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Every single one of you has such a caring, empathic soul. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Just having a place to vent has been so cathartic ~ plus, y'all are pretty doggone funny yourselves.

I just received wonderful, amazing news. My sister's biopsies were all negative. Everything is benign. I'm stunned.

Queenie, you must've been right about her stored-up favor.

I can't tell y'all how relieved I am. I didn't even know just how anxious I was until the phone rang and the CallerID showed
my nephew's #. I almost hyperventilated. He was almost crying with relief about his mother's great news. And now, so am I.
Thank you all so much for the prayers and other positive energy focused in my sister's direction ~ I know it made a difference.
Debbie Downer got slammed!!
Oh yeah.