Albert is doing better than he should be doing, which is awesome.
He has a great attitude and his sense of humor has remained intact,
which, I really believe, will make a huge difference.
Jerod had a stress test today that went pretty well. During the cool-down period though, his heart was throwing in extra beats, so that was concerning. More tests to follow. He feels fine, and seems to be handling the scariness of the whole situation really well. He's learning all he can about this condition (future doc that he is!) and realizes how "lucky" he is, if Brugada syndrome is, indeed, what he has. He told me all about the defibrillator device that can be surgically implanted to correct any arrhythmic activity (what Tawanda was talking about). I had read up on it myself, and his description was amazing! He knew every little thing about it. So...other than that, nothing really new to report, but I'll keep y'all updated.
You all were right, of course, about this being a silver lining...to have found out now. As Robin pointed out, these conditions are usually not known until the autopsy is performed. See, logically and medically, I know all of this - but it's really difficult to separate the emotion from the reality when it involves one so near and dear.
Thank you all SO much for your kindness, prayers, well wishes, positive energy, and overall amazing support. I also appreciated the personal experiences that some of you shared - Mizz T, Sue, and Mary - thank you so much for that. OMG, and the well-wishes for Lucas in Iraq...I shared those with him (isn't Instant Messaging wonderful?) and he asked me to let you all know how much he appreciates that.
Can I just say it again? You people are wonderful!