lifelovinaries wrote:Sojo, i just wanted to let you know that i commend your strength, with school and life in general. You are definitely a role model here for many individuals! Glad to hear everything is going well in school. I honestly don't know how you juggle everything. Wow, the power of practice maintaining positive thoughts is a power thing. I have realized this in my own life. It takes practice to change your subconscious thoughts but once they begin to change, your WHOLE life and outlook change. Although this may seem like rambling to some, sojo, i know you understand. So to you i say thanks for being such a positive person and allowing your positivity exude thru our computers.
Erica ~ I completely understand what you're saying.
I learned this early on in my life because...well...let's just say that my upbringing was somewhat less than ideal.

But, who's in charge of my life? ME!!!! And you're right ~ even when I wasn't in charge of my movements, or the expression of my beliefs, or even my own body sometimes...I was always in control of my mind (some here would say that I'm out of my mind, hahaha, and I wouldn't necessarily argue against them!). Seriously, though ~ I choose how to respond to people and situations. I choose.

As far as juggling everything ~ I'm not sure how I'm doing it either!

Thank you for your kind words, you're very sweet!
Oh, I'd also like to thank you for putting up your avatar!
I posted something about it in Rodeo's journal...I hope you'll get a kick out of it.
You're lovely, btw!