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Postby ChynnaDoll » May 20th, 2007, 10:20 am

What'cha doing today miss thang?? miss "hot-mess" here is going to'a DANCE DANCE DANCE DANCE DANCE laaaat'er on :-P :-P'a get allllll duidddd'up:+) I'll try and have some snaphots!..see wha'cha done gonnnne and done??..EXSTINGUISHED my shyness! LMBO!

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Postby Sojourner » May 21st, 2007, 4:58 pm

Mike ~ I hope you enjoy your reading this summer. I definitely plan on enjoying mine.
I said this to Doc once when we were discussing this very topic,
but my pattern of reading makes me feel like a "binge" reader, lol.
Oh well, at least there are no calories involved!

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Postby Sojourner » May 21st, 2007, 5:00 pm

Tawanda wrote:Congrats on the induction invite Sojo!!! Now I 'know' a celebrity! :D

I'm so glad you are back to posting with us....I missed you!

Thank you very much, Ms. T!
I'm glad to be back posting too,
even though I really should be studying for finals...
after next week, I'll be here so much y'all will be SICK of me!

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Postby Sojourner » May 21st, 2007, 5:06 pm

ChynnaDoll wrote:What'cha doing today miss thang?? miss "hot-mess" here is going to'a DANCE DANCE DANCE DANCE DANCE laaaat'er on :-P :-P'a get allllll duidddd'up:+) I'll try and have some snaphots!..see wha'cha done gonnnne and done??..EXSTINGUISHED my shyness! LMBO!


'Sup, Chynna?! So, did you bust a move at the dance?? I can't wait to see the pics! :D
You know, it's funny you should say that I played a part in overcoming your shyness...I've been accused of that very thing by several of my formerly shy and retiring friends! I'll say the same thing to you that I've said to's been IN you all the time, girl. You just had to let it out!!

People don't believe me when I tell them that, when I was a kid, I was painfully shy. Seriously. LIFE broke me out of it, and now...well, now.....
Heehee!! I don't think I even need to finish that sentence!!

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Postby ChynnaDoll » May 21st, 2007, 5:33 pm

But'cha NEVER did tell me what you did yesterday...LOL! Well you'll just hafta march on over to my journal and read everything and the dance.hehehehe!...i tried'ta BUST"A MOVE, but my feet were KILLLLLIN" me girl. I also left'ya a message about yo FINEEEEE husband can't you tell a BIG difference in EVERYTHING about me since you finally drugggggg me out'a hiding?..LOL!

NO WAY! shy?...hard to believe, but possible!

Got'a go watch "24" now..i've missed the first 15 minutes already!..ttyl!|

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Postby SuzyQ66 » May 21st, 2007, 5:53 pm

Hey Sojo - glad to hear that the school year is winding down for you. Congrats on being invited into that honor society - you should be very proud of yourself.

Sorry about being behind in looking at journals - trying to catch up - but still not back on program. I go back to the doc tomorrow. Hopefully things will start to settle down.

You had asked if I am in the field of criminal justice - no. I could go into investigations where I work if I wanted to but that involved a lot of traveling around the world and I would miss my children too much. Two are too little for that right now.

I work in ethics and compliance at the company I work for and we assist people in interpreting our policies and procedures and how to apply them to their everyday situations. It's really a legal arena and I am a paralegal by trade (went to school for that too years ago). However, people also assume people who work in ethics are cops...LOL!!

You love to read to? So do I. I have not been able to get into the swing of it because of the kids and what not - but when my hubby and me when to San Fran for four days - I read two books. It was heavenly. Maybe this summer I can get back into the groove.
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Postby Sojourner » May 22nd, 2007, 12:05 pm

ChynnaDoll wrote:But'cha NEVER did tell me what you did yesterday...LOL!

You just wanna' know if the handcuffs made
an appearance this weekend, you naughty thang!
Well.....never you mind about that, but thanks for the kind words in your journal. :hug:
Sounds like we did get us two good'uns! :D

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby Sojourner » May 22nd, 2007, 12:20 pm

SuzyQ66 wrote:Congrats on being invited into that honor society - you should be very proud of yourself.

Thanks, Suzy! I am very proud of myself...not that I'm oh-so-smart or anything, 'cause I think that anyone can do as well as I have with the same amount of effort. That's what I'm proud of ~ the effort expended, and the discipline it took to expend said effort! I think that says a lot about a person, and I believe that this is what the honor society is honoring. 8)

Your job sounds interesting...the legal stuff always fascinates me!
I hope your doc appointment goes well today! You sure have been put through the wringer, huh?

