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Postby Sojourner » September 28th, 2007, 11:32 pm

bikipatra wrote:
DonnaS wrote:Clavicals? What are those? :lol:

Don't get her started!!! :roll:

Getting one started would imply that one had stopped, que no?

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby Sojourner » September 28th, 2007, 11:43 pm

holberry wrote:good morning soj!

have you come up for a breath from you books this week?

oh and if I demonstrate poor posture, I can see my clavs, does that count? :hmmm:

No, I haven't! :nutz:
It was a really tough week. Uuuuuggggghhhhh.
I've prolly only had 15 hours of sleep since Sun night. :yawn:
Well...before this afternoon, that is. I took a very long nap, and plan on going back to sleep very soon.

I answered your poor posture question above...8), but to reiterate, I'd say YES, it does count!!

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Postby Sojourner » September 28th, 2007, 11:59 pm

queenielou wrote:Can't wait to see pics, Biki, of your new sweater dresses! More clav porn, please :)

Hey Soj,

It's almost Friday and everybody knows you don't have to study on the weekends! Hope you're doing well pretty lady :)

Hola, Queenie!
There's some claviporn in Alex's journal (alpha femme). It's hot. :D

Ohhhh....if only there were a law about no studying on weekends.
No such luck. :cry:

How's the semester going for you??
How do you fit in all of the working out that you do with your studying??
It sounds more like you'd have to fit in your studies with your workouts!
How are the cannonballs treating you? Are your wrists sufficiently calloused now? :roll:

I hope you have a great weekend, girlie...
and that the wisdom teeth extraction isn't too horrible!!

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby bikipatra » September 29th, 2007, 3:15 am

Sojourner wrote:
bikipatra wrote:
Mickeyz wrote:I've never given my clavs much thought till the last few weeks, now I am clavicles obsessed! :lol:

I saw a thing on TV that said the 2 places on a womans body that should be emphasized to make you look thinner are your clavicles and the ribs right under your breast. So a V neck empire waist is the cats meow!

Great! I just got two new mini sweater dresses with a v-neck and empire styling! When I wear them with my boots, I am going to feel like Emma Peel!

Does she meow??
Seriously though, who is Emma Peel?
The name sounds familiar...was she on
one of those campy spy shows in the 70s?
When I read her name, I got an image
of a woman with a gun... :huh: If she was
some fashion model or political person, that
would be kind of weird, huh?

May I introduce you to Mrs. Emma Peel:
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Postby queenielou » September 29th, 2007, 6:00 am

Sojourner wrote:No, I haven't! :nutz:
It was a really tough week. Uuuuuggggghhhhh.
I've prolly only had 15 hours of sleep since Sun night. :yawn:
Well...before this afternoon, that is. I took a very long nap, and plan on going back to sleep very soon.

The amount of sleep I get is what makes grad school infinitely better than undergrad! Hope you have a restful weekend.
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Postby queenielou » September 29th, 2007, 6:06 am

Sojourner wrote:Hola, Queenie!
There's some claviporn in Alex's journal (alpha femme). It's hot. :D

Ohhhh....if only there were a law about no studying on weekends.
No such luck. :cry:

How's the semester going for you??
How do you fit in all of the working out that you do with your studying??
It sounds more like you'd have to fit in your studies with your workouts!
How are the cannonballs treating you? Are your wrists sufficiently calloused now? :roll:

I hope you have a great weekend, girlie...
and that the wisdom teeth extraction isn't too horrible!!

Thanks for the well wishes, Soj!

Fortunately, I only have classes 2 days a week so I have no excuses for not going to the gym (except on Tuesday and Thursday evenings). As it colder and darker, it's going to be even harder for me to want to work out at night. But I'll do it because I seem to like to eat ice cream and sandwiches and cake and anything else a person who just had 2 teeth removed can eat according to the dentist. Fortunately, I didn't have to use the kettlebells this week.

Since you spent so much time working out and you were (are?) a hardcore athlete, can you tell me why some women come to the gym in cotton stretch shorts (biking shorts with no sheen) realizing that they are sweaty monsters and that by the end of the workout I will see an sweat outline of their hooha? Do they think that's cool or do they just not realize that people with sensitive sensibilities like myself have a difficult time finishing the workout when they have just seen a tight, sweaty crotch? I know you'll have the answer for me!
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Hiya Sojo

Postby Ginabobina1969 » September 29th, 2007, 10:02 am

Just wanted to stop by and say Hiiii! :)
Sounds like your REALLLY busy and really tired..might be Imagecause it sounds like your in dire need of some sweet dreamsImage
Really, tho try to sneak some Zzzz's in when you get a chance, you don't wanna burn out.

Take Care!

