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Postby Sojourner » October 4th, 2006, 8:36 pm

Nova: thanks for letting me off the hook! I planned to try to get a good pic today, but had forgotten that I have a paper due tomorrow, so it's gonna' have to wait. Hopefully by the weekend. As far as the sleep goes, that's gonna' have to wait too, but I'll probably sleep past noon on Friday! Boy, I can't wait!

Reginia: I've gone back to school to get my masters in psychology and an MFT license (Marriage/Family Therapist) in order to provide counseling and support to people with developmental disabilities. Well, eventually. I'm working on my BS right now--that's Bachelor of Science, 'cuz y'all know that my normal BS does not need to be worked on at all! Thanks for the woohoo about my recent NSVs! Crazy about the shoes, huh? I still have Fred Flinstone toes though!!

Kendra: Thanks for the hooray and kudos! I was already overweight when I began school, but gained 20+ lbs in the first year because, as you pointed out, it was just so easy to eat on the run and to eat junk--like a whole bag of chips or Skittles or Hot Tamales while I read late at night. So yeah, I'm finding that it's just as easy to keep a small cooler in the trunk of my car and grab an RTD 2-3 times per day. And the snacking thing was just a habit that I've had to break. Tough, but it just had to go!

Well, I just needed a break from the schoolwork, so...thanks again y'all!

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Postby Sojourner » October 5th, 2006, 6:08 pm

Yay, I made it through the week! Whew! Earned an "A" on my test in Drugs & Behavior, the test in Abnormal Psych was postponed from Tuesday 'til today, and I'm fairly confident that I did well on that one too. I finished my paper and all of the data collection and literature reviews for my Psyc Research class, and now I have 3 blissful days off to look forward to! Well, I do have some reading to do, and a 1-page paper due on Tuesday, but that's it for the whole weekend! I plan on sleeping well past noon tomorrow!!! Seriously.

I'm on this board a lot more than I thought I would be since the semester began. I try to only read and not post but...big mouth that I am...LOL. It makes for a really nice break when I've been reading or doing other homework for hours on end. I just keep the browser open and sneak a peek now and then!

So, after I get up tomorrow afternoon sometime, I'm gonna' try to figure out how to work the timer on my camera to get a decent shot to send to the Studio. Hopefully, it's a lot less fuzzy than the last one! That was just a small shot taken on a camera phone and blown up, so the resolution was horrible! I liked what Nova said though--that it looked like an art pic!

I'm pretty sure I haven't lost any weight this week. I only added a sixth supplement on Tues, Wed, and today, but hopefully this will work after my body adjusts to it. I've simply got to get more sleep. I know that is really having an effect, and on more than just my weight. I'm wiped out!! Even so, I somehow managed to avoid a miserable bug that my poor DH had. He sounded like he had kennel cough, poor guy! I never felt so much as a sniffle--must be 'cuz I'm MF-fortified, eh?

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Postby DogMa » October 5th, 2006, 6:53 pm

I never got so much as a cold on Medifast, so it could be. Although others, like poor Sarya, have been miserably sick, so who knows? All I know is I used to get every bug that came along.

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Postby Sojourner » October 7th, 2006, 10:13 pm

Crazy day! I went to a birthday party where there was a ton of Mexican food: tamales, beans, rice, chips, salsa, margaritas...the works! I had a shake and a bar and lots of water. No cake, no candy from the pinata, NADA!! It was really a lot of fun. The party was for a friend's co-worker's daughter (Mexican), and my friend (whiter-than-white transplant from North Dakota) didn't want to go by herself! We joked that I was her cultural attache ;), and designated driver. People are pretty silly when they're all liquor'd up and you're not! Good times...

Oh! My Abnormal Pscy prof e-mailed our test scores. 98% babee! Oh yeah!

DH is camping this weekend with his squad. It's nice and quiet and I've gotten all my homework and laundry done, so tomorrow is a total veg out day. Nap, eat, read...repeat. That's my plan for the day. Mmmm. I might throw in a candle-lit soak in the tub, but I might just wait for DH so that he can, ahem, scrub my back?

So...I took a picture today and posted it in the Studio. I think it looks fatter than I look in the mirror. What's up with that? clavicles are showing, and I'm wearing my junior size 9 Levi's. WooHoo!! They fit pretty snugly through the thigh, not so snugly in the seat, and the waist is kind of big - I actually wear a belt with them! I'm a long way from tucking anything in, but still...second notch on the belt, last week it was the first. The scale, however; still not moving. Oh well. As long as the end of that belt keeps getting longer, I don't care!!


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Postby DogMa » October 7th, 2006, 11:53 pm

OK, now I need to go check out the photo. And congrats on the exam!!

