by Lauren » May 24th, 2007, 6:57 am
Doesn't that sort of sum up Nora Roberts? Sorry to her fans as well?
The great books are truly worth the wait. And, yes, I agree on the Amy Tan front! Oh, and Caribgirl, LOVE Jodi Picoult's My Sister's Keeper (is that what it was called?). God that tortured me, that whole book was one big fat moral dilemma, and I just couldn't fathom being in that family. Oy. I am more of a girl, as opposed to amazon, I get the orders REALLY fast because they're based in NYC. I am psyched that you loved Memory Keeper's, CaribGirl, so I will invest my beach time this weekend to it (my friends and family will just have to deal with my silence!).
Biki, I can totally understand how Dry would speak to you, and I completely "get" your witness comments - because even though I don't share in that addiction, the writing was so honest, so gritty, it took you right there, and I felt like I was there, so I can see how it would speak to you.
Sojo, I of course ran out and got My Friend Leonard the moment it was published (I read all these before all the hoopla, so I was already a committed and loyal Frey fan before everyone started yapping about it). I actually didn't love My Friend Leonard quite as much, but yeah, the ending was a holy crapper!
The funny thing about books is that I become so totally immersed in the lives of the characters that if every great book could have endless sequels, I'd be the happiest person alive! When I was a young girl I was obsessed with VC Andrews (you know, Flowers in the Attic?), and this was AWESOME because her books were just one after another of sequels, and story lines where families extend, so you meet cousins with new issues, and then new generations. Anyway, it was hardly great literature, but it brought me SO MUCH JOY to finish a book being in love with the characters and their story, and then be able to pick up the next one and find out what happened to them! Obviously most book sequels, just like in movies, tend to not be particularly well-done, but it just really helped fill that sadness I would get when I would put down a book.
A few years ago I read "The Namesake" and just marveled at the beauty of the story, the characters, and how it truly brought me into the family. I remembered thinking, at the time, that I couldn't wait to read more from the author or have it be made into a movie. Well, lo and behold, the movie came out last month or so, and I was first in line at its first screening! To be fair, movies are almost never as good as the book (anyone read than see Running with Scissors, that movie did not do any justice to the book), but Namesake was a pretty great movie as well, and did a nice job capturing the family's saga. It wasn't as good as the book, but it was still well done.
The only movie that I would venture rivaled the book was The Outsiders. Could be because I LOVED Matt Dillon, but I thought they did a brilliant job giving us the visual that we already had imagined from the book.
Sorry, Sojo, I totally hijaked your whole damn thread! I can't help it, start me on books, I can't shut up!