Sojourner wrote:Biki ~ I always envy you your unstructured schedule and would likely fill the bulk of my day with reading. It never gets old for me. It's funny how each person's experiences determine the way they relate to a book, huh? Or anything, really. I also read Dry, and while it was sobering (hehe), it was not frightening to me. The part in A Million Little Pieces where he's at the dentist? Now, THAT was frightening. I actually had to put the book down several times to get through that section. Whew!
bikipatra wrote:See, the dentist scene wasn't frightening to me because before he even went on Oprah I knew that was BS.
CaribGirl wrote:I have, however, read Victur Hugo's Les Miserable, in French!
Sojourner wrote:bikipatra wrote:See, the dentist scene wasn't frightening to me because before he even went on Oprah I knew that was BS.
Well, yeah....I knew it wasn't true (or was, at the very least, grossly exaggerated) when I read it ~ but did you read where I talked about how I can really get into the story I'm reading? I don't normally believe in vampires, but Stephen King or Ann Rice can put me right there. Dental procedures with no meds were WAY easier to imagine than immortal blood-sucking creatures of the night.![]()
<img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""> VS. <img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""> = No Contest
Sojourner wrote:I couldn't have understood much of it. I read a lot of the "classics" at around that age (or even younger) and have since reread some of them, just to get an adult perspective on the story. Les Mis was one that I remembered quite differently before I reread it about 15 years ago. Not that I misinterpreted much, it was more about not "getting it." Y'know?
DogMa wrote:I remember reading a Dean Koontz book years ago, and having to tell myself out loud that I'm Jewish, I don't believe in Christ or an Anti-Christ, so I can't possibly let this book scare me so much. Ha.
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