And I'm with you on the jeans/belt, too. Who cares WHAT the scale says if you're fitting into teeny-tiny clothes??? The mirror and the calipers are WAY more important than the scale.

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Postby Sojourner » October 8th, 2006, 9:14 pm

Thanks Robin!

So......the scale moved, but just a teensy bit. Half a pound. Still and all, I know that my body will need a little time to adjust to the addition of that extra supplement, plus the sleep thing (or lack of!) is still an issue. I'm thinking of checking out the gym at school, excuse me--the Wellness Center. I may as well use it, I'm paying for it whether or not I do, right? I'm not sure what kinds of machines they have, or what I can do as far as modifications go, but anything is better than nothing at this point. Even though I'm wiped out, I'm still feeling a little restless and think a little bit of exercise sounds good. Robin, you're wearing off on me! Well, we'll see what happens.

Today was delish. I did nothing. It was great! Oh yeah, and the Niners beat the Raiders. That always makes for a great day, LOL. Robert got home much earlier than I thought he would, so I didn't have to wait so long for that soak in the tub afterall <deep sigh>. OMG, the first thing he said to me when he walked in the door was, "Man, you look skinny!" Yeah, I didn't even care that his boots were full of mud and he brought a load of dirty clothes home after I just did laundry yesterday. He could've gotten away with almost anything after that comment!

As noted in the previous post, I posted an updated pic in the Studio. Holy Moly did I get a great reaction from everyone! It was awesome!! And totally motivating: "Oh yeah? Wait'll you see the next pictures!" LOL Everyone is just so great, but that's what I love about this place. :D


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Postby Sojourner » October 9th, 2006, 11:02 am

New avatar pic, cropped from the one I posted in the Studio. The very first avatar pic I submitted was my baby picture, 'cuz it still looked just like me. Chubby cheeks. Then the Silver Fox said I needed an adult pic, so I posted the one with my eyes crossed and tongue sticking out. LOL. But, now..........uhmmm.............clavicles rock! ;)

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Postby DogMa » October 9th, 2006, 12:33 pm

Very nice avatar. You're so pretty!!!

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Postby Lizabette » October 9th, 2006, 6:16 pm

Sojourner wrote:New avatar pic, cropped from the one I posted in the Studio. The very first avatar pic I submitted was my baby picture, 'cuz it still looked just like me. Chubby cheeks. Then the Silver Fox said I needed an adult pic, so I posted the one with my eyes crossed and tongue sticking out. LOL. But, now..........uhmmm.............clavicles rock! ;)

Your new avatar (and updated picture) is scrumptiously gorgeous!
No wonder your DH is amazed and delighted with the emerging skinny YOU!
Wish Robin would listen to Silver Fox like you do.
If I will my 'skinny stick' to you maybe you could persuade her to put up an avatar pic.
She's knock-em-dead beautiful, and needs to be seen and not just heard!

So excited for you and your clavicles, SOJI!

Lizabette :heart:
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Postby DogMa » October 9th, 2006, 6:47 pm

Heh. Nice try, Lizabette. Have I never mentioned how stubborn I am?

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Postby Lizabette » October 9th, 2006, 7:33 pm

DogMa wrote:Heh. Nice try, Lizabette. Have I never mentioned how stubborn I am?

No, my dear, but you didn't need to!

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Postby Sojourner » October 9th, 2006, 9:24 pm

DogMa wrote:Very nice avatar. You're so pretty!!!

No, YOU are!!!
Lizabette is right, you're too pretty not to have an avatar pic. You need to just trust us on this; would we steer you wrong? Besides, it would be a good step in your cognitive restructuring efforts, don'tcha think? Aw, c'mon--just bite the bullet and do it!!!

P.S. Now that I've shamelessly berated you: Thanks for the compliments!

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Postby Sojourner » October 9th, 2006, 9:33 pm

Lizabette, I was so busy harping on Robin that
I forgot to thank you for your kind words!
You're such a sweetie!!

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Postby Sojourner » October 11th, 2006, 3:02 pm

School, school, and more school. Nothing much else is new. I don't have any classes today though, so it's errands, homework, errands, homework, and then more errands, LOL. Pretty sad when the drudgery of errands is such a nice break! Ah, well, such is my life. Beats the hell out of working!!


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Postby Sojourner » October 13th, 2006, 2:25 pm


#1: I'm finally seeing some scale movement again, yay!!

#2: So, I was folding laundry this morning--skinny DH's new jeans I'd just bought--34/32 Levis. Oh, what the heck, I put them on. Even brand new and fresh out of the dryer, they are too big!!! Not falling-down-big, but too-saggy-baggy-to-wear big. Woohoo!!

#3: Kinda' related to #2...I officially weigh less than my DH--by about 5 lbs. Double Woohoo!!

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