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Postby Sojourner » November 11th, 2007, 2:09 pm

lifelovinaries wrote:Sojo, i just wanted to let you know that i commend your strength, with school and life in general. You are definitely a role model here for many individuals! Glad to hear everything is going well in school. I honestly don't know how you juggle everything. Wow, the power of practice maintaining positive thoughts is a power thing. I have realized this in my own life. It takes practice to change your subconscious thoughts but once they begin to change, your WHOLE life and outlook change. Although this may seem like rambling to some, sojo, i know you understand. So to you i say thanks for being such a positive person and allowing your positivity exude thru our computers. :)

Erica ~ I completely understand what you're saying.
I learned this early on in my life because...well...let's just say that my upbringing was somewhat less than ideal. ;)
But, who's in charge of my life? ME!!!! And you're right ~ even when I wasn't in charge of my movements, or the expression of my beliefs, or even my own body sometimes...I was always in control of my mind (some here would say that I'm out of my mind, hahaha, and I wouldn't necessarily argue against them!). Seriously, though ~ I choose how to respond to people and situations. I choose. 8)

As far as juggling everything ~ I'm not sure how I'm doing it either! :nana: I was just going over my schedule for next semester, 'cause my registration date is on Wed. I have to take two classes that are prerequisites for graduate school, and I was looking at other classes that might interest me. Then I just stopped and said, "NO!!" I decided that I'm only gonna' take the two classes that I must have and just take it easy this spring. I've never had less than a full-load during a semester, so this will be very different for me. Only 6 units. :shock: Wow. I'm really looking forward to it ~ especially with the next month I'm looking at right now!

Thank you for your kind words, you're very sweet!
Oh, I'd also like to thank you for putting up your avatar!
I posted something about it in Rodeo's journal...I hope you'll get a kick out of it.
You're lovely, btw!

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Postby Sojourner » November 11th, 2007, 2:14 pm

Tawanda is great to see a post (and update about school) from you. Hope all the rest of the tests and papers go well....and that you'll get some time to return soon.

Miss you (and your wit :lol:)

Thanks, Mizz T!
I miss you too!

I just posted about how I'm gonna' take
it easy next semester. Real easy...I'm excited!

Okay, back to the studying ~ the BIG test in biopsych
is coming up. One test on Wed, another paper that's due,
and then scheduling and stuff for the experiment that I'm running...
Wish me luck!!!

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Postby rodeomom » November 11th, 2007, 3:23 pm

I understand your issues with school so well. When I was working on my BA I never took anything less than 15 quarter credits and many times took more. Now, I wish I had slowed down a little and really got into those classes. Taking a big load we tend to just get by instead of really sinking our teeth into a good class. Well that is the way it was for me anyhow.

Thanks for stopping by my journal. You have a good point about my chores and great suggestions on building them up. Thanks again.
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Postby lifelovinaries » November 11th, 2007, 6:55 pm

Oh, I'd also like to thank you for putting up your avatar!
I posted something about it in Rodeo's journal...I hope you'll get a kick out of it.

I read what you wrote in RM's journal! <img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""> OVARY CHICK?!? it's life lovin aries, but i gotta admit, once you brought it to my attention, when i looked at the screen name, i can see the ovaries thing!!!!! <img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src="">

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Postby DonnaS » November 15th, 2007, 3:39 pm

Sojourner wrote:
DonnaS wrote:Check out the test at www dot realage dot com

Hey Donna!
Thanks for the heads up on the book - it definitely sounds interesting and informative. I love Dr. Oz and... uhm... that other guy! ;)

I took that test last semester as an assignment in my Adulthood & Aging class. I was thrilled with the results! My "real age" was 34 years old. 8) Not bad considering that I will be 46 in a little over a week! Then we did another test from our textbooks that involved life span. My family history plus my "real age" factors indicate that I'm gonna' live to be 102 years old! That makes starting my professional career so late in life a little easier to swallow! Heehee. But really, both sets of grandparents lived into their late 80s and 90s, even with really unhealthy dietary habits (greasy, fatty, sugary foods), and the resultant diabetes and hypertension. Lots of alcohol and tobacco throughout their lives too! My maternal great-aunt just died last summer, having reached 103 years old - and my paternal great-grandfather lived to be 112! Tequila and cigars everyday! He was also quite active right up until his last days, too--they all were--so that's definitely a factor.

Yeah, anyway ~ it makes it much easier, as that big 5-0 quickly approaches, to know that I'm not really that age!! Genetic factors from both sides of my family, coupled with the good lifestyle we're all striving for might very well take me to that century mark! With tequila!!

<img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src="">

Sounds like your going to be around for a long long time Sojo so there certainly isn't anything to worry about with your late career start. When I took the test (I'm 47.5 years old) it showed me at 44 years old. I too had very old paternal grandparents; my dad's mom lived to be 104. She didn't drink but she did chew tobacco. On the other hand my maternal grandmother died of a massive heart attack in her 50's. My maternal grandfather lived to be 94 and he was an alcoholic during his younger years. I think that staying active is a BIG thing on aging gracefully and living a longer.

Hope all your testing is going well!

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Postby Sojourner » November 17th, 2007, 7:48 pm

rodeomom wrote:Thanks for stopping by my journal. You have a good point about my chores and great suggestions on building them up. Thanks again.

Oh yay! So glad that it helped!

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Postby Sojourner » November 17th, 2007, 7:55 pm

lifelovinaries wrote:OVARY CHICK?!? it's life lovin aries, but i gotta admit, once you brought it to my attention, when i looked at the screen name, i can see the ovaries thing!!!!! <img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src="">

Lololololololol ~ I know that it's supposed to be "life lovin aries,"
but "OVARIES" just jumped out at me every time I saw it!!

Glad you have a good sense of humor about it,
'cuz seems to be your new name!! ;)

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Postby Sojourner » November 17th, 2007, 8:22 pm

DonnaS wrote:I think that staying active is a BIG thing on aging gracefully and living a longer.

Hope all your testing is going well!

Donna ~ you're certainly working on that with all your walking, aren't you? I really admire your dedication. :clapclap:

Thanks for the well-wishes about my tests! So far, so good. I feel really good about the biopsych test... I won't get the results back until after Thanksgiving - but I earned a 98% on the test in Counseling Theory! Yay me!!

I had mentioned something in Lizabette's journal some time ago about how we don't stop learning because we get too old, we get old because we stop learning. Yet another defense tool in my arsenal against aging! :mrgreen:

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Postby bikipatra » November 18th, 2007, 8:07 am

Sojourner wrote:Thanks for the well-wishes about my tests! So far, so good. I feel really good about the biopsych test... I won't get the results back until after Thanksgiving - but I earned a 98% on the test in Counseling Theory! Yay me!!


I hate my therapist. Maybe you can start working with me. I can't pay much, just in clavicle shots. I need a therapist who will tell it like it is!
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Postby nickieluv » November 18th, 2007, 9:37 pm

Just catching up a little, Sojo - wow, you will love next semester I bet. Either that or you'll be bored silly! :lol: You deserve the break. Good luck in the next few weeks to semester's end!
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Postby Sojourner » November 19th, 2007, 12:04 pm

bikipatra wrote:I hate my therapist. Maybe you can start working with me. I can't pay much, just in clavicle shots. I need a therapist who will tell it like it is!

Wha?? I thought the cornflake turned out not to be such a flake afterall?
Uhhhmmmm.........I dunno' about us working together, Biki - the times I've told it like it is didn't really
garner such an appreciative response from you, as I recall. (Hey, just telling it like it is!) 8)

You might look for a Gestalt therapist in your area, but you'd better be sure that's what you really want.
Saying it and meaning it are two different things, and they don't mess around.
Good Luck!

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Postby Sojourner » November 19th, 2007, 12:11 pm

nickieluv wrote:Just catching up a little, Sojo - wow, you will love next semester I bet. Either that or you'll be bored silly! :lol: You deserve the break. Good luck in the next few weeks to semester's end!

Hiya, Nicks!
Baby Congrats!!!!!!
That's awesome - I know how much you wanted this!
So, yay!

Next semester ~ well, it turns out that I'll have 9 units, not 6.
I had one more GE course to fulfill. The psych courses that I thought
covered that do not, because, for this particular section, courses in one's
major do not count. :roll: Oh well, it still only 9 units...that's the least I've ever had!
And somehow, I don't think I'll be bored. I may even get some real snooze time, finally!!

Thanks for stopping by, Nickie!

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Postby bikipatra » November 19th, 2007, 12:18 pm

Sojourner wrote:
bikipatra wrote:I hate my therapist. Maybe you can start working with me. I can't pay much, just in clavicle shots. I need a therapist who will tell it like it is!

[color=darkblue]Wha?? I thought the cornflake turned out not to be such a flake afterall?
Uhhhmmmm.........I dunno' about us working together, Biki - the times I've told it like it is didn't really
garner such an appreciative response from you, as I recall. (Hey, just telling it like it is!) 8)

What, when, where? :lol:
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Postby Serendipity » November 19th, 2007, 12:27 pm

Hey, Sojo Renee.....after your fix bebes, I'll be next in line, you can work on me! :mrgreen:
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Postby Sojourner » November 19th, 2007, 11:55 pm

Serendipity can work on me!

I'm not "working" on anybody!!
Y'all have to do the work yourselves!!

That said, I do have a suggestion for you, Jo. :mrgreen:

In another post somewhere (maybe your journal?), you wrote that you're continually having to explain things to yourself and that your inner brat is really resisting and rationalizing. I think that if you consider your inner brat to be another forum member trying to take the easy way out or giving in to temptation, you'll know exactly what to say to her to set her on the right path! You can be more objective that way, don'tcha think? Just like when we're in the grocery store and see a bratty kid and their ineffective parent. Don't we all say, "If that were my kid, I'd..." Try that with Little Jo.

OMG, Little Jo! Yeah, just be Hoss to your Little Jo! HeeHee.

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