SuzyQ66 wrote:Hey Sojo - I too was AWOL for a while. Had a wonderful vacation in Florida for two weeks but also really didn't realize how much a grandbaby was going to change our lives nor take up so much of my time. Not enough time in the day to get to everything.
I am so sorry to hear about Chloe and about all the health problems your family continues to endure. I truly hope that things go better for you and your family.
Thanks for continuing with your posts - this site would not be the same with you!!
I've missed you, Suzy Q!!
Thanks for the condolences, everyone has been so wonderful.

I'm glad that your vacation was great. If you'd only know how crazy busy you'd be, you would've eeked out every last bit of relaxation, huh?
I'm glad to be back and I'm really glad that you're back, too!