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Postby Sojourner » September 30th, 2007, 2:20 pm

katieb920 wrote:I told you once before I would pay Top <img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""> to see you live. You really do know how to cheer people up. :D

Awwww ~ thanks, Katie!
I was just in your journal, sending you some much needed Mojo!
Wouldn't it be cool if we could hang out? If you're ever this way...
I prolly wouldn't be very funny, though. I'd buckle under the pressure.
OR ~ we'd snort laugh the entire time!!!
Feel better soon, chica!

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby queenielou » September 30th, 2007, 3:38 pm

Sojourner wrote:
queenielou wrote:Since you spent so much time working out and you were (are?) a hardcore athlete, can you tell me why some women come to the gym in cotton stretch shorts (biking shorts with no sheen) realizing that they are sweaty monsters and that by the end of the workout I will see an sweat outline of their hooha? Do they think that's cool or do they just not realize that people with sensitive sensibilities like myself have a difficult time finishing the workout when they have just seen a tight, sweaty crotch? I know you'll have the answer for me!

First of all...that is definitely a "were" in the hardcore athlete department. :cry: to why those women do what you describe ~ I can tell you EXACTLY why.
It's because they are disgusting idiots.
Simple as that.

Or as my new friend Will would say:
Methink'st thou art a general offence and everyone should beat thee.
Thou art an unmuzzled dizzy-eyed strumpet.
Thou artless unwashed vassal!
Bathe thyself, thou wretched clay-brained wench.
OMG! I cracked myself up with that!!
Wouldn't that be great to say to your sweaty-crotched gym-mate?
I double-dog dare ya'!!

LOfreakingL, Sojo! I think you are absolutely right about the disgusting idiot part :) If I could remember your beautiful verses, I would recite them to the lady the next time I see her. She looks a lot stronger than me though. I would hate to get beat up by a sweaty crotch woman.
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Postby Sojourner » October 2nd, 2007, 12:12 am

queenielou wrote:She looks a lot stronger than me though. I would hate to get beat up by a sweaty crotch woman.

HA! I bet you can run faster than her though!




Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby Diana » October 2nd, 2007, 6:24 pm

Hey, beautiful!! Just stopping by to deliver a cyber hug! :hug:
Here's to our mutual success! :buddies: --Diana
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Postby Mike » October 2nd, 2007, 9:46 pm

Sojourner wrote:They were on sale at Wal-Mart, 2-for-1...
:roll: ;)

Thanks for buying the last set :( I think I was in line behind you, but alas, you got the last one. ;)

katieb920 wrote:I told you once before I would pay Top to see you live. You really do know how to cheer people up. icon_biggrin.gif

I thought you knew, Sojo is actually a helpless automaton. :puterboos: She actually only exists in cyberspace. :puter:

:roflmao: :roflmao:
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Postby Sojourner » October 3rd, 2007, 8:37 am

Mike wrote:
Sojourner wrote:They were on sale at Wal-Mart, 2-for-1...
:roll: ;)

Thanks for buying the last set :( I think I was in line behind you, but alas, you got the last one. ;)

katieb920 wrote:I told you once before I would pay Top to see you live. You really do know how to cheer people up. icon_biggrin.gif

I thought you knew, Sojo is actually a helpless automaton. :puterboos: She actually only exists in cyberspace. :puter:

:roflmao: :roflmao:

Duuuuuuude.I think they must've slipped some in your bag, or something ~ you've definitely got a set!
(LOL...after I typed that I realized what it sounded like, but as it is, indeed, appropriate to the intended person, I'm leaving it!! :D)

And don't tell people about my automaton-ness until AFTER they've sent the money!! Duh. :roll:
So, did you wonder why only Mikey knows about my automaton-ness, people??
I'm really him. That's why we have the same birthday!!

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby Sojourner » October 3rd, 2007, 8:46 am

Diana wrote:Hey, beautiful!! Just stopping by to deliver a cyber hug! :hug:

Hiya, gorgeous!
Thanks for the cyber hug!!
(as an automaton, those are the only kind I can receive, y'know...)

BTW, your hubby is a funny, funny man!
I mean, I am...I mean, he is...I mean...huh?????
Sorry, my circuits are in overload :nutz:

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby Sojourner » October 8th, 2007, 9:48 pm

I come on as often as I can to read as many posts as I can,
but I try not to get started posting (else I'll be here way longer
than I can afford to be ;) ), but that doesn't always work.

Y'all know that I can only stay quiet for so long! :lol: :lol:

Plus, I had company this weekend, so I haven't been on in
several days now. People are dropping like flies! What the heck???
It's gonna' take more time to figure it out than what I have,
so ~ I just wanna' let everyone know that I value having gotten
to know all of my MF peeps...even when we disagree. That's what
a democracy is all about, eh? Still ~ everyone must do what is best
for them at any given time, and I completely respect that...even though
I'll miss those :cry: that have opted to leave or distance themselves, or
try to get preggers, or whatEVER... :D (congrats, Nickie!)

Anyhoo ~ a great, big welcome to all the newbies I've yet to introduce
myself to. Howdy, y'all!! :wave:

Back to the grindstone - I have a big test tomorrow and a paper due on Thursday.
Holy Smokes...didn't I just have a big test and a paper due last week??
Yes, I did! :roll: Ah, well...wish me luck!

((((((( :hug: )))))))

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby Mike » October 8th, 2007, 10:43 pm

Just a little note to the automaton. ;)

Study hard, get all A's :goteam: and then we can all throw you a party :partytime:

I remember the days of papers :help: and tests :buddies:.... glad those days are over for me. :dance: :twisted:

Now its payback time... and I give those to my students :x

Although, I end up having to grade them... so who is really getting at whom? :bricks: :hammerhead: :question:

Anyhow, we all wish you well, and come grace us with your presence when you can. :kool:
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Postby queenielou » October 9th, 2007, 9:17 am

Hey Sojo,

I hope your test went well and that your paper is coming along smoothly. Break will be here before you know it so you'll have at least a little bit of respite soon.

Keep up the great work!
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Postby Sojourner » October 9th, 2007, 9:00 pm

Thanks Mike and Queenie! :heart:

The test today (in Counseling Theory) was soooooo easy...I almost feel as though something was wrong!
Short answer and essay question tests are usually pretty easy for me, 'cause...if you hadn't noticed...I am just a little verbose. :D
I guess I "over studied" for this test, but I'd MUCH rather that happen than the opposite! Yay, me!!

I only wish that my BioPsych test last week had been that easy. It was NOT.
I barely squeaked an "A" on that one (yay, for extra credit points!), but an A is an A is an A, right??
Of course right! (That line was delivered in my best Yenta impersonation, lol).

I actually have tomorrow off in observance of Columbus Day...but, of course, I will spend it studying. I have another BioPsych test next Tues. :nutz:
This one is all about the amygdala and different lobes and layers of the brain. Funny, 'cause it's making my brain ache!! :hammerhead:

I do plan on going to bed in just a few minutes and don't plan on getting up tomorrow until I friggin' feel like it - even if that means at 1:30 in the afternoon! :snooze:
See all you losers later!!

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby queenielou » October 9th, 2007, 10:48 pm

Congrats on the A and the A you made today, smartie artie!
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Postby Mike » October 9th, 2007, 11:32 pm

Sojourner wrote:[size=18][i]I have another BioPsych test next Tues. :nutz:
This one is all about the amygdala and different lobes and layers of the brain. Funny, 'cause it's making my brain ache!! :hammerhead:

Reminds me of when I took Introduction to Neuroscience. Bio course double listed in the Psyche Dept. One of the hardest courses I ever took in Bio and glad when it was over. Got tired of carrying around my sheep brain in the zip lock all semester. ;)
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Postby bikipatra » October 10th, 2007, 1:17 am

Congrats on your A, good luck on your next test and thanks for reminding me I need to call and make an appointment with my neurologist today. They told me to make a follow-up appointment and then didn't return my VM and now my poor lttle ears are hurting again!
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Postby holberry » October 10th, 2007, 7:29 am

Hey Soj!
many congrats on the A's and for taking the brain busting classes.
you go little soj, go :lightbeam:
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