And, yes ~ I love, love, love to read. In fact, reading was my First Love! My childhood was not particularly rosy, and reading took me away from all the turmoil. It was my escape then, and though I don't need to escape now, reading is something that brings me great pleasure ~ more than just the story itself brings. Just the smell of the book binding is soothing to me. It's kinda' difficult to explain. ;) I guess it's like comfort eating for some...but, as I said to Mike, with no calories! So, that's good!

<img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src="">

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Postby BiggerInTexas » May 23rd, 2007, 8:06 am

That's so funny - I LOVE the smell of books, too. Walking into a bookstore or a library smells so good. Dad started reading to us when we were just kids, and we all grew up loving to read! What are your favorites?
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Postby Serendipity » May 23rd, 2007, 9:19 am

Confession time: I love the feel of books. In fact, I've been known to buy a book just because I like the way it looks and feels.

My MIL was a librarian and avid reader. After her stroke, reading was really her only enjoyment. Her eyesight failed over time and we did all sorts of things to help her continue her reading. (thank you ebay for large print books!) When it got to be impossible for her to read, we offered to get her books on tape and one of those little computer books that you can download books onto....they are back lit. Long story short, she rejected anything that wasn't a book sitting in her lap with pages to feel and turn. She went from reading 2 books/week in better days to just holding a book and turning the page from time to time in her last days.

She always said "As long as I have a book and eyes to read, I'll have a reason to live."
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Postby DogMa » May 23rd, 2007, 9:31 am

Oh, you guys. I, too, am a huge book lover. But as much as I like holding them and smelling them and owning them and all that? E-books are my new favorite. Yes, it's not quite the same to curl up with my pocket PC. But I also now ALWAYS have a selection of books with me wherever I go.

The other day I got stuck in line at the post office for almost an hour. But it didn't even bother me, because I just pulled out my PPC and started reading. Then I had to wait at the vet's office one morning. No big deal - just started reading my "book."

I'll still always love going into bookstores and prowling around, and not EVERYthing I want to read is available for download yet. But the whole idea is definitely growing on me. Because as much as I love books, I love reading them even more.

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Postby katieb920 » May 23rd, 2007, 11:10 am

I have to say the only books that I like reading are those Romance Novels :lol: I have tried reading other books I just fall a sleep. I just wait until it comes out in the movies. (i know pretty lame)
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Postby bikipatra » May 23rd, 2007, 11:27 am

Reading has always been my refuge. I was in one hospital that only had copies of Oprah's magazine and Arthritis Today and I read all of them. Anything to stay out of my head and ignore the crazy people.
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Postby DogMa » May 23rd, 2007, 12:01 pm

I'll read anything, too, Biki. Whatever's available. If there's a cereal box on the table, I'll read THAT.

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Postby Sojourner » May 23rd, 2007, 1:32 pm

DogMa wrote:I'll read anything, too, Biki. Whatever's available. If there's a cereal box on the table, I'll read THAT.

OMG, cereal boxes are where I learned to spell...sounding out the big names of all the preservatives! Yeah, I'll read pretty much anything (well, not romance novels ~ sorry Katie!). When I was a kid I'd spend most Sunday afternoons with my grandparents. Well, they were in their sixties when I was born, so they took naps in the afternoon. I was bored and had read everything in their bookshelf (like Oral Robert's autobiography!), so I took to reading the dictionary and their ancient set of encyclopedias. I don't know why I never just took my own books, but I didn't...

Stacey ~ I've read thousands of books over the course of my lifetime, I don't know how to choose a favorite! Some that leap to mind are: The Godfather, The World According to Garp, She's Come Undone, East of Eden, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, El amor el los tiempos del colera (Love in the Time of Cholera...and yes, I read it in Spanish!), A Prayer for Owen Meany, Me Talk Pretty Some Day, The Color Purple, Breathing Lessons, Les Miserable, The Sound and the Fury, The Stand, Running With Scissors, name a few.

Anything by David Sedaris or Augusten Burroughs - they are laugh-out-loud, snortingly funny! Pretty much anything by Mario Puzo, Stephen King, John Irving, Patricia Cornwell, Maya Angelou, Jonathan Kellerman, Wally Lamb, Ann Tyler.........or Captain Crunch, in a pinch!!!


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