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Postby Sojourner » September 30th, 2007, 12:14 pm

bikipatra wrote:May I introduce you to Mrs. Emma Peel:

Hey, there she is! Gun and all...
It's funny how things like that stick in your brain, eh?
I need to shove it over (or out) and make room for all
the new stuff I'm taking in. I mean, really ~ what's all
that Gilligan's Island and Brady Bunch trivia ever gonna'
do for me?? :roll: (Here's the story, of a lovely lady...)

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby Sojourner » September 30th, 2007, 12:20 pm

queenielou wrote:The amount of sleep I get is what makes grad school infinitely better than undergrad! Hope you have a restful weekend.

Really?! :o Oh, yay ~ I thought it was only gonna' get worse!

Thanks, I have had a nice, restful weekend...even with some studying and homework
here and there - nothing too intense. Thanks, Queenie, for shining a light at the end
of the tunnel for me. Now I know it's not the headlamp of an oncoming train!!

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby Sojourner » September 30th, 2007, 1:11 pm

queenielou wrote:Since you spent so much time working out and you were (are?) a hardcore athlete, can you tell me why some women come to the gym in cotton stretch shorts (biking shorts with no sheen) realizing that they are sweaty monsters and that by the end of the workout I will see an sweat outline of their hooha? Do they think that's cool or do they just not realize that people with sensitive sensibilities like myself have a difficult time finishing the workout when they have just seen a tight, sweaty crotch? I know you'll have the answer for me!


Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby Sojourner » September 30th, 2007, 1:13 pm

queenielou wrote:Since you spent so much time working out and you were (are?) a hardcore athlete, can you tell me why some women come to the gym in cotton stretch shorts (biking shorts with no sheen) realizing that they are sweaty monsters and that by the end of the workout I will see an sweat outline of their hooha? Do they think that's cool or do they just not realize that people with sensitive sensibilities like myself have a difficult time finishing the workout when they have just seen a tight, sweaty crotch? I know you'll have the answer for me!

First of all...that is definitely a "were" in the hardcore athlete department. :cry: to why those women do what you describe ~ I can tell you EXACTLY why.
It's because they are disgusting idiots.
Simple as that.

Or as my new friend Will would say:
Methink'st thou art a general offence and everyone should beat thee.
Thou art an unmuzzled dizzy-eyed strumpet.
Thou artless unwashed vassal!
Bathe thyself, thou wretched clay-brained wench.
OMG! I cracked myself up with that!!
Wouldn't that be great to say to your sweaty-crotched gym-mate?
I double-dog dare ya'!!

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby katesmom » September 30th, 2007, 1:34 pm

Hey SOJO !

Thank goodness for your sense of humor ! I read your post in Biki's journal with the Suma wrestler in a pink tu-tu !!! You are too much ! Where do you get your quick wit from???

Thanks for stopping by and saying hello in my journal !

Please keep us all laughing !!
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Re: Hiya Sojo

Postby Sojourner » September 30th, 2007, 1:40 pm

Ginabobina1969 wrote:Just wanted to stop by and say Hiiii! :)
Sounds like your REALLLY busy and really tired..might be Imagecause it sounds like your in dire need of some sweet dreamsImage
Really, tho try to sneak some Zzzz's in when you get a chance, you don't wanna burn out.

Take Care!

Hi Gina Gina!!
Thanks, you're such a sweetie!
As I was just telling Queenie, I've had a fairly restful weekend. I did just a little homework and studying, and spent WAY more time sleeping than studying in the last couple of days. OMG, last week was crazy...and I'm much too old for this shhhhhhtuff. Also, a big part of the problem is that I took the entire summer off and did absolutely nothing over the course of 3 months ~ I was trying to buildup my resources and avoid that burnout of which you spoke. While it went a long way in doing those things, it has also made it pretty doggone difficult to get back in the swing of things, y'know? Especially with the intense load that I have this semester. I just have to learn to organize my time more efficiently...including the time I spend here, unfortunately. This place is pretty addicting though, so I'll just have to budget it in somehow! I can't do with my MF peeps!

<img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src="">

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Postby Sojourner » September 30th, 2007, 1:47 pm

katesmom wrote:Where do you get your quick wit from???

They were on sale at Wal-Mart, 2-for-1...
:roll: ;)

Thanks, Pam! I appreciate your appreciativeness.
Most people don't call it being "quick-witted," but rather
"smartassed." Thanks for being nice!

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Postby katieb920 » September 30th, 2007, 2:01 pm

Sojourner wrote:
katesmom wrote:Where do you get your quick wit from???

They were on sale at Wal-Mart, 2-for-1...
:roll: ;)

Thanks, Pam! I appreciate your appreciativeness.
Most people don't call it being "quick-witted," but rather
"smartassed." Thanks for being nice!

I told you once before I would pay Top <img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""> to see you live. You really do know how to cheer people up. :D
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