me out and i was about to give in
Then after ten rounds with Jose Cuervo
I lost count and started counting again
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Postby Maisy » April 10th, 2008, 3:42 am

Or is it....

Well its sunday morning
And the sun is shining in my
Eye that is open
And my head is spinning
Was the life of the party
I can't stop grinning
I had too much tequllia last night

Jose Quervo
You are a friend of mine
I like to drink you with
A little salt and lime
Did I kiss all the cowboys
Did I shoot out the lights
Did I dance on the bar
Did I start any fights
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Postby Maisy » April 10th, 2008, 3:44 am


she said I'm going out with my girlfriends
Marguerita's at the holiday inn
Oh have mercy my only thought
Was tequila makes her clothes fall off
I told her put an extra layer on
I know what happens when she drinks patron?
Her closets missing half the things she bought
Yea tequila makes her clothes fall off

She'll start by kicking out of her shoes
Lose an earring in her drink
Leave her jacket in the bathroom stall
Drop a contact down the sink

Them panty hose aint gonna last too long
If the DJ puts Bon Jovi on
She might come home in a table cloth
Yea tequila makes her clothes fall off
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Postby Maisy » April 10th, 2008, 3:45 am

Yeah the last one I think is it :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Postby lifelovinaries » April 10th, 2008, 1:47 pm

and THEN soj inserted maisy's iv... :roflmao:

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Postby Sojourner » April 10th, 2008, 6:46 pm

lifelovinaries wrote:and THEN soj inserted maisy's iv... :roflmao:

Hells Bells!
It sounds like it'll be the IV
AND restraints!!!

I'd better borrow DH's handcuffs!


Maybe we can get 'em on before she shucks the jeans...

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby Maisy » April 11th, 2008, 6:36 am

Now how the heck did that happen, I was assuming the songs were for SOJO, but hey maybe I am all alone here, having drank all that and really just singing to myself in the drunk tank